
Study in Canada. 346 best institutions in Canada

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Education information

Studying in Canada is really popular among foreign students as it provides the best programs and courses that meet the highest educational standards. Studying in Canada is carefully checked by the Ministry of Education of the country. A distinctive feature of education in Canada is the absence of a unified system: each region (province) has the right to pursue a policy independently, with all educational institutions (state and private schoolsuniversities and colleges) are subject to mandatory accreditation. Choosing any region for studying in Canada, international students can be sure of the quality and balance of educational programs.

Education in Canada is popular due to several points:

  • It is an opportunity to learn and improve two languages: French and English;

  • There are many prestigious and elite institutions where students get education of top quality. Studying there opens the doors of the world's top labor market;

  • The diploma is quoted in America and in many European countries;

  • The quality of teaching is very high, and at the same time the cost of studying is very attractive. 

Introduction to Education in Canada

Canada offers a robust education system that's recognized globally for its excellence. Funded by the state, students are required to attend classes until the age of 15, ensuring everyone has access to quality education. If you're considering a study abroad in Canada, here's what you need to know:

What do you get in best Canadian Schools

To provide a high-quality education, the best schools in Canada are equipped with:

  • State-of-the-art laboratories

  • Contemporary classrooms

  • Sports facilities including grounds and halls

  • Access to the internet

  • Cutting-edge computer software.


School system in Canada: from kindergarten to high school

Starting around the ages of 6-7, students begin their intensive schooling journey. The exact age might slightly differ based on the rules set by individual Canadian provinces. By 12, students typically conclude their elementary education.

For those aiming to transition smoothly into the school regime, Canada offers exemplary preschool education. In fact, children as young as four can enroll in kindergartens. Following kindergarten, students progress to primary school.

Based on Canada's educational legislation, schooling is segmented into three distinct phases:

  • Primary School: Grades 1-5

  • Secondary School: Grades 6-8

  • Senior School: Grades 9-12.

It's noteworthy that the secondary education system in Canada closely mirrors the American model. A whopping 95% of students attend public schools, while the rest, who have the means, opt for private institutions.

Anna Parkhomenko
Ridley College Admission Manager

What criteria are used to compile ratings - and to what extent can these ratings be trusted today?

The authorities and commissions do not assess Canadian boarding schools - there are simply no universal criteria: each has its own approach, specialization (for example, in sports or additional training courses).


Why international students choose Canada

Canadian schools boast a diverse curriculum, ensuring each student's academic needs are catered to. The classrooms, typically smaller in size, allow educators to adopt a more individualized approach to teaching. Additionally, when you study in Canada, you're exposed to top-tier materials and a state-of-the-art technical foundation.

One of the significant appeals to study abroad in Canada is the bilingual education system. Students have the choice to study in either English or French. While the general duration for schooling is 12 years, in French-speaking regions like Quebec and Ontario, it extends to 13 years. In private schools, the academic journey culminates with examinations. However, unlike many countries, Canada doesn't adhere to a uniform examination protocol. Instead, evaluations range from tests and analytical assignments to essays.

Higher Education in Canada

Transitioning to higher education, colleges in Canada present international students with opportunities to gain specialized knowledge in specific domains. If you're leaning towards university education, the progression typically leads to a Bachelor's degree, followed by a Master's, and potentially a PhD. Modeled after the American system, the programs offered by Canadian colleges and universities are renowned worldwide. Generally, acquiring higher education in Canada spans 3-5 years.

What do you need to know about Canadian Education System

In Canada, until the age of 15, students must attend classes. These educational programs are fully funded by the state, ensuring access to high-quality education for all. Some key features of top schools in Canada include:

  • Modern laboratories

  • Contemporary classrooms

  • Sports grounds and halls

  • Comprehensive internet access

  • Cutting-edge computer software

Canada's secondary education system bears similarities to its American counterpart. A vast majority (about 95%) of students attend public institutions, with the remainder opting for private institutions. These institutions provide an array of academic disciplines in small class settings, ensuring individualized attention.

Top Reasons to Study in Canada

One major attraction to study abroad in Canada is the bilingual nature of the education system. Students can study in both English and French. The curriculum lasts 12 years, except in French-speaking Quebec and Ontario, where it extends to 13 years.

Regarding tertiary education, colleges in Canada offer specialized programs, while universities typically offer Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD degrees, mirroring the American educational structure. Generally, higher education in Canada spans 3-5 years.

  • Technological and Scientific Progress: Canada's universities and schools are at the forefront of innovation and infrastructure.

  • Cost-Effective Quality Education: The cost of study in Canada, including study in Canada fees, is relatively lower than in many European countries and the USA.

  • Diverse and Welcoming Environment: In multicultural Canada, diverse accents enrich rather than isolate.

  • Holistic Development: Emphasis is placed on sports, extracurriculars, and overall development.

  • Flexible Study Duration: University students can reduce their study period with strategic use of their vacation time.

  • Post-Study Opportunities: After graduation, students can legally work in Canada for 2-3 years.

Academic System in Canada

Canada employs a five-point grading system:

  • A - Excellent

  • F - Fail

  • C - Average

These grades can also be represented as percentages, with anything below 50% being unsatisfactory.

Benefits of Education in Canada

When you choose to study in Canada, you're opting for an enriched educational experience. With its high standard of living and vibrant cultural scene, international students are guaranteed both an educational and life experience. The country boasts top-tier institutions equipped with the latest technology, expert educators, and an encouraging learning environment.

The cost of study in Canada can vary based on several factors including the institution, course, and city of residence. Furthermore, for those looking to make Canada their academic home, understanding how to apply for a study permit in Canada is crucial. Prospective students should also research the best programs to study in Canada to make an informed choice about their academic future.

Cost of Study in Canada: The cost of studying in Canada is competitive, especially when compared to countries like the USA or the UK. Annual fees can start as low as 10,000 Canadian dollars.

Colleges in Canada for International Students

Elite Canadian colleges offer specialized programs in areas like:

  • Technical studies

  • Military training

  • Arts

Some popular colleges for both local and international students include:

  • George Brown College

  • Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology

  • Humber College

  • Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology

  • Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

  • Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology

How to get Higher Education in Universities in Canada

Canada stands second only to the USA in terms of higher education quality. The nation houses approximately 260 distinguished universities attended by nearly 1.9 million students annually, including 200,000 international students. Universities in Canada are a mix of private and public institutions, governed primarily at the provincial rather than the national level.

Key Highlights of Higher Education in Canada

  • Possibility of pursuing advanced degrees like Master's and Doctorate.

  • Emphasis on scientific research.

  • A variety of disciplines and research opportunities.

Medical and Law Studies in Canada: Medical education in Canada can be extensive. Aspiring doctors might spend 4 years at a university, followed by 4 years in medical school and then a 3-5 year internship. As for law, a student needs a high GPA, successful LSAT results, and a TOEFL certification if they're a foreign student. This journey is known for its prestige and exclusivity.

How to get a degree in Canada as an international student

Canadian university graduates can obtain various degrees, each signifying a different level of expertise:

  • Certificates: Offered post-secondary or post-graduate, representing foundational professional skills.

  • Diplomas: Span up to three years, providing intermediate professional knowledge.

  • Bachelor's Degrees: Usually four-year programs that constitute a complete higher education.

For those pursuing postgraduate education, Master's and Doctoral programs await after obtaining a Bachelor's degree. Typically, Master's and PhD programs together can last from 5 to 7 years.

In conclusion, if you're considering where to pursue your studies, the Canadian education system offers a plethora of opportunities. With its combination of quality, affordability, and diversity, studying in Canada is an investment in your future.

What are the benefits of education in Canada?

What documents are required for enrollment?

Can I work while studying in Canada?

What study programs are available for international students in Canada?

What are the job prospects for international students after completing their studies in Canada?

Cost of tuition for international students in Canada

Is there an opportunity to study in French in Canada?

What are the features of cultural adaptation for international students in Canada?

What are the visa and work permit requirements for the spouse and children of an international student?

Can I extend my authorization to work and stay in Canada after I finish my PGWP?

General educational statistics in Canada

Students Accommodation Options in Canada

Accomondation Meals Number of people per room Cost per week/min Cost per week/max
Homestay full Board or half Board 1-2 180 USD 345 USD
School residence full Board 1-2 270 USD 675 USD
Appartment without meals 1-3 450 USD 750 USD
Hotel with/out meals 1-2 45 USD/day 390 USD/day

Foundation - General statistics

Country Min cost Max cost Accommodation per year
UK 15,000 USD 35,000 USD ~ 14,750 USD
Ireland 12,000 USD 30,000 USD ~ 12,000 USD
USA 25,000 USD 45,000 USD ~ 14,500 USD
Canada 15,000 USD 35,000 USD ~ 12,000 USD
Australia 15,000 USD 25,000 USD ~ 13,500 USD
Germany 2000 USD 25,000 USD ~ 10,400 USD
Zakiya Afrose
BA English
I am 13 years old want to study abroad what should I do? I want to prepare for a good University I think you are helping?
Good afternoon, Sonya, you need to know English well to study abroad. Therefore, at the moment you can go to children's language programs to improve your knowledge. And then you can go to one of the Canadian schools and study with children from Canada and around the world.
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Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

Sam is the Regional Director of Student Admissions at INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia). Sam has nearly 20 years' experience in international education. Also, he has experience in student recruitment for institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and is a qualified EFL teacher with many years of experience teaching abroad. He understands the challenges faced by international students and is aware of all these difficulties and have vast experience in helping foreign students.

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