2021-03-25 00:01:47

What you need to know to apply for an international Master's program?

There are many reasons why study abroad programs are becoming increasingly popular. For students, attractiveness lies in the combination of obtaining a high-quality education, immersion in a new culture (with the study of a foreign language), acquiring a global mindset and expanding future employment prospects.

The prospect of leaving home and heading into the unknown is daunting, but studying abroad is an exciting challenge, often leading to better career prospects and an understanding of the world. The experience gained while staying abroad will vary greatly depending on the destination of travel: choose a place of study based on personal interests, the academic reputation of the country and other factors that support work and leisure in the country of study.

What points should you look out for when applying for a Master's Degree abroad?

The post aims to answer basic questions. Below is a checklist for admission to a foreign master's program - in the order in which you need them.

Recognition of your existing qualifications

Postgraduate programs (graduate or postgraduate) require students to have a bachelor's degree in a relevant subject. It does not have to be the same subject, but it will form the basis of your future curriculum.

The first step towards a master's degree in quantum physics or particle physics will be a bachelor's degree in physics, not jurisprudence.

After confirming the degree and its authenticity, you should make sure that the university of the other country - the one where you intend to study - recognizes diplomas issued by the national ministry of education (or that they accept diplomas as equivalent to those issued by local educational institutions).

Universities that recruit many international students have procedures for checking foreign diplomas. There are national and regional systems of assistance in case of difficulties (the system in the UK and Europe is called ENIC-NARIC).

Desire and enthusiasm

You are not alone: universities receive many requests from international students, especially in popular areas with the possible receipt of discounts and scholarships (we will dwell on this below). You need to make sure that you are able to successfully compete with them.

  • Take some time and prepare a motivation letter. Do not borrow other people's sections, write yourself! Check your mistakes carefully, focus on the reasons for choosing this course, university, country.
  • Prepare in advance - check documents, design, links. Be prepared to demonstrate independence, efficiency, and self-sufficiency.
  • Prepare letters of recommendation. "Guarantors" are half the battle in studying abroad.
  • Communicate clearly and concisely. There is nothing wrong with contacting a university and asking questions about your application, as long as you are honest and correct with them.

The steps will help show admissions officers that the intention to move overseas to study their course is serious and deliberate.

Language skills

A test score is not required to prove language proficiency. If you are studying abroad in a known language (and may have already studied), you most likely will not need to take a language test. Find out early if there is a need. However, the university will need to prove your language ability before they can accept you: it is a matter of expediency, rationalism, rule-following and prestige.

Financing plans

The cost of studying abroad varies widely. Some countries charge a modest fee for graduate school, Great Britain or Switzerland fights fabulous money. In any case, the university may want to verify your ability to pay before it offers you a place. There is a high probability that they will ask about this already at the time of application.

The full amount will not be asked right away. But it is necessary to show that you know in which direction to move (another chance to demonstrate dedication and similar qualities). You cannot rely on funding from the university - many have scholarships, but there is fierce competition for them, and you should not openly show your views on it if you want a serious relationship.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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