2018-07-30 11:57:00

Language camps in Britain for foreign students

Language camps in Britain for foreign students

In the language camps in Britain, study and rest will help students improve their English skills, learn about history and culture and find new friends.

Advantages of language camps in Britain

In Britain there is a huge number of summer schools, which are located in different parts of the country, which opens great prospects:

  • Summer camps in the British megacities will allow you to enjoy the modern urban color and spend a lot of time on walks along the city streets with a developed entertainment and trade infrastructure;
  • Summer schools located in small green resort towns: the choice of camps in such places will open up opportunities for beach recreation, as well as engage in different kinds of sports: yachting, horse riding, tennis, football, golf, etc.

British summer camps offer a variety of programs that harmoniously combine learning English and developing an additional area from the field of sports or art:

  • Learning English can be combined with a certain sport: classes are conducted by qualified coaches, so that professional development of sports skills is under way. England is a sporting country, whose soccer teams are known all over the world, and in many "football" cities a unique opportunity is offered to practice football professionally and learn the language in lessons devoted to soccer-related subjects.
  • Other popular destinations that students study besides English are art (music, theater, cinematography, dancing, photography) and fashion.

Unique opportunities for study and leisure in Britain

Holidays in Britain during the vacation period offer unique opportunities: there is no other country where one can study the classical British with its unique pronunciation, learn many details that will deepen the knowledge of the language. In Britain, many university cities, whose educational institutions are glorified throughout the world, and summer camps at colleges provide a guarantee of high results in education. For foreign students are offered accommodation on campus, as well as in host families, 3 meals a day.

The linguistic programs of Britain

  • British language programs are being developed in accordance with the latest approaches with the use of the most modern equipment
  • Teachers - native speakers - will help students improve their knowledge, get rid of the accent, put the right pronunciation
  • Teachers use a combined methodology based on individual and communicative approaches. The whole program is practical and interactive
  • The intercultural environment created in the camp encourages students to a constant language practice: students from different countries quickly begin to communicate with each other, make new friends for subsequent correspondence
  • Education takes place in small groups of 8 to 15 people
  • The various leisure activities that take place on the campus: parties, quizzes, competitions, etc., as well as trips to the cities of Britain are an excellent environment for consolidating the theoretical material that students learn in class
  • Classes in the camps of Britain are about 3 hours a day, in the morning hours. Foreign students, accustomed to intensive studies, as a rule, do not feel a lot of stress from these activities.


Additional lessons for summer language courses

  • In addition to the linguistic program in the camps of Britain, there are many opportunities to pull items from the school area: camps are taught in such subjects as mathematics, geography, informatics, literature, etc.;
  • Also for students special lectures on business leadership and enterprise management are conducted, which contribute to the development of leadership skills, obtaining the most relevant knowledge about doing business;
  • In some camps, it is proposed to pass a special preparation program for the classic British exams (IELTS language standard exam, Cambridge exams, etc.) and at the end of the program to pass the test - upon successful surrender students receive an international certificate;
  • There are programs for preparing for entry to British educational institutions (GCSE, IB, A-level programs);
  • Many camps in Britain offer special programs that combine sports practice at a professional level and English lessons.


The best camps and prices

  • Camp at the Abbey DLD College London has the highest rankings. The school itself is located in the historic center of London opposite Big Ben and is the architectural heritage of the capital. This school will open great opportunities for getting to know one of the most beautiful European cities. High results in the camp are achieved through a strict approach to studying - the best teachers of London work here. Camp programs help prepare for entering the GCSE, IB, A-level programs, pass the IELTS language standard exam. For students from 7 to 12 years there are programs with an academic direction, which are taught by teachers of secondary and primary schools. The cost of education per week is from 1,350 £.
  • Summer language courses at the Abbey College Cambridge School will help in adapting to the language environment and preparing for further study in the UK. The summer camp is located in one of the university cities of Britain - Cambridge - and its courses are very diverse: for example, there is a unique program "Summer courses in medicine". The cost of education for 2 weeks starts from 3,550 £.
  • Summer School OISE Oxford Eynsham Hall is a place where students from all over the world gather to get high-quality knowledge and get to know better about university Britain, the atmosphere of which will surely inspire new knowledge. The area where the camp is located is a very picturesque and peaceful place. Camp programs are harmoniously structured and provide an exciting pastime for studying and rest. The cost of education ranges from 1,722 £.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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