2019-09-26 00:15:36

Vienna Opera: world famous art

There is not a single lover of theater and opera who would not dream of getting into the Vienna Opera: the building is more than 150 years old, and during its existence a huge number of events have passed - world fame, destruction during the Second World War, long restoration. When traveling around Austria, visit the Vienna Opera, at least in the form of a tour of the building - it will pleasantly surprise you with its rich finishes and elaborate interiors. To get to the show, you do not need a lot of money - this is a way to spend leisure time available to every tourist.

History of the Vienna Opera

  • In the middle of the 17th century, a court opera appeared in Vienna - performances were held in numerous theaters
  • In 1861, it was decided to create a separate building for the Vienna Opera
  • In May 1869, the project of the then-famous architects Zikardsburg and Null was built: the opening ceremony was attended by members of the imperial family and senior guests
  • Until 1918, the theater was called the “Court Opera House” and belonged to the Habsburgs
  • In 1920, the opera was unofficially called the state
  • In 1938, the theater was called the Vienna State Opera.

The Second World War destroyed thousands of outstanding architectural buildings, and the Vienna Opera House became one of them. In 1955, the building was restored according to the drawings, the opera started working again. On the day of the restoration of the building, Beethoven's work “Fidelio” was delivered, and on the same day they announced the restoration of the tradition of annual balls - all the girls of Austria and other countries dreamed of them. They dream of going to the ball at the Vienna Opera even now - this is an event with a special unique atmosphere that remains in memory for a lifetime.

Feature of Vienna Opera

Until 1986, the director of the opera and chief conductor was one person who became the most famous musicians of Austria and Europe: Weingartner, Schalk, Kraus, Strauss, Böhm, Karajan, Maazel. Since 1986, the posts have been divided, 60 productions are staged annually, and solo concerts are held. The theater has its own ballet troupe and orchestra.

It is no secret that children show little interest in classical art. The Vienna Opera organizes a number of programs that increase the interest of students in theater and opera: master classes and children's performances are held. For talented children, there is the opportunity to participate in a choir group and in children's performances, which are held on a separate and main stage. Children's performances for students differ from ordinary performances in duration (no more than 60 minutes), they are specially adapted for young visitors.

There is no special dress code for visiting the Vienna Opera: the main thing is not to come in beach dresses or in tracksuits. You can attend the performances in ordinary casual clothes, comfortable and tidy. The beautiful half of humanity often prefers beautiful dresses. A wardrobe is open in the building: you can rent outer clothing and, if necessary, street shoes, small wardrobes are also in the boxes. Before the start of the performance or at intermission, you can drink champagne in the buffet, eat refreshments.

Ticket price

Tickets for regular performances cost from 10 € to 240 €: the cheapest will allow you to hear well what is happening on the stage, but it is unlikely to see anything. Ticket sales open 60 days before the presentation. For maximum savings, you can buy standing places: they cost from 2 € to 4 € and begin to be sold 1.5 hours before the presentation - however, the queue at the box office should take 5-6 hours. Tickets for special events and premiere days are much more expensive.

Interesting Facts

  • The first opera in 1869 was the work of "Don Giovanni" by Mozart.
  • Remember: after the third call to the performance, no one is allowed in.
  • Seating capacity is 1709.
  • Vienna Opera is recognized as one of the most important world opera centers.


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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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