2018-07-30 11:56:37

Language courses for children abroad. Individual and group trips and tours

Language courses for children abroad. Individual and group trips and tours

The assortment of children's language camps in Europe, the world is impressive. On the one hand, this provides virtually unlimited options. On the other hand, the variety of suggestions confuses inexperienced parents. Basically, as practice shows, the choice of tours is determined today mainly by the recommendations of friends, friends, school teachers.

Travels for schoolchildren to England - one of the most popular destinations, both group and individual. The cost of the trip is relatively high, if compared with other European countries. However, an important advantage of studying the language in the country is the quality of teaching, the saturation of vacation programs, the prestige of the country that has proved itself, the leader of the educational sphere.

We present you a number of alternative directions for consideration:

United States Malta Germany Spain France Italy
  Cyprus Singapore China

We will be happy to assist you with Choosing the best offer for the country of your interest. For regular customers and group bookings discounts are provided, as well as free accommodation, meals for accompanying persons (lessons are also possible). For selection it is necessary to contact us or leave a request, after which our staff will call back and consult you in detail.

How can I find a suitable course?

The search for language courses abroad and various educational programs on the Internet is a laborious and complex process, as you often get incompetent and incomplete information. The "SMAPS" portal is developed and constantly improved by professionals in various fields of international education. Here you can find the most recent and complete information about educational institutions, ask questions online for consultants and read articles of interest to you.

Thanks to direct cooperation with educational institutions, all prices presented are identical to the prices of educational institutions in the selected country. The company "SMAPS" NEVER makes extra charges for training and you can always get a free consultation. * As a rule, the cost of courses does not include visa fees, transportation, additional costs.

Features of language programs

Short-term children's courses usually involve 15-20 lessons per week. Before the beginning of the studies, all the children pass a test for knowledge of the language. Based on its results, groups of students are formed by levels. This approach allows you to guarantee the maximum effectiveness of classes.

The structure of costs for courses. All trips involve accommodation on a full board basis (in the family, residence or school campus). There is also a cultural and entertainment program. Classroom, extracurricular activities are included in the total cost of course preparation. Her program the child's parents receive before the trip. Extra (pocket) spending is usually 20 pounds per day, but the final decision, how much to give the child money, is taken by the parents.

Select the type of trip. Each parent decides the choice himself. Some consider group trips safer and more interesting. Others accustom the child to independence, choosing an individual flight. In this case, the student flies alone (it is possible to arrange the service of the accompanying representative of the airline during the flight), falls under the care of the school during the meeting at the airport. Subsequently, he joins the group of peers. Individual trip allows the child to plunge into the multilingual environment. This facilitates the removal of barriers to communication, adaptation to training abroad. Still others prefer to accompany the child to school and back independently.


Group trips

Group trips are cheaper than individual ones. In them to adapt to the training will be easier for children, first traveling abroad. The group is always accompanied by a representative of the school, class. For groups of 15 people the cost of accommodation and accommodation for an accompanying person is free (sometimes for groups of 10 people). He helps to solve the problems, if necessary.

Instead of a group or individual trip, you can choose family . Many schools offer joint programs today. They assume the residence of parents with children and the passage of each of their courses. It is also possible to cohabitation while teaching only a child.

Choosing an accommodation option. British schools offer children a family accommodation, accommodation on the school grounds and residence in the residence. Each school has its own requirements for age restrictions for living in certain types of housing.

At the family accommodation the host sees off, meets the child the first days from school. Meals are provided in the "breakfast, dinner" format. Children are eating in the school. The family is also obliged to ensure the comfort of the child's living, to provide assistance in organizing leisure time. Description of the family, the coordinates of temporary caregivers are provided to the parents of the child before departure.

Residence in the residence also has its advantages. Residential buildings are located in the protected area of the school or next to the school. Children here are supervised 24/7. Students are accommodated in 2-3-4 bed rooms, individual living is possible. British traditions of education may seem harsh. Children here are accustomed to a simple way of life and observance of the rules of stay in the team from an early age. Therefore, multi-bed apartments in expensive boarding houses are the norm, and not an exception.

At what age do I go to the courses? The question of age is very relevant for parents who decided to send a child abroad. Short-term courses can send children of all school ages. But we must bear in mind that each school sets its age limits.

Megapolis or province? The answer to this question is always individual. But we recommend sending a child, a teenager, to short-term courses according to his wishes. In any case, he will definitely not be bored, the educational institution will take care of the leisure program.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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