2020-08-21 12:24:46

Verona - the city of eternal romance

Verona - the city of eternal romance

Romantic atmosphere is inherent not only in Paris, but also in the Italian city of Verona. This place is saturated with medieval tenderness and love, high feelings and romance. Every year 3 million tourists come here to experience new feelings, confess them, find happiness and peace. What to see in the Italian city of love?

Juliet's house

The main romantic landmark of the city is Juliet's House. The love story of two young hearts, sung by William Shakespeare, is known to the whole world. It is believed that it was based on real events. The story of the Montague and Capulet families was physically embodied in Juliet's house, which was selected as accurately as possible in comparison with the descriptions of the house in Shakespeare's novel - this happened in 1907. After the release in 1936 of the film "Romeo and Juliet" directed by George Cukor, interest in the building increased significantly and it was decided to restore it, which lasted until 1997.

The main interest is the balcony and the courtyard, where the fateful declaration of love took place. In the yard you can:

  • Write a confession on a wall painted and painted with hearts and inscriptions of lovers
  • Take beautiful photos
  • Write a love letter and drop it in Juliet's mailbox
  • Attach a note to the arch of desires with the name of the beloved for whom you have unrequited feelings. There is a hope that after this ritual he will reciprocate.
  • Play a wedding dressed as Romeo and Juliet. Real!

In the courtyard there is a monument to Juliet, touching her chest with pure thoughts and a cherished desire, you can safely wait for its fulfillment. The city has not only the House of Juliet, but also the House of Romeo. However, the place is less romantic - there is a restaurant here.

Juliet's tomb

People from all over the world come to honor the memory of the girl who suffered for her bright feelings. This pilgrimage was especially popular in the 19th century. The authorities did not like this, and they barbarously dealt with the popular place - they turned the tomb into a vat for water.

Tourist "visits" to the tomb resumed only in 1936: the building was put in order, the remains of Juliet were returned, and a bust of Shakespeare was installed nearby. Of course, it is impossible to say for sure whose remains lie in the tomb in fact. However, fans of Shakespeare and his works are firmly convinced of the authenticity of Juliet's ashes.

Arena di Verona

The most spectacular interpretations of the story of Romeo and Juliet can be seen here - in the Arena di Verona, which is called the local La Scala. The amphitheater was built in the 30s of our era for gladiatorial fights and, later, circus battles. The building could accommodate 30 thousand enthusiastic spectators.

Today, opera performances are held here, which are watched by up to 60 thousand people. The building is famous for its special acoustics, which can be enjoyed like an ancient Roman - sitting on a stone platform, or like a modern person - on a velvet chair right next to the stage. The history of the amphitheater remembers many interesting things. For example, in 2012, Adriano Celentano gave a concert here, tickets for which were sold out 30 minutes after the start of sales throughout Italy.

Castelvecchio castle

What is romance without medieval castles ready to share their stories and legends, show secret corners and introduce ghosts? Castelvecchio Castle was built in the 8th century as a fortress, then - as the residence of the Scala family. Throughout its history, the building has managed to be a dungeon for criminals and prisoners, an arsenal and an artillery educational institution. Castelvecchio turned into a tourist site in the 19th century, since the 70s of the 20th century there has been a museum exposition of 30 rooms.

Giusti's garden

And, of course, you need to complete your romantic trip to Verona with a walk through the shady garden, laid down in the distant and beautiful 1580. Here you can:

  • Look at the statues, whimsically placed at different ends of the garden among cypresses
  • View the city from natural viewpoints on the hillside
  • Enjoy views of the dolphin fountain and red marble fountain, stone mascaron belvedere for spewing fire, antique statues
  • Wander through the labyrinth, which is associated with an interesting legend: if you get lost in it with your soul mate, and then find each other, you will have a long and happy family life.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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