2019-08-14 16:33:48

The best language camps in France for foreign students

The best language camps in France for foreign students

When deciding to spend summer vacations in the best language camps in France, a foreign student will be able to undergo fascinating and informative education in the framework of effective educational programs, the passage of which contributes to the qualitative improvement and learning of the French language. Thus, after reading this article, you will receive detailed information regarding the list of developed education programs, teaching methods for teaching material, and the cost of education.

Exciting holidays in the leading language boarding schools in France

Regardless of the school holidays, whether summer, autumn, winter or spring, the prestigious French language camps host foreign students. The ranking children's boarding schools in France have developed educational programs that harmoniously combine effective learning of the French language with an informative and entertaining leisure program that provides for the organization of diverse cultural events. Usually, as practice shows, the morning hours are allotted for classes, and in the afternoon various leisure activities are held. So, excellent opportunities are provided for playing sports, conducting sports competitions, various clubs for creativity and art are organized. In addition, trips to cities located a short distance from the institution are provided. However, most often full-day excursions are held directly on the weekend. As the main French attractions, it is worth highlighting the widest fields of Provence, the picturesque coast of the Cote d'Azur, where you can enjoy water activities together with your peers, make a fascinating trip to the park of Thoiry, as well as get acquainted with rare animals. And of course, not a single trip to France is complete without wonderful walks in Paris. Disneyland deserves special attention, universally recognized as the largest among all countries of the world and is the dream of every foreign student. It is in your power to realize one of your child’s main dreams by sending him to the top French summer language camp.

The unique sound of the French language

Learning the melodic and beautiful French language will be much more effective and more enjoyable directly in France by fully immersing yourself in the unique atmosphere of this country. So, in France, in almost all cities, the leading language summer camps are successfully functioning, inviting foreign students to study. Moreover, the largest concentration of educational institutions is observed in large cities, namely in the French capital and Nice. During the school holidays, the “language plus” system is extremely demanded and popular, which provides for, in addition to studying within the framework of language programs, carrying out exciting leisure activities. In particular, excursions to famous sights are organized, informative thematic study tours are made, sports classes are held, and of course, close acquaintance and study of French culture and traditions takes place on an active basis. Thus, in the framework of language programs, all conditions have been created for foreign students to significantly improve the level of French language proficiency, acquaintance with the history of France, its traditions, national cuisine, and music. In addition, young lovers of an active lifestyle will be able to learn new sports, which, in turn, will lead to a significant improvement in physical fitness.

Effective language courses for foreign students in France

As practice shows, the leading French camps in France operate on the basis of language schools, as well as private boarding schools. As for the elite private boarding schools, this type of educational institution is ideal for foreign students planning to receive a prestigious secondary education in France. Thus, as part of a stay in a French camp, a foreign student will have an excellent opportunity for personal acquaintance with the school environment, entering the role of a schoolboy. At the same time, there are no significant differences between French language schools and private boarding schools, since regardless of the type, the highest level of teaching quality is guaranteed everywhere.

France’s leading summer camps for students have developed standard French language programs for 20 hours of instruction per week, as well as intensive courses ranging from 25 to 32 hours of instruction per week. Typically, for foreign kids, French lessons are held in a more playful format. As for high school students, the language program is taught in a more academic environment. In the classroom, there is a close acquaintance of foreign students with all aspects of the language, namely vocabulary, grammar, teachers put the correct pronunciation for students. SMAPSE experts note, in particular, that it is precisely foreign students who need additional refinement of pronunciation due to the unusual sound of sounds in French.

Considering that education in the best language boarding schools in France is based on the use of a large number of interactive programs and practicing acquired skills and knowledge in practice and game situations, the main element of the educational process is a leisure program involving various sports and entertainment events. In the framework of leisure activities, foreign students simply have no choice but to talk to each other in French. Thus, the communicative and language barrier between foreign students is successfully and imperceptibly overcome, as well as in practice the acquired knowledge in the class is improved and intensively applied.

Parents can not worry about their child during the summer holidays in the advanced language boarding schools in France, as the French educational institutions have created all the conditions for a comfortable stay, quality education, as well as a great vacation. Special attention deserves the most modern equipment of the French language camps. So, spacious and bright audiences were built, there are closed areas with personal sports infrastructure. As for food, it is organized on a full board basis.

Speaking about accommodation for the period of study, the choice of foreign students is offered to stay in a cozy school residence or in a host family. In addition, round-the-clock supervision of students by the teaching and educational staff, as well as members of host families, is provided.

Language programs of the best summer camps in France - types and classification

As you can guess, the main condition for ensuring the effectiveness of education is the right choice of educational program. As the criteria that should be guided in the selection of the language course, it can be distinguished the choice of time of year, namely summer, winter, spring, program duration. In particular, it should be mentioned, that winter programs are shorter than in summer.

The attention of foreign students is offered a wide selection of educational programs and summer language camps in France. So, within the standard courses lasting 2 weeks, it is planned to hold from 15 to 20 lessons per week, as for the rest of the hours, they are reserved for visiting various excursions, recreation, and sports classes. The average degree of intensity of classes contributes to a significant improvement in the level of knowledge of the French language. In addition, on an ongoing basis, control and monitoring of students' performance is carried out, thereby allowing adjustments to the curriculum and degree of intensity of the language course.

In addition, intensive educational programs have been developed that provide for 30 classes per week. Individual attention is also offered to individual language courses. Typically, the target audience for intensive language courses are students who intend to pass an international language exam or become a student at a top foreign university. In addition to the effective study of the French language, a foreign student is adapting to the European education system and its specificity. At the end of the course, language tests are provided, which allows you to enter French schools.

Teachers of ranking language boarding schools in France

Only professional and experienced teachers are invited to teach, which make the learning process extremely exciting for students. Thus, foreign students show interest and motivation in learning the French language. In addition, each teacher, without exception, received appropriate accreditation, allowing you to work with foreign students. In particular, the teaching staff combines the classic traditional methods of teaching educational material and innovative approaches to education, which ensures the effectiveness of education. The format of the classes is quite variable, as it involves both the classical academic format and the interactive one, and may also take the form of role-playing games, situational solutions. In addition, classes are not limited to the walls of a boarding school, on the contrary, the study of the French language takes place on excursions, and as part of various games and sports competitions. It should be noted that the participation of a foreign student in any event planned and organized by a school teacher leads to a rapid overcoming of the language barrier, an intensive expansion of the vocabulary, and also improvement of communication skills.

The effectiveness of learning the French language is achieved through developed balanced educational programs aimed at foreign students, active communication with local residents, as well as close acquaintance with the traditions and culture of France. Over a short period of time, the level of French language skills is significantly improved among foreign students, the correct pronunciation is established, and conversational skills are developed. And of course, foreign students will be able to relax, learn and participate in school-organized recreational activities during the school holidays.

The benefits of studying in the best summer language camps in France

At the time of the arrival of foreign students in a prestigious French language boarding school, the distribution of foreign students by language groups on the basis of the results of the fact-finding test is provided. This test is a task, the purpose of which is the analysis of knowledge and level of knowledge of the French language, the writing of which is mandatory. The following are the benefits of completing a course in a French language camp for children:

  • The round-the-clock practice of language skills in the French language through staying in an international environment, as peers are representatives of different countries of the world.
  • The balance of the language programs of children's boarding schools in France, which harmoniously combine language classes and leisure activities. Numerous organized tours allow you to get acquainted with the famous sights of France. In addition, the organization of various recreational activities is provided on the school campus.
  • Communication with representatives from around the world contributes to the development of useful personality traits in foreign students such as tolerance and diplomatic communication.
  • A close acquaintance with the culture and traditions of France positively affects the significant broadening of the horizons of foreign students, and therefore, it is impossible to deny the usefulness and effectiveness of the trip.

Tuition at the best language boarding schools in France

When deciding to send their child to a prestigious French summer camp, the main question facing the child's parents is the cost of studying in France during the school holidays. Thus, the cost of education in the framework of the standard language program for 2 weeks, taking into account food and accommodation, will average 2,000 . In the case of choosing an intensive language course, which is combined with active sports activities under the guidance of a professional and experienced instructor, then the cost of education can increase by an average of 1,000 - 1,500 . In addition, tuition at French language boarding schools located in Paris and major cities is more expensive when compared with the provinces.

Once again, SMAPSE experts note that in the majority of cases, the price of tuition for the summer holidays includes the following components, such as the educational program, study materials, accommodation, meals, participation in excursions and other school events, sports, insurance. In some elite French schools, hostels provide for the organization of a transfer for foreign students, but only at specific hours. Moreover, the cost of education varies from 550 to 1,000 per week of stay, the fluctuations are due to the degree of prestige of the institution, location, popularity and the chosen format of accommodation.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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