2018-07-30 11:56:46

Study in Switzerland after the 8, 9, 10, 11 grades

Study in Switzerland after the 8, 9, 10, 11 grades

Switzerland is known all over the world as one of the flagships of high-quality and prestigious education. Since the country is multilingual and multicultural, there are several areas (cantons) that differ significantly in their characteristics: there is a German-speaking, Italian-speaking, French-speaking canton, and English is widely spoken everywhere, the Swiss usually know it very well.

Education in Switzerland after 8-9 grades

In the program of the secondary school, which students finish in the 8-9th grade (the main compulsory course), there are certainly foreign language lessons: 1-2 It is studied without fail, and the rest are often chosen as electives. After graduation from the 8th to 9th grade (at the age of 14-15), many students of Swiss schools choose GCSE: if it is received after grade 8, the education lasts 2 years, if after year 9, the year is accordingly. The curriculum includes both compulsory subjects (foreign language, mathematics, natural sciences) and elective disciplines: at the beginning of the year each student determines for himself 3-5 priority directions for which examinations are taken at the end of the course. The certificate of GCSE testifies to the receipt of quality secondary education and is highly quoted in the world, especially in Great Britain.

In the Italian-speaking cantons, students can receive the Italian matriculation certificate Esame di Stato after the completion of the 10th grade (from age 16). Students who choose this program determine for themselves a priority direction - humanitarian (Maturità Linguistica) or exact (Maturità Scientifica) sciences.

Study in Switzerland after 10 grade

Pass the IB course in Switzerland after the end of the 10th grade, after reaching the age of 16. The IB course is designed for 2 years; Also there is a one-year preparatory program Pre-IB, which will help to deepen and actualize your knowledge and significantly improve the language level. The IB certificate is widely recognized all over the world and is accepted by almost all world universities.

Study in Switzerland after 11 grade

The Swiss matriculation certificate is Schweizer Maturität: this program can be attended by students after the end of grade 11 (at the age of 16), it is calculated for 2 years. Schweizer Maturität is recognized by all higher schools and universities of the country, since the certificate attests to a high level of knowledge, excellent language and academic preparation.

Graduates of the senior school (after grade 11, at 17) can choose the preparatory program Foundation - it is designed for one year and has the goal of qualitatively, efficiently and comprehensively prepare students for admission to the chosen university. But be careful: some top and prestigious universities in the world do not consider the Foundation program sufficient for admission, be sure to specify this fact in the university you have chosen.

Students who prefer to study in German and plan to enroll in universities in Austria or Germany often choose a program Das Deutsche Abitur (or simply Abitur). The program for obtaining the German matriculation certificate is designed for 2 years (12-13 grades, 16-18 years), until the end of grade 13 - this is the minimum period of completion. For successful completion of the course and the receipt of the certificate, you must pass 4 exams in compulsory subjects and several - optional.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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