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2022-07-22 12:10:55

The main commandments of raising children in different countries

The main commandments of raising children in different countries

Methods and technologies of raising children from different countries of the planet have many differences from each other. Some parents traditionally pay a lot of attention to the child's performance at school, his grades and sleep patterns, others care about the safety of the baby around the clock, watching his movement and social circle, and parents from other countries allow the younger generation anything so that their children do not traumatize the psyche. Child-rearing systems have been formed for centuries and are focused on different methods: the psychology of adults and kids, traditions and customs, personal beliefs of parents ... Each country uses its own unique methods that allow local children to become worthy people who achieve success.


The main task of Indian parents is to instill in their child the desire to be a good-natured person filled with harmony and tolerance for adversity. From a young age, the baby is taught to respect not only adults, but also peers, the surrounding nature, plants and animals. Indian children never hurt street dogs and cats, or ruin nests or anthills for fun, because they know they have to live in peace with nature.

Indians pay great attention in the upbringing of the baby to the ability to cope with emotions: children are taught to be calm, not to scream, to restrain negative emotions. Parents become a good example for growing children, because they never raise their voice in their presence, do not scold them with severity in their voice.

When the children of India start going to school, they attend yoga and meditation classes. The first years they are given not knowledge, but education. Neither parents nor teachers scold young Indians for unsatisfactory grades - it is believed that the character and kindness of the child is a more important factor than his academic performance in the classroom. Communication between teachers and students takes place in an informal style: the teacher can pat the child on the head, hug him to express sympathy and respect. If the student is upset by something, the teacher will try to comfort him and cheer him up. The basic principle of school education in India is openness to each other and mutual respect. There are even lessons where children are shown how to smile correctly!

United Kingdom

From the first years of life in young Britons, they strengthen confidence in themselves and their actions. Parents encourage and praise the baby for any, even minor, successes, so that the child does not acquire low self-esteem. Such a system operates both among parents in the UK and in local kindergartens, where teachers do not scold the wards, but praise the achievements of children. If the baby has found a shoe, the teacher will try to gently explain to him that he did wrong and should not do this again.

The school system is focused on supporting the individualism of students. Teachers appreciate an unusual point of view, a non-standard approach to solving the problem, teachers strive to choose a unique approach to each child. The student will independently choose the subjects that he likes more than others, and will study them as much as he wants.

Parents respect the child's personal space and its boundaries, so they do not enter the room without knocking and permission to enter. However, in exchange for personal freedom and the right to choose their own interests, parents have high academic performance requirements and sometimes expect their children to perform almost impossible tasks.

United States of America

In the States, children rarely spend time in kindergartens - their preschool upbringing and education are carried out either by the parents themselves or by nannies, if mom and dad work hard. However, children are faithful companions of parents in "adult" affairs: parents can take them to work, to the theater or cinema.

In the United States, the family is considered a sacred phenomenon, so often american families hold holidays, Sunday dinners or joint picnics in nature.

Children have almost complete freedom of action and the opportunity to engage in any business of interest. If a daughter, a student in the seventh grade, wants not to go to bed, but, for example, to read or play, no one will forbid her to make a choice. If the kid has committed a bad deed, the punishment may be the deprivation of a favorite toy or formation in the corner - the child is seated on a special chair where he will reflect on his behavior until he understands what he did wrong.

Parents take a constant part in the upbringing of children and their lives. A child can turn to mom or dad with a school project, call him to cheer for him at a football match at school or go to the theater with him - a parent will never refuse his beloved son or daughter and will gladly support him.


On the territory of Italy, the cult of family and family values is developed. Even the most distant relatives hold on to each other and always come to the rescue! The birth of a child in a family is a gift from above, which should be appreciated as a treasure. From a young age, Italian children are pampered, often pleased with sweets and given gifts. The child is allowed to do what he wants, but caring parents will not take their eyes off him so that the baby does not harm himself. Because of this, local children often grow up moody and rude, starting a tantrum if they hear a refusal to their request (which will essentially be a demand).

From an early age, children address unfamiliar adults as "you", do not hesitate in expressions and can be rude to passers-by if they interfere with them. This is due to the fact that there is no barrier in the country separating children and adults, and there are no penalties for inappropriate behavior.


Families in France are distinguished by their strength. Parents do not seek to ensure that their child begins to live separately immediately after reaching adulthood. Children can live with their parents up to 30 years, and this will not be shameful, since everyone goes into a free life at about this age.

However, this does not make children independent and dependent on fathers and mothers! Mothers come out of maternity leave early, and the baby has to live independently from an early age. Children from 4-5 years old themselves perform small errands around the house, can go to the store for groceries or look after younger siblings while parents are at work.

In France, the personal space of the child is valued, so from 6 months many kids begin to live in a separate room, where there is everything necessary for a comfortable and happy childhood. The French believe that their children need to get into situations on their own, from which they can get experience, even if it is negative. Parents do not protect children from any difficulties, giving them the opportunity to cope with the task themselves, using their mind and ingenuity. Mothers say that it is better for a child to try something himself once than to listen to instructions many times.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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