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2018-07-30 11:56:39

How do private British schools achieve high achievements?

How do private British schools achieve high achievements?

About 50% of students in private schools receive the highest grades in A-Level in basic "university" subjects. Most often the universities of Britain require A and A * in mathematics, foreign languages and exact sciences. Students of private schools also show brilliant knowledge in physics and chemistry. Estimates for creative courses (music, art) are no less important than academic achievements.

In Oxford , King's College London and Cambridge are mostly schoolchildren from schools traditionally considered to be the British "forge of entrants". The analysis of the ratings of educational institutions over the past few years confirms that the highest chances for admission to children from top-rank private schools. In this case, the main criterion in the formation of the "list of the best" is the A-Level exam.

Of the TOP-10 schools in Britain, dozens of children enter the world-class educational institutions. For example, from a relatively small Oundle School this year, 17 graduates entered the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. And studentsQueen Ethelburga's College gladly accepted London's King's College and University College.

What is the basis of learning in a private school?

While experts are arguing about the phenomenon of preparing foreign students,Britain's private schools continue their triumphant list of victories. It would seem that students from other countries must learn worse than British children, since additional efforts are needed for cultural and language adaptation. But in practice, the British system of secondary education perfectly complements the already existing knowledge of the child and forms the basis for further expansion of knowledge.

Required A-Level subjects, such as English, foreign and math, allow you to get the minimum basic knowledge required. But additional sciences reveal the potential abilities of each student. That is, children learn what they initially interested. There are no "forced" classes in subjects that children will not need in real life, there are no lessons on boring topics. The basis of learning is self-motivation. And this, as we know, is the most powerful motor force.

Teachers of practice

Significant budgets of private schools in England's boarding schools allow them to hire the best teachers. Often, schools prefer to invite not just teachers with work experience, but practitioners. For example, the course of English literature can lead a famous (or not) writer. Knowledge of the legal course is often provided by lawyers from existing firms, and a former accountant can conduct a course of practical economics.

How do you call the boat ...

Representatives of private schools are a necessary condition for high achievements of their students called the level of expectations. When children are enrolled they immediately see that they have entered the best British school, and that means that the achievements must be brilliant. If the teacher in the course of the lesson requires improvement of the educational indicators, maximum dedication and motivates success, the children simply do not have the chance to learn badly. They are treated in the school as a small genius, receiving as a result of talented graduates.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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