2023-03-12 17:17:38

How Bulgaria became the main European capital of women's tourism

How Bulgaria became the main European capital of women's tourism

Bulgaria is considered one of the favorite countries, where girls from the European region often go. There are many attractions that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, excellent clean beaches and beautiful landscapes.

However, almost the main reason for the love of Europeans to Bulgaria are local men who are ready to carry girls in their arms and endlessly admire their beauty! Bulgarians are especially fond of girls with blonde hair and often come to meet and invite to dinner, but they do it culturally, without intrusiveness, which few people like, especially non-local ladies. Bulgarians do not really like that their men often offer their hand and heart to visiting girls, so they treat guests more often neutrally (politely speaking).

As in any tourist country, Bulgaria has its own characteristics, and travelers should familiarize themselves with them before going to the South of Europe - so they can not get into some awkward situations and fully enjoy the local atmosphere.

Yes is no, no is yes

Bulgarians have bizarre sign language, which everyone considers inverted. If a person nods his head, expressing agreement with something, Bulgarians will perceive this gesture as a refusal, since a nod of the head means "no". If the guest wants to refuse the offer and begins to shake his head, according to the system of gestures of Bulgaria, he will agree. The meanings of these gestures in the country are not the same as in the rest of Europe, America and other regions. Answering not the offer of a local man to go for a walk with him, girls should remember that the usual refusal of the cavaliers will take for consent, and vice versa, consent for refusal!

I came to rest, but stayed to live

Kazanlak is recognized as one of the most beautiful and picturesque cities in Bulgaria, where tourists who decide to stay here most often move. The local Valley of Roses is the pearl of Europe, and nature lovers often cannot resist its beauty and buy real estate in the city. There are flower plantations, which in summer decorate the entire region with bright colors and fill the air with a pleasant smell.

Local cuisine

Bulgarians love large portions of dishes, which always have dairy products, meat or cheese in their composition. Meatballs-kufte, sausages, kebabchets are the pride of the national Bulgarian cuisine, and such dishes are very inexpensive.

Traditional dance on the coals

A popular entertainment among travelers and travelers in Bulgaria is the ritual dance of Nestinar on hot coals. The custom originated hundreds of years ago, and dancers often invite girls from the audience to take part in a dangerous performance. They take the tourists in their arms and carry them right over the hot coals barefoot! According to legend, nestinars during the dance are immersed in a trance, during which they do not feel pain from the fire and do not even receive burns from it.

Weddings in Kostinbrod

Kostinbrod weddings are known throughout Europe for their scope and wealth. Local Roma communities have huge fortunes and mansions, in which weddings begin. Golden carriages with brides and grooms leave the gates of the castle, people around rejoice and throw bills of 500 euros at the newlyweds, and the brides themselves in expensive dresses and tiaras with pearls wave to relatives from the windows.

Traditional wives' purchases

In the city called Stara Zagora every spring there is a bride fair, which is organized by the Gypsy community of Kalaiji. Travelers can come here and look at the beauties that the locals "buy" by negotiating a price with their families. Although this is considered an ancient tradition of the people, many Europeans condemn such a custom and want this phenomenon to disappear from Bulgaria.

Club and beach life

On the territory of the country, guests are received by many seaside resorts, but the largest and most popular of them are Golden Sands and Sunny Beach, in recent years Kiten has been pulling up to them. Travelers from all over Europe come here to dance all night, have fun from the heart and drink a lot of strong drinks. In summer, these resorts never sleep, and loud music comes from them around the clock.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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