2020-08-21 12:14:07

The flea market in the Paris suburb of Saint-Ouen - the best place to shop in France

The flea market in the Paris suburb of Saint-Ouen - the best place to shop in France

Flea Market Saint-Ouen is the largest and most famous place in the suburbs of Paris, where you can buy antiques, home furnishings, interesting items and vintage clothing. Buyers have access to both modern and very old products made in France or brought from distant parts of the world. Situated on 7 hectares and consisting of 14 markets, Saint-Ouen ranks 4th among the most visited attractions in the country, because more than 5,000,000 tourists come here every year!

General information

In 1635, the sale of second-hand items was banned in Paris and flea markets were moved to the suburbs. In 1885, the Saint-Ouen market was officially opened, and in the 1920s. In the 20th century, neat pavilions were built on the territory of the market complex. Clignancourt is the second name of the flea market, which it received due to its proximity to the metro station of the same name.

The amazing French market attracts tourists not only with the prospect of buying a rare thing, but also with the opportunity to replenish the family album with colorful photographs. Some corners of Saint-Ouen look like showrooms and art galleries rather than shopping malls.

Origin of the name "flea market"

There are 2 versions of the appearance of the name "flea market". According to the first, the things and furniture sold in such markets were infested with fleas, so the French began to call Saint-Ouen just "Le Puce", which translates as "flea". The second version is based on the fact that in 1880 one of the military, examining the territory from the height of the fortifications of Paris, compared the crowd of people in the market with fleas.

Market complex Saint-Ouen: from simple souvenirs to real antiques

The market complex Saint-Ouen includes more than 10 separate markets and more than 2000 pavilions.

Vernaison and Jules Vallès

The oldest market in the complex, which resembles a classic flea market better than others. Here you can stroll through the ornate labyrinths of tent rows entwined with creepers and buy records, books, clothes and funny knickknacks.


The market will delight you with a rich selection of souvenirs and interesting antiques. It sells rare books, antique clothes and furniture.


Strolling through the marketplace, you will find many rare and interesting pieces, from marine antiques and jewelery to 20th century designer pieces and finely restored 18th century works of art.


The most luxurious in the complex: it is considered a professional market, where first-class antique shops sell gilded and crystal pieces from the 18th-19th centuries.

Walking through the other markets of the Saint-Ouen complex, you can find jewelry of the 19th-20th centuries, excellent bronze and glass products, rather expensive household items dating back to the 20th century.

Useful information

The central street of Saint-Ouen is called Rosier. It will take you to the territory of individual markets. Seasoned travelers are advised to visit Saint-Ouen in the morning: at this time, there is a lot of goods on the shelves and not a lot of people. At the flea market, as in other similar places, it is customary to bargain - skillful bargaining and a little luck will pleasantly reduce the price.

A large number of buyers and active trade attract pickpockets, therefore, while walking around Saint-Ouen, you should be more careful and put your valuables and documents in a hard-to-reach place (for example, in your inner pocket).

If you are tired of walking through the many streets of the flea market, you can relax with a coffee and a snack in one of the local cafes or restaurants.

Opening hours Saint-Ouen:

  • Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
  • Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Monday: 11:00 - 17:00.

Interesting Facts

  • Since 2001 Saint-Ouen has been listed as an architectural heritage site
  • The fashionable Ma Cocotte restaurant, created by the famous French designer F. Starck, open at the flea market.

Object type: market complex.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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