2021-08-24 15:11:21

Study Information Technology, IT and Programming in USA

Study Information Technology, IT and Programming in USA

The talent gap – the shortage of IT specialists – is observed in the United States,as well as in the rest of the world. The IT sphere is developing by leaps and bounds, more and more new specialties are emerging. You can get a popular and relevant education in this area in the most advanced IT countries, especially the United States.


Important information for foreign students

  • Pros of studying IT in USA for international students.Studying information technology in the U.S. in the homeland of Google Inc, Microsoft, and Apple is the dream of many computer students. STEAM education in America is considered one of the strongest in the world, so getting an education in the United States for an IT specialist is like pulling out a lucky ticket to a promising future. For all the advantages of the United States, it is impossible not to say about a significant drawback - one of the highest prices for programs. To save money, international students are looking for a program of financial support and grants.
  • Salaries. The fork of average salaries of IT specialists in the United States is from $ 50,000 to $ 120,000 per year. A guaranteed way to get a job in the United States is to get a high-quality and prestigious higher education there.
  • The most promising areas in IT. Information security and artificial intelligence are considered among the most promising areas for students. In addition, there are more and more interesting programs in the field of robotics, cloud computing and machine learning.

How are studies organized?

Universities in America invite students to study IT in bachelor's, master's courses, short and postgraduate programs. The duration of training is 4-5 years at the bachelor's degree, in the master's degree - 1-2 years. There are short-term programs for students and schoolchildren that can be completed in the best higher education institutions in the summer.

A mandatory requirement for students is a confident command of the language, as it will be necessary to fully immerse themselves in the academic environment in English. Some universities focus on the breadth of knowledge, others focus on practical knowledge and on the needs of the labor market. We advise you to study the program and traditions of the priority university before admission.

Students of IT-directions study the following subjects:

  • Applied mathematics
  • Digital image and sound
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Microprogramming
  • Bioinformatics
  • Networking and Administration
  • Computing Architecture
  • Cryptography
  • Computer Engineering
  • Operating systems
  • Computer game development
  • Robotics
  • Computer graphics
  • Simulation
  • Computer programming
  • Software development
  • Software Systems
  • Data Management
  • Web Development
  • Database design
  • Programming for parallel computers
  • iOS development
  • Mobile application development
  • Memory Systems
  • Computational physics.

A separate advantage of American programs is in practical expediency. Students participate in university research programs, work closely with teachers, scientists and practitioners, not only from the United States, but also from around the world.

Many study on scholarships, receiving discounts on training. Most chances to study at a good discount from students of master's and candidate programs.

Being a student of a prestigious US university means building your career long before the end of the program. Students make valuable professional connections on internships and projects, and employers look after new specialists in the face of students.

Admission to IT-universities in USA

Students who decide to enter an American university should be prepared for a complex enrollment procedure. First, the process of admission to universities is difficult due to the difference in educational systems: Russian students graduate from school at least one year earlier. Secondly, due to the high competition, US universities tighten competitive selection and enroll the most suitable students.

Universities welcome the completion of international programs - University Pathway and Advanced Placement.Some students from Russia first enter the American community college, where they get an additional year of school education and prepare for universities.

  • Software & Networking
  • Web Development
  • Computer systems
  • Computer graphics
  • Computer game development
  • IT and Space Engineering
  • Bioinformatics
  • Digital Security
  • Cryptography
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Data management.

TOP universities to study IT in USA

You can study IT in a huge number of universities. The tradition of engineering education in the United States began to take shape in the XVIII century, and after the Second World War began to develop at a very rapid pace. Today, students can choose both a top university and a college with a good reputation. The undisputed four leaders in the field of IT in America include:

  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This university graduated from Howard Volowitz from "The Big Bang Theory" and Tony Stark from "The Avengers", and if you list real characters, the list will be very long: the inventor of the Ethernet network Robert Metcalfe, the creator of the first computer worm Robert Morris, Intel founder Robert Noyce and many others. MIT graduates become successful programmers and make a significant contribution to the development of the information sphere. The popularity of the university among programmers is evidenced by the fact that most students study at the school of engineering, where they study IT. 91% of university students receive a scholarship in the amount of $ 36,000 to $ 43,000 per year, despite the fact that the annual training at the university will cost about $ 50,000.
  2. Stanford University. One of the best universities for studying IT. At the bachelor's and master's level, the university teaches such disciplines as IT, computer science, systems and technologies, software, mathematics, artificial intelligence, robotics, etc. Graduates of the university founded the largest companies: Hewlett-Packard, Electronic Arts, Sun Microsystems, Nvidia, Yahoo!, Cisco Systems, Silicon Graphics, TSMC and Google. The university has a huge research park that provides not only conditions for research activities, but also jobs and internships.
  3. Carnegie Mellon University. The university is located in Pennsylvania, here you can enroll in programs: IT and mobile systems, IT and information security, IT and software management. The university competes with top universities, it is no coincidence that one of the most popular questions about the university in the search engine is "Carnegie is better than MIT?".
  4. Columbia University. The university is a member of the Ivy League and has an elite culture. The main campus of the university is located in a prestigious area of New York. Within the walls of the university, many discoveries were made: the first experiments on the splitting of uranium took place here, a laser was invented and an algorithm for transmitting high-quality audio and video MPEG-2 was developed. Especially popular in the university is the master's program in the direction of "Computer Engineering" - this is a good option for those who want to focus on machine learning.

Best US universities in IT Ranking

  1. The University of Tampa
  2. Southern Connecticut State University
  3. Kansas State University Polytechnic
  4. INTO Drew University
  5. INTO Colorado State University
  6. INTO George Mason University
  7. INTO Marshall University
  8. INTO Oregon State University
  9. INTO Saint Louis University
  10. INTO Suffolk University
  11. INTO The University of Alabama at Birmingham
  12. INTO University of South Florida
  13. INTO Washington State University
  14. NAVITAS Florida Atlantic University
  15. NAVITAS Umass Lowell
  16. NAVITAS University of Idaho
  17. CEG On Campus Boston Whellok College
  18. CEG ONCAMPUS Texas at University of North Texas
  19. CEG ONCAMPUS Cal State Monterey Bay
  22. SHORELIGHT AUBURN University
  23. SHORELIGHT Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM)
  24. SHORELIGHT Florida International University
  25. SHORELIGHT Louisiana State University
  26. SHORELIGHT University of Central Florida
  27. SHORELIGHT University of Illinois
  28. SHORELIGHT University of Kansas
  29. SHORELIGHT The University of South Carolina
  30. SHORELIGHT University of the Pacific
  31. STUDY GROUP The City College of New-York
  32. STUDY GROUP Long Island University Brooklin
  33. STUDY GROUP Long Island University Post
  34. STUDY GROUP The University of Vermont
  35. STUDY GROUP Widener University
  36. KAPLAN Northeastern University
  37. KAPLAN Pace University
  38. KAPLAN The University of Tulsa
  39. University of California, Santa Barbara
  40. NJIT
  41. California State University Dominguez Hills
  42. INTO University of Arizona.
  • Software developer = from $ 80,500
  • Software Tester = 84 000$
  • Senior Software Engineer = from $98,000
  • Software Development Manager = from $115,000
  • Software architect = $116,000
  • Software analyst = $74,800
  • System developer = $93,800
  • Web-developer = 58 000$
  • Software Development Engineer, Test (SDET) = 82 000$
  • Software Support Analysis Specialist = $69,000
  • System analyst = 68 300$
  • Database Administrator (DBA) = $85,100
  • System administrator = $62,900
  • System engineer = $83,300
  • Network administrator = $59,000.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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