
Study maths abroad

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Education information

Why do you need a math education abroad? Mathematics is the main cog in the mechanism of technological progress. Is it possible to imagine an economy without numbers? Or accounting? Astronomy, physics or chemistry? Nonsense! At the heart of all technical sciences is ancient mathematics: already in the days of the "wild" Paleolithic 2 million 588 (!) thousand years ago, people used the account. Being a mathematician now means almost owning the world, because most sciences, including economic and financial sciences, are based on mathematics. This is an interesting, practical and, of course, profitable profession.

Mathematics is divided into two main types:

  1. Applied
  2. Total.

1. According to the simplified formulation of the specialty of applied mathematics - a business that brings practical benefits in the form of materials, programs, schemes, etc. 

  • Mathematical Physics
  • Computer games
  • Programming
  • Cryptographic business
  • Biomathematics, etc.

2. General (theoretical or fundamental mathematics) is the basis for any of the applied specialties. Having received a higher education in the field of mathematics, you can choose a narrow specialization or stay in theoretical science. Among the subjects of general mathematics:

  • Statistics
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Higher mathematics, etc.

All foreigners, including Russians, can get a better mathematical education abroad . Depending on the plans for a further career (in his country or in the country where he is studying), the applicant can choose a suitable program from an extensive list of options for higher mathematical education.

Training in the mathematical direction can be completed:

  • In secondary or specialized schools
  • Colleges
  • Universities.

Where to get elementary mathematics education in high schools abroad?

Programs with a physical and mathematical focus are offered by high schools and colleges in some European countries. For example, in Switzerland this subject is compulsory, and from grade 7 - advanced for capable students. Such programs significantly increase the chances of entering universities with mathematical faculties. In the UK, there are two famous special schools with a focus on mathematics for adolescents aged 16-19:

University Preparation at Exeter College for foreign students

The college at the university offers intensive, in-depth preparation for admission to the university - one-year Foundation course. The results of the graduates of Exeter College are impressive: according to statistics, the first stage exam upon admission to the AS Level university successfully passes 100% (97% of them with the highest score), GCSE - 75.5%, 15-17% receive a personal invitation to study at Cambridge and Oxford. Studying at the school is free for local candidates, for those who live far away or foreigners pay £ 3480 / semester. Living conditions - half board or board. Upon admission, entrance exams are taken:

  • English
  • Maths.

The curriculum includes an in-depth study of several disciplines:

  • Maths
  • Higher mathematics
  • Physics
  • One additional subject to choose from - for example, chemistry or biology.

Maths at King's College London

Studying at King's College is considered one of the most prestigious in the world. The brilliant results of graduates make it easy to enter the university, easily adapt to higher-level mathematical programs. Among the conditions for admission: age (16-19 years - those who are preparing to enter universities). The school has 4 training areas for the A-level program:

  • maths
  • physics
  • computer science
  • economy.

Where do foreign studnets get a higher mathematical education abroad?

To get a high-quality mathematical education - an ideal beginning of a successful career, that gives more chances of a profitable employment, a base for in-depth knowledge and narrow specialties. Different levels of math education can be obtained at:

Universities offer both graduate and undergraduate and doctoral programs. Applicants with diplomas of a secondary school of international level A-level, High School, IB are welcomed. 

Universities offer higher mathematical education:

  • the UK (elite level of education)
  • New Zealand (lower tuition)
  • Australia (reasonable cost of programs, an opportunity to enjoy the tropical climate).

The best universities of these countries are featured annually in the rankings of the best in higher mathematics education. Foreign students also study general and applied mathematics in Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Italy.

Mathematical Education at University of Exeter

At the University, located near London in Devonshire, you can get mathematical specialties of the international level at the faculty "College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences." The cost of studying is 18,000 £ / year. For admission, you must have diplomas (depending on the chosen course):

During studying, it is possible to independently choose a place of residence, as well as in a university campus.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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