2018-07-30 11:57:06

Study in France for foreign students: the cost, reviews

Study in France for foreign students: the cost, reviews

France is a party to the Bologna Agreement, which aims to unite higher education programs, methods, forms and principles of education in European countries. To study in France is interesting and fascinating, this country with a rich culture and history draws students from all over the world to receive high quality education in prestigious and elite institutions. The quality of education is controlled by the Ministry of Education of France.

The advantages of studying a student in France on academic and linguistic programs

  • after graduation, the possibility of admission to public institutions of higher learning;
  • bilingual education;
  • strict selection of teachers for academic and linguistic programs;
  • possibility to learn one of the most popular languages - French;
  • the diploma of French educational institutions is highly valued all over the world;
  • opportunity to apply for a residence permit after study;
  • control over the progress of students;
  • the combination of study and work is not more than 20 hours / week.

The national education system, accessible to foreign students

  • kindergarten is beginning to be visited by children from the age of 3, from this age, education is conducted in the game in basic subjects
  • Primary school is designed for students from 6 to 11 years and includes a preparatory course, 2 classes of primary and 2 grade of secondary school
  • middle classes for students from 11 to 15 years: they study in "college", which differs from the usual for us understanding of the word "college". The program consists of adaptation, study of the main program, vocational guidance
  • at the end of middle classes, students from 15 to 18 years old (3 years) are enrolled in the high school program, after the end of "lycee" the student passes the "Baccalaureat" exam, the successful surrender of which allows entering the university without entrance examinations
  • after middle classes, you can also enter a professional lyceum, study for 2 years and, at the end, get a certificate of professional suitability, but its receipt does not entitle students to enter higher education institutions of the country.

Examples of educational institutions where you can pass the above programs:

  • Ecole des Roches in the town of Verneuil-sur-Aire, which is a suburb of Paris, provides an opportunity to study in the elementary and middle classes. The school accepts foreign students without restrictions on age and level of knowledge of the French language. Tuition fee 28,800 € / year for the program of primary classes and 35,300 € / year - medium.
  • At the Notre Dame boarding school in Paris, students from 15 to 18 years old can attend a high school program, the cost is 12,000 €/ semester. Since the age of 16, students have the right to reside in the residence of the school, from the age of 15 to a host family.

Higher education in France, educational systems

Educational programs are organized on two different systems, so there are 2 types of education in higher education:

  • A short program "les filières courtes" - higher education is available after 2-3 years of study at the institute; the confirming diplomas are: DUT (Diplôme universitaire de technologie) and BTS (Brevet de technicien supérieur). The basic directions: industrial sphere and sphere of services
  • he long program " Les filières longues" - this program is more like a classical system of higher education in Europe . It takes 3 years to get a bachelor's degree.

The course for master's degree is designed for 2 years. The first year is intended for a deep immersion in theory and the preparation of a graduate work of a small amount, and the second year is devoted to research activities.

The doctoral program lasts 3-4 years, at the end the student defends the thesis "Doctorat de Nouveau Regime", receives a doctorate and has the right to teach at universities.

List of educational institutions with higher education programs for students

  • Paris Institute Istituto Marangoni Paris offers a bachelor's degree program for students. The duration of the course is 3 years, the language of instruction is French or English (at the student's choice), available directions: design of clothes and accessories, business in the fashion industry, fashion design, style creation. The cost of the academic year is 15,900 €.
  • A large selection of programs for obtaining a master's degree is presented at the ESSEC Business School, located in St. Pontoise. The cost of the year of study is approximately 20,000 €, the exact price for the program depends on its direction, duration and intensity.
  • The SKEMA Lille business school offers students who have already obtained a bachelor's and master's degree, to obtain a doctorate in a chosen specialty (PhD degree). The cost of education is 25,000 € / 2 academic years. Directions: corporate finance, management: knowledge, technology and organization of processes, project and program management, business administration.

Bonus after graduation and receiving a diploma, work during educational process

Graduates of the Master's program have the right to apply in order to stay in France for one year and work only 60% of the time from the full rate. If a student manages to find an employer who wants to enter into a long-term contract with him, he can apply for a residence permit. During higher education, students have the right to work 20 hours / week: you can find a job yourself, apply for help in a special center at the university or find a job on the campus of the university; also students from 16 years old can get a job in social service.

Scholarships and grants for study in France

Most of the scholarships are designed for admission to the magistracy and doctoral studies: the French government distributes them at their discretion, most likely their choice will affect the relevance of the research project and scientific work. 

Additional forms of education in France for students

For students in France, summer schools and camps are organized, and foreign students can also take part in them. Their programs can be designed to combine study and leisure in France, prepare for admission to educational institutions, improve the level of knowledge of English or French, enroll in profile courses and other.

  • For example, in the language camp Ecole des Roches an affordable summer or winter program of French with tennis lessons for students from 12 years old. The program is designed for 4 weeks, the cost is 3,170 € / 2 weeks.
  • The private school International College of Cannes has a program that includes football training and learning French; the school program is not provided, but the school recommends taking online distance courses with a load of 60-70 hours per semester for self-study. The cost of participation in the program is from 27,500 € / half a year.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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