2022-04-01 01:57:52

Why is it necessary to enter the universities of the Ivy League in the post-pandemic era?

Why is it necessary to enter the universities of the Ivy League in the post-pandemic era?

Not so long ago, a rating of the best higher education institutions in the United States was published, where the highest positions were traditionally occupied by North American educational institutions. Despite our turbulent times, these high schools are worthy of your attention even today.

Today we will tell you why it is worth going there even now.

Despite the fact that in the current conditions it seems that higher education is nothing more than an air castle among the clouds, that you can do with domestic education, or even use video courses, this is not so. A diploma from an excellent university (and the Ivy League, which we will talk about today, is among the best of the best) is valued like the shares of gold mining companies.

At their core, they are closed clubs with elite access. Higher education institutions that are part of the League have always been hunting for gifted applicants who will bring prosperity and glory to their potential alma mater. Is it any wonder that the most talented and promising young people from all over the world are recruited there? At the output, they receive very valuable diplomas, as well as useful acquaintances, the term of which will be completely unlimited, which cannot be obtained through Internet platforms.

All eight institutions that are part of the League have an excellent reputation and give access to unlimited opportunities. It is only important to make the right choice and measure desires with opportunities, because even the tuition fee does not cancel the high average scores at school or the results of the SAT entrance exams (unlike domestic certificates, they can be taken as many times as you like, adjusting the result to your needs).

Got? Choose. Much depends on the needs of the applicant. Geographical location is also important. But the biggest challenges are with admission.

Choice made

The key to a successful admission is the academic achievements of your boyfriend or girlfriend. But usually the admission committee is not limited to simple marks - they are looking for versatile and educated candidates who have direct motivation and have an outstanding mind and high intelligence. The proposal is mutually beneficial – it is not only about what the university gives to students, but also about what benefits and honors the future student will be able to bring to his alma mater.

It's not necessarily about the academic sphere; talented poets, musicians, young writers, theatergoers or athletes will also be in the price. But the needs for "physicists" and "lyricists" also vary depending on the educational institution. Somewhere athletes and musicians will be valuable, and somewhere they will prefer drummers to study.

Low start

You should start preparing in advance - three or four years in advance, you can and more. Learn to play a musical instrument, click on sports achievements or engage in the implementation of volunteer projects - any decision will be correct and useful in this situation. No less useful will also be an internship in summer schools or courses. Any uni will appreciate the "cooks" and will give them preferences; this is a kind of test for the truth of intentions to study within the walls of an educational institution.

Storm and onslaught and all that. Moreover, this is an opportunity to get acquainted in advance with the professorship, a meeting with which will await the applicant after a few years at lecture classes, as well as with first-year students, thanks to which your immature will have the opportunity to learn firsthand about all the features of student life on the campus of the selected educational institution.

It is best to enter summer schools – or rather, to take courses in them – from fifteen years old, a few courses taken is better than one.

Specialist help

Is it really necessary to resort to the help of experts if you intend to enroll in a foreign educational institution and have chosen one of the Ivy League universities for this? Strictly speaking, not necessarily.

But a professional agent will allow you to take into account more details and conventions – although, of course, he will ask for money for his services. Therefore, if you intend to receive blood from the nose this year, it is better to consult a specialist. If you are not in a hurry and prefer to save a hundred or two - you can do it on your own. Or at least try.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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