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2024-03-20 13:01:28

What Things In Different Countries Surprise Even Experienced Travelers

What Things In Different Countries Surprise Even Experienced Travelers

Those who have traveled 5-10 times mistakenly begin to believe that nothing can surprise them: traditions have been studied, excursions have been visited, drinks and dishes have been tasted, souvenirs for relatives have been bought... However, our world is so vast, and each country is so unique, that even a sophisticated tourist will always be able to discover something new – the main thing is to know what and where to look!



In Ghana, the concept of age and birthdays is very different from the usual ideas of Europeans: many residents, especially in villages, do not know the exact date of their birth and determine their age offhand. This leads to situations where people can specify any age for employment. Time in Ghana is also very flexible: if a local says that he is already on the road, it may mean that he has not even left the house yet.


In Kenya, public transport is a real work of art with vibrant graffiti and powerful music systems. Public transport drivers are known for their daring driving style: they strive to get passengers to their destination as quickly as possible, even if their path lies through traffic. And in the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, it is considered normal to be late for work due to the fact that the road is blocked by wild animals - the bosses do not fine for this.


In Nigeria, frequent power outages have long been commonplace, and locals are used to going about their business even when there is no electricity. Most drinking water in Nigeria is sold in small plastic bags at a very low cost.


In India, there is a unique ritual: if a girl is born under the "unfavorable" influence of Mars, she must enter into a symbolic marriage with a dog or a tree - this tradition protects the "bride" from evil spirits. 

On the streets of the country, you can find informal dental offices that serve people who do not have access to certified doctors. In India, tourists can visit the Visa Balaji temple, where believers pray for a visa (!), and leave model airplanes as an offering. On the territory of this vast country, the practice of hanging chili peppers and lemons on the door is widespread: this is how the locals scare away evil spirits and attract good luck.

Czech Republic and Slovakia

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, there is an Easter tradition: young men symbolically beat girls with intertwined tree branches, and the girls pour water on them in response. This custom evokes different reactions in society, but locals perceive it as a good tradition since the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


Croatia is famous for its unique relationship with coffee: locals can spend hours enjoying a cup of the invigorating beverage.

There are also many unusual museums in the country, including the "Land of Frogs", which presents a unique collection of stuffed frogs created by a Hungarian taxidermist in the early 20th century.


In Belgium, it is indecent to boast about the value of things, especially in small towns, because of the reluctance of locals to emphasize class differences.


In Moldova, there is a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages after 10 p.m., but wine is considered a food product (!), so it is available for purchase at any time.


The country is known for its love of bicycles, with more than 22.5 million bicycles for 17 million people, with many owning multiple types for different needs.

As insults to those who walk on the bike path, the locals use the names of diseases.


In Denmark, there is a funny tradition: unmarried people who are 25 years old are sprinkled with cinnamon, and by the age of 30, black pepper is used instead of cinnamon.


Small libraries are installed at bus stops in Israel: there are no deadlines for returning books and fines for delays — the system works on trust.

In addition, in Israel, it is perfectly normal to see five-year-olds crossing the street on their own or traveling by bus. Children, even young ones, often look after younger siblings while their parents work.


In Iran, there is a unique rule for offering and accepting gifts: if an Iranian offers a gift to a friend, one must first refuse until the offerer insistently asks to accept his offer. This applies to everything from food to money.

Iran is famous for its hospitality: tourists are often invited to dinner, asked to take photos together, or even offered to spend the night for free.


In local cafes and restaurants, you need to specify your preferences in roasting the steak, so that instead of medium rareness, they do not make a full one. It's a small thing, but nevertheless, many tourists complain.

In Greek culture, the church plays an important role in one's personal life: if a Greek partner's partner does not attend church, it can cause rejection and misunderstanding in the family.


In Germany, there is a strict tradition of taking certain seats at the table: each guest has his own chair, and the hosts usually indicate where to sit.

Everyone knows the free attitude of Germans to nudity: nudist beaches are popular here, and in saunas it is customary to undress regardless of gender, many Germans do not hesitate to walk naked even at home or in the garden.


In Iceland, it is customary to say "good morning" and "good evening" to everyone you meet with warmth in your voice.

Icelanders like to have detailed discussions about the types of snow that fall.

It's normal for locals to leave children in strollers on the street to go to a shop or café because crime is almost non-existent on this small island.


In Turkey, it is customary to clean the house before receiving guests - this even applies to cleaning before the arrival of the cleaning service!

Among the locals, it is customary to step on the new shoes of friends - this is a kind of amulet against the evil eye. Amulets against the evil eye are widely used in the country, which are considered an important part of the culture.


The French are famous for their greeting in the form of a double kiss on the cheek, even if the acquaintance has just happened - this can cause some inconvenience at meetings of large companies.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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