2021-11-16 22:53:03

TOP-10 world's largest schools

TOP-10 world's largest schools

Recently, a school built with Gazprom's money was opened in St. Petersburg, which has already received the title of the most expensive in Russia. In our ranking it will not be, it is designed for a small number of students, while the participants of our rating can boast not only the thickness of the bundle of money for which everything was paid, but the length of the corridors, the length of bookshelves and the number of students for whom all this is created and functions.


Montessori School - Lucknow, India

The colossal building in the style of colonialism from the outside resembles a palace - both in appearance and in size. The giant school is designed for almost 50 thousand students and 2.5 thousand teachers. Listed in the Book of Records for 2000 as the largest on the planet. The record is still not broken.

Orestad Gymnasium – Copenhagen, Denmark

Externally, it is a huge cube of glass and steel, inside of which people-ants fuss. The project is carried out on an interbarrier principle, with a minimum of internal partitions in common areas. Even some classes are separated from one another only by bulkheads of glass. Interesting and unusual should be considered and teaching methods that give children maximum freedom.

Schloss Salem School – Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The colossal building, which contains this largest educational institution in the southern German lands, can easily be confused with the palace of the early Renaissance. But the crowds of schoolchildren who have chosen the surrounding fields and lawns betray the real state of affairs.

De Kleine kapitein School – Amsterdam, Netherlands

Not the largest in appearance school is built on modular technology, and as a building material used painted in bright colors containers for sea transshipment.

Currently, the nominal capacity is not more than two thousand students, but if necessary, it can be easily increased several times. You will not have time to blink, as the impervious Dutch will shut up the belt of the Indians.

ZILArt School - Moscow, Russia

It is located on the former territory of the Likhachev plant, where the aspirations of local residents still managed to build at least something in addition to shopping centers and residential high-rises. Of course, it is impossible to compare with the first place school in Lucknow, but in our country it is the largest educational institution under one roof.

Queen Ethelburga's College - York, United Kingdom

Æthelburga of Kent, also known as Tata, was an ancient ruler of Northumbria and one of the first Saxon saints. The school named after her, located in the northern part of the country, is not an ancient castle, but a modern stylization built in the early 20s of the XX century. Despite the impressive size, the number of students is relatively modest - no more than one and a half thousand people.

Terraset Elementary School — Reston, USA

This building, on the contrary, is very roomy, although you can not say from the look. The fact is that most of it is located in the basement and a system of underground corridors of impressive length.

Such a strange engineering solution is designed to save thermal energy. The thing is that the educational institution was built in the 70s, against the background of the energy crisis tormenting the West. Studying here is not very comfortable, but there is no rebound from the ubiquitous tourists.

International School - Abu Dhabi, UAE

Within the walls of this building, more than one and a half thousand students can study. Like most of the schools in this emirate, it is built on a grand scale and with the latest technology: the equipment of the physical and chemical laboratory could be the envy of American and European universities.

Charterhouse School — Godalming, United Kingdom

Unfamiliar with the specifics of this place, a passer-by will consider the building a private property, a residential house of a man of noble blood from Victorian England. In fact, it is a school that is considered one of the oldest and largest in the country. It was founded in the first third of the XVII century and looks as impressive as possible. Harry Potter would love it here.

Watershed School – Boulder, USA

The educational institution was in the collection not by chance, although it can not be called large. Strictly speaking, this building does not exist in principle - classrooms and classrooms are city squares, streets and parks, and geography with biology is taught on the forest edge. And no boundaries and conventions: only a wondrous and open to all winds world.

Read about education and schools in Switzerland...

Jake Wilson
Russia, the CIS and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College

What is important to consider when choosing a school, in addition to rankings and professionalism of teachers?

Location, student and extracurricular activities - clubs, communities. The type of education is joint or separate (only for boys or only for girls), of course. Religious affiliation (if or not, how clearly expressed), a unified policy, the presence of a curfew and a uniform.


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Jake Wilson
Russia, the CIS and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College

Jake is the CIS, Russia and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College. He obtained a Bachelor of Development Economics and Management and MBA degrees with honours. Jake has been working in secondary education for more than 24 years: in academic field and in management and admissions committee. Jake believes that children needs to have great academic freedom - they can explore, question the facts that they are studying, thereby developing independent, analytical, inquisitive thinking.

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