2022-08-03 17:25:45

The most common myths about the inhabitants of France

The most common myths about the inhabitants of France

French culture is one of the richest in the world, and the history of the country begins almost fifteen hundred years ago. The local culture has millions of fans around the world, and tourists dream of visiting this amazing country. Over time, many stereotypes and myths have formed around France and its inhabitants, which all travelers believe in.

Everyone dreams at least once in a lifetime to see the most romantic city in the world - Paris, where there is the legendary Eiffel Tower. Travelers are sure that local men always walk in elegant suits and are best versed in love affairs, women never sit on diets, but are always slim and prefer to wear clothes only from famous brands. These and other myths are popular among those who have not seen France with their own eyes, but have heard about it only from films about the romance of Paris and from novels.

Especially many myths have formed around local women. Among them there are truthful, but most of the stories about the inhabitants of France are either myths or exaggerations.

French women drink a lot of wine

Wines from France are of high value among lovers of these drinks around the world. Their cost is not as big as tourists think, so everyone is able to purchase a bottle of good wine, giving 2-7 euros for it. In comparison with America or Canada, this is an affordable price.

Wine in France is so inexpensive that some water sold in local supermarkets will cost more! That is why the French and French women prefer a glass of wine to water during lunch. If a tourist comes to visit the inhabitants of France, they will definitely offer him a glass or two of wine as an accompaniment to dinner.

The love of wine in France has acquired a national character, and if you offer a French woman a choice between a glass of wine or a pint of beer, she will definitely choose the first.

The French eat a lot of cheese

The second most popular product after wine in France is cheese. The country produces over two hundred varieties of cheese, and the dairy product is very popular with the French. In any grocery store or supermarket there is a whole huge department where only cheese is sold. In the diet of the French, cheeses occupy a separate significant place, and they can not imagine their day if they do not eat their favorite product.

French and French women are accustomed to cheese from childhood - even in kindergartens, kids will be given a few slices for lunch. In the children's food card, cheese is served 3-4 times a week. And the young French eat not one variety of cheese, but several: gouda, camembert, comte, brie, mimelette and others ... These varieties are considered delicacies in the rest of the world, served at expensive parties, and in France, children eat them for breakfast. When there are no cheese products in the children's menu, pupils are served yogurt.

French women do not like diets

Although beauty standards in recent years have become a relative and blurred concept, many girls from all over the world strive to have a slim figure, get rid of excess weight. Fashionistas from the USA, Great Britain and other countries where fashion matters, try to meet the "generally accepted" criteria for a beautiful appearance. There is a rumor among fashionistas that it is the French women who do not care about world trends and rules, they never sit on diets, even if they have gained unwanted weight.

However, the reality is different. Of course, French citizens are not so susceptible to global trends and the imposed need to lose weight in order to meet the criteria of beauty, as, for example, American women. However, French women also care about the health and beauty of their body, keeping themselves in shape. They prefer a constant, balanced and healthy diet to low-calorie diets, which will help maintain tone. Local fashionistas also have a popular phrase about the fact that beauty requires sacrifices, but they go to these sacrifices in a different way.

French women do not have a predisposition to fullness

The previous misconception often comes along with the fact that many people and even visitors to Paris believe that local girls can eat as much as they want and not get fat. They confirm their arguments by the fact that in France there are a lot of confectionery shops, cheese shops and wine shops. With such a diet, girls from other countries quickly recover, but not French women.

However, this view is misleading. Statistics show that the level of obesity of the French, although not as high as that of the Americans, but still it is. In Paris, the number of fat girls really tends to zero, but in other cities, especially on the outskirts of the country, the number of fat people is much higher. In some provinces of the country, the percentage of overweight people reaches 21% of the total population, and average data show that every 8-9th citizen of the country is overweight in France. The myth arose due to the fact that travelers mainly visit tourist cities and areas where the fashion industry is developed and local girls keep themselves in shape.

French girls choose not a career, but a family

Previously, this statement was true, but now it is outdated. Statistics show that local girls return to their work within 3-4 months after giving birth, and this action is highly appreciated by employers. After giving birth, French women try to quickly return to sports in order to bring health and figure back to normal.

When a child is born, French women do not devote themselves to raising a baby, forgetting about work, but learn to find a balance between family affairs and work. French girls want to realize themselves in all the areas that are available to them, so they take care of the child and confidently go up the career ladder.

Local women are always in expensive brands

In Paris, there is a high concentration of expensive boutiques from world brands, famous fashion houses and jewelry companies. Residents of the city, who have a high income, had the opportunity to buy the highest quality and expensive things without going to other countries for shopping. Travelers who have been to the capitals of France and other major cities think that every French woman necessarily wears only branded clothes.

However, this statement is greatly exaggerated. Although French women really try to look stylish and fashionable, they do not strive for pretentious outfits and do not put on all the most expensive things. On the contrary, local fashionistas prefer a strict but attractive style without an abundance of colors. At the same time, the situation in the provinces and outlying cities is the same as with excess weight: if you move away from Paris, you can see that girls from small towns walk the streets in simple clothes, which are more comfortable than elegant and expensive. However, in the outfit of french girls, there is almost always a characteristic element - a scarf or a scarf. Without it, almost no outfit of a French woman is considered complete and complete.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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