2020-08-21 12:18:08

How is real America different from cinema one?

How is real America different from cinema one?

When we watch American films, we never cease to be amazed: Do Americans really walk at home in street shoes? Is a license and a car at 16 the norm? And are American schools / colleges really that cool? Sit back: we will figure out what is true in these films, and what we are blatantly deceived.

Truth or lie?

  • In the movies: young people rent apartments in downtown New York, Manhattan and other elite neighborhoods, working as a bartender, waiter, assistant or ordinary journalist.

In life: no, young people cannot afford it without the help of parents or sponsors.

  • In the movies: the places where the films are filmed match the real names.

In real life: filming locations may not match the title of the movie. For example, Detroit from the movie "Robocop" is, for the most part, Dallas.

  • In the movies: criminals commit robberies, go unpunished and banditry flourishes.

In real life: this rarely happens - the police give what they deserve to violators of law and order.

  • In the movies: most Americans are beauties, “school ball queens”.

In real life: America is the world's leading child and youth obesity index. Most people are obese and lazy about style and personal care.

  • In the movies: Americans eat exclusively fast food.

In life: yes and no: some have motivation to take care of nutrition and health, while others do not. Fast food is popular, yes, but no less than healthy food.

  • In the movies: All Americans are involved in running, football, baseball and other sports.

In life: according to statistics, only 19% of US residents are involved in sports.

  • In the movies: in all schools - fights, bullying, hazing.

In life: more often not than yes. Life in American schools is measured and calm.

  • In movies: in America, all structures have cool computer systems with 3D images, etc.

In real life: most institutions have old computers with "thick" monitors.

  • In the movies: every self-respecting American has a pistol.

In life: it is not! The conditions for obtaining a license for a weapon are simplified here, but still they are not distributed on every corner.

  • In the movies: There are no advertisements on American television.

In life: as the people of America say, there is an unbearable amount of it.

  • The films do not feature crowds of New Yorkers taking selfies all the time.

In real life: it's hard to meet a local resident in Time Square, only tourists.

  • In the films: all Americans come home and go to bed without taking off their shoes.

In real life: yes, the streets in the USA are really clean, but not so clean that you don't take off your street shoes, although some people still practice it.

What is the truth we are shown in the films?

  • In the United States, teenagers get their license at the age of 16 and have since come to school in their own cars. Do not be surprised: almost any family can afford to buy a used car, and a teenager himself earns money for servicing in a few months of summer work. Many schools have more parking than in front of shopping centers.
  • Many Americans store the cremated ashes of their deceased relatives on a mantel or bedside shelf.
  • Mobile homes or trailers are really very common. You can not only travel in them, but also live.
  • Not only doctors come to call an ambulance, but also firefighters and policemen studied in first aid skills: they can bandage a wound, give birth, etc.
  • Freedom of expression operates in America. No one will be surprised at a person in a parrot costume, will not take pictures and "poke" a finger.
  • The presence of credit cards does not guarantee that a person will be able to pay everywhere. You should always have cash with you.
  • Expensive electricity is the main reason for the ubiquitous self-service laundries.
  • Expensive medicine. An ambulance will not come to you without insurance, and a one-time appointment with a doctor will cost a minimum of 1,000 $.
  • The Hollywood smile is not a myth. Many Americans have been using whitening systems both in clinics and at home since childhood, investing impressive funds and considering it an investment in the image.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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