2019-08-14 16:35:08

The best boarding schools in Germany for foreign students

The best boarding schools in Germany for foreign students

Private boarding schools in Germany - a great place to receive a prestigious education!

It is widely recognized that many parents have for many years decided to send their child abroad in order to receive advanced secondary education because the distinguishing feature of European education is the highest level of quality and impeccable reputation. So, for many years, among foreign students secondary schools in Germany gained the elite status of an educational country. If you go a little deeper into history, then in the distant 17th century the German state became the center of science and education, while at the present time Germany is not giving way, being one of the most powerful educational systems among all countries of the world. In addition, the educational process in the best private boarding schools in Germany is characterized by thoroughness, while discipline reigns in the created atmosphere of German educational institutions. In this connection, the reason for the high degree of effectiveness of education is quite understandable.

Among European countries, the status of the best and most sought-after private secondary boarding schools, colleges and gymnasiums in Germany is universally recognized, thereby providing an elite and high-quality secondary education. The following are the reasons underlying the huge popularity among foreign students:

  • Comfortable campuses with beautiful and modern facilities
  • Favorable location, short distance to many European cities and countries
  • High quality academic education
  • Opportunity for simultaneous learning of several foreign languages.

Within the walls of ranking private boarding schools in Germany, an extremely friendly, warm and cozy atmosphere is created. So, right from the moment of arrival, a foreign student will feel at home, meeting new friends and taking part in various leisure activities.

Any foreign student can be educated in middle and senior grades of leading German boarding schools after a package of documents has been translated and the required tests have been passed. Please note that diplomas and certificates issued by prestigious German schools and gymnasiums are highly appreciated by admissions committees among all countries of the world. In addition, upon graduation from elite private boarding schools in Germany, graduates freely become students of top universities from around the world, at the same time acquiring the status of highly qualified and sought-after specialists in the international labor market.

You probably already wanted to study the cost of education and the conditions of stay in German top boarding schools, which correspond to the leading schools located in the UK, USA, Austria, and Switzerland in terms of their popularity among foreign students. SMAPSE educational center has prepared a detailed list of German educational institutions, which received the appropriate accreditation and have the necessary competence. SMAPSE highly qualified experts will provide their professional assistance in selecting the best option for a German educational institution based on your individual needs and interests. SMAPSE do not charge for the services for admission to German educational institutions.

The advantages of studying in advanced boarding schools in Germany, specific characteristics

To begin with, the duration of secondary education in prestigious boarding schools in Germany is 13 years, in contrast to the usual 12 years. In addition, the walls of the best German boarding schools provide for teaching in the framework of educational programs in both German and English, in some cases, teaching in French is possible. In this connection, foreign students are given the opportunity to enter one of the international educational programs, namely Abitur, IB, A-level.

The following are the benefits of leading German boarding schools that attract foreign students:

  • In Germany, the educational process provides for the intensive use of modern technologies and scientific achievements, which are constantly being improved and developed.
  • Obtaining effective and high-quality language and academic education within the walls of the best boarding schools in Germany, foreign students are guaranteed in future unhindered admission to prestigious colleges and universities, both in Germany and in other countries.
  • Upon graduation from an elite private boarding school in Germany, the graduate speaks excellent English and German. As practice shows, at present, from the side of leading employers, more and more demands are made regarding excellent knowledge of foreign languages. In this connection, the foreign student will receive a competitive advantage in comparison with other students, owning an additional foreign language.

In Germany, a sufficiently large number of advanced schools and gymnasiums are successfully functioning, which differ in such parameters as the direction of education, location, cost. However, regardless of your choice of educational institution, the quality of educational services and acquired knowledge will be at the highest level. In addition, getting a secondary education in a German private boarding school, an excellent basis is created for the student to receive education in Germany. In particular, it is useful for foreign students because they are not only given a German diploma of the Abitur standard after graduating from the high advanced boarding school in Germany, but they undergo high-quality education for successful enrollment in the elite high school in Germany.

In addition, while studying at a prestigious German private high school, a foreign student is faster and more efficient in adapting to the new educational system, thereby creating excellent conditions for entering a ranking university in Germany without attending additional preparatory courses and without passing various language tests. And also, having a German certificate on hand, a foreign student will not need to confirm it on an additional basis.

TOP list of the best and most prestigious private boarding schools in Germany for foreign students

This list starts with the Newburn School, located in Rosenheim in southern Germany, a short distance from Munich and Salzburg. Foreign students over 10 years old are admitted to the walls of this ranking boarding school due to their specialization in educational programs aimed at middle and senior classes, that is, from grades 5 to 12.

As for the campus, it looks like a medieval castle. Special attention deserves the campus, which has only the most modern equipment. In addition, in this area there is an excellent ecological situation, which simply cannot but please the parents of the child. So, approximately 240 students undergo education every year, while 150 teenagers study on a full board basis, while others study as part of the full-time department.

Schule Schloss Salem gained fame and popularity due to the fact that it owns a huge territory, compared with other educational institutions not only in Germany, but also in Europe. In addition, the history of the development of this elite private boarding school begins more than 100 years ago, thereby earning an impeccable reputation throughout its functioning. The educational programs of this private boarding school are based on traditional teaching methods, however, if necessary, they are supplemented with modern technologies and solutions. Within the walls of a private boarding school, foreign students are offered a wide range of disciplines and classes, attending which guarantees the comprehensive development of the student. At the same time, experienced teachers, as part of the education, practice the application of an individual approach to each student.

The prestigious German boarding school Stiftung Loisenlund, located in a medieval building, deserves special attention. In terms of location, the school campus is located in the north of Germany in the city of Gyubi. This boarding school has a somewhat chamber atmosphere, while the number of students per year does not exceed 350 students. This number of students contributes to the growth of the prestige of the educational institution and the use by teachers of an individual approach in working with each student. Thus, foreign students undergo effective academic education, the level of which is sufficient for further education, in particular, to receive an elite higher education. In addition, this prestigious school chose as its specialization - high-quality education of middle and high school students. Thus, the target audience for education are foreign students who have reached 10 years of age.

The year 1990 was marked by the opening of the elite private boarding school Berlin Brandenburg International School, located, as the name implies, in Brandenburg, giving students excellent knowledge in various disciplines, as well as promoting the development of personal qualities such as independence, curiosity and responsibility. The education focuses on the full disclosure of the creative and academic potential and abilities of foreign students. Thus, upon graduation, graduates have a competitive advantage over other students and freely become students of the best universities, both in Germany and other countries of the world.

Entering the prestigious German school Internatgymnasium Schloss Torgelow Private School, all foreign students, without exception, are accommodated on a full board basis. As for the age of students, foreign students from 12 to 16 years old are accepted to study in middle classes. This elite boarding school in Germany fully complies with the educational and living conditions required by European standards. Only experienced and professional educators are involved in teaching. Truly amazing conditions for holding various leisure activities deserve special attention. So, in the walls of this boarding school has built its own cinema and billiard room. The key and distinguishing feature of this boarding school from the above German schools is due to the teaching of disciplines only in German . So, every year 220 students enter the walls of the top boarding school in Germany.

The cost of secondary education in the best private boarding schools in Germany

The cost of studying at leading German private schools on a full board basis ranges from an average of 24,000  to 40,000  per year. This price includes the following services, such as an educational program, accommodation, meals, educational materials, participation in various leisure activities involving tours, acquaintance with the main attractions of the city and much more. At the same time, on an additional basis, the parents of a foreign student will need to purchase air tickets to and from Germany, as well as a transfer, however, in some cases, the school independently organizes transfers, student visas, and medical insurance. Please note that for the period of education, it is necessary to allocate pocket money to your child. So, if the school campus is located in the center of Berlin or another large city, foreign high school students will have a desire to visit shops and cafes located near the school.

The process of entering a German private boarding school - required knowledge and a package of documents

In order to successfully enroll in a prestigious private boarding school in Germany, a foreign student needs to prepare a package of documents and demonstrate a good level of academic and language skills and knowledge. In the case of choosing a German-language educational program, a foreign student must speak German at a level not lower than B2. If your child has chosen a language program in English, then it is worth clarifying the requirements at the selected German private boarding school.

The following is a list of documents that are required to be submitted to a foreign student upon admission to a leading boarding school in Germany:

  • Copy of your passport
  • School grades tables for the last 2 academic years, as well as grades for quarters / trimesters of the current academic year
  • International language certificates
  • Letters of recommendation prepared by teachers in English and mathematics, in some schools it is advisable to provide a letter from the principal
  • In some cases, it is worth preparing a motivation letter
  • Fill in registration forms and forms
  • Skype interview or a personal visit to a German boarding school.

In addition, it is necessary for foreign student to pass a school internal test in English and mathematics to determine an adequate level of education on the date of admission to a private boarding school in Germany.

SMAPSE highly qualified specialists advise you to advance to the issue of forming a package of documents, as well as passing the preparation for passing the entrance test. As a rule, a package of documents must be sent 8-9 months before the start of the next academic year to one or more private boarding schools in Germany. In the same period of time, the applicant is expected to undergo entrance tests, as well as a personal interview. In addition, an excellent preparation option is to make a preliminary visit to the boarding school as part of the Open Day, organized on an annual basis by each German private boarding school.

In addition, an effective acquaintance of a foreign student with a preferred boarding school in Germany can be achieved by attending prestigious summer language courses that operate on the basis of the chosen school. So, within the framework of such education, an excellent opportunity is provided to view the campus, assess comfort and convenience, and undergo adaptation to the new language and academic environment. In addition, in the case of an insufficient level of language skills and knowledge in the main academic subjects, it is precisely in the framework of the German language courses that conditions have been created for filling in all the gaps and effective preparation for starting studies. Please note that due to the fact that SMAPSE educational center is the official representative of the predominant number of private boarding schools in Germany, in connection with this, SMAPSE select and organize free admission to your preferred ranking and advanced private boarding schools in Germany.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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