
Study in Hastings 2024

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10 18 36 72
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10 18 36 72

Education information

Mr Steven Allen
Fyling Hall School Principal

Why do parents value primary and secondary schools in the UK so much?

Again, these are our traditions and values. British boarding schools pride themselves on helping to develop a broad, balanced set of skills and interests in their students. We understand that education is real! – should go beyond academic programs and teaching aids: children come to school to learn not only about quadratic equations, but also about life in general. We firmly adhere to traditional values - good manners, honesty, mutual respect. One of our founder's students put it very well: "This is the kind of education that matters, that teaches us to live with each other and respect each other."


General statistics on education in Hastings

General information about Hastings

Country United Kingdom
Region England
Region 2 East Sussex
Region 3 Hastings District
Population 89,100

Coordinates of Hastings

Time Zone Europe/London
DST +1
Latitude 50.855190000
Longitude 0.572920000
Elevation (STRM3) 29 m.

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Jake Wilson
Russia, the CIS and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College

Jake is the CIS, Russia and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College. He obtained a Bachelor of Development Economics and Management and MBA degrees with honours. Jake has been working in secondary education for more than 24 years: in academic field and in management and admissions committee. Jake believes that children needs to have great academic freedom - they can explore, question the facts that they are studying, thereby developing independent, analytical, inquisitive thinking.

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