2019-11-07 00:08:53

PTE Exam: useful information

PTE Exam: useful information

PTE (Pearson Tests of English) - a series of international tests aimed at foreign students who are not native English speakers: this exam determines the skill of owning a foreign language at a confident conversational level. Pearson Tests of English certificates are recognized in English colleges and universities. They are an additional advantage of the candidate during the interviewing in an international company for further employment. The document is valid indefinitely, but many admissions committees of popular higher education institutions abroad often ask for new exam results, the deadline for which is no more than a year.

PTE Exam: Features and Views for Foreign students

Depending on the personal goals and objectives of the applicant, the PTE exam has 3 variations - having decided on the choice of professional direction, the requirements of the university, the student can pass the text in one of the presented modules:





PTE Academic

  • Required participant age: 16+.

The most popular academic unit among foreign students who want to apply to top colleges and universities abroad. It is recognized by such well-known universities as Harvard Business School, Yale University and others. The main advantage of the test is quick verification, coverage of results, and demand among the selection committee of many foreign universities. New Zealand and Austria Visa Application Centers accept PTE Academic as proof of language proficiency for a study visa.

The exam consists of 20 tasks and 4 parts: listening, speaking, writing, reading skills. The test is taken online without the direct presence of the examiner.





PTE General





  • Required participant age: 16+.

It is widely known among a foreign students wishing to move to an English-speaking country with subsequent employment in a foreign company.

The test consists of 2 stages: writing skills (auditory perception and reading tasks are included in this unit) and the subject’s oral speech. This option is aimed at foreign students with different levels of language education- from A1 to C2. The written part consists of 9 sections, united by a common topic, the choice of which is determined by the starting language data of the examiner. The oral part offers the student 3-4 tasks to identify conversational skills in the format of discussion, role-playing, etc.




PTE Young Learners





  • Required participant age: 8-15 years.

The program for young applicants, whose goal is to continue their education in an English-language school, lyceum. A PTE certificate can be an additional incentive to study a foreign language.

The exam is divided into levels A1-A2. Based on the initial knowledge of the student, a criterion of complexity is determined. The test consists of 2 parts: oral and written. The oral stage is usually carried out in the format of a team game, and in the written part the task may consist of a thematic mini-essay, matching words from two columns using a line, etc.

The Business English Test exam, not officially included in the Pearson testing unit, but presented on the company's website, is aimed at checking the level of business English knowledge among motivated students who wish to receive a certificate and work in the direction of entrepreneurship or business communication. The test line is supported by the LCCI association and consists of 2 exam options:


English for Business


This block has 5 levels of difficulty and is designed for foreign students planning to find a job in a company abroad. In the test, an assessment of reading, writing skills is mandatory, while listening and speaking English students are optional.



English for Tourism


It is relevant for applicants who plan to develop in the field of tourism and hotel business. It is carried out at 2 linguistic levels, checking 4 language competencies: written, oral speech, auditory perception, reading. The topic of questions focuses on the tourist destination, and each of the components of the test can be available as a separate qualification for individual confirmation of a certain skill.

Pearson Tests of English: Grade System for International Students

Each type of Pearson Tests of English has its own ranking system. If a foreign student has successfully passed the test, he is awarded a certificate with points / marks confirming the level of English proficiency - for example, PTE General has the following classification:

  • A - excellent
  • B - good
  • C - satisfactory.

In the case of PTE Academic, the subject can earn a maximum of 90 points: to obtain a certificate, 60% of the tasks must be correctly solved. Young students who do not pass PTE YL receive a certificate of participation.

Pearson Tests of English exam: registration procedure, dates, cost

In order to pass the PTE exam, a student requires:

  • Register on the Pearson official website by creating an account;
  • Choose test option;
  • Pay for the exam.

It is necessary to apply for participation in testing 4 weeks before the expected date, except for PTE Academic, where it is possible to register for an additional fee a day before the exam. The results will be known 6 weeks after passing the test on the official website - a certificate and an analysis of passing the language exam of each participant are issued according to 4 criteria: written / spoken English , reading, listening, writing. Its foreign students receive after a week.

PTE General is held 3 times annually in May, June, December, and Young Learners - in May, June, November. The price depends on the exact exam chosen: PTE Academic will cost the student 200-250 $, General - from 70 $. Terms of completion of other modules and the cost should be specified directly in the educational centers.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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