2018-07-30 11:57:12

High Schools in Geneva for international students

High Schools in Geneva for international students

Switzerland is considered to be a country with a very high standard of living. Every year it becomes an increasingly popular destination for international students from all over the world.

For prestigious Swiss education they go to Geneva - the world diplomatic, banking and cultural center. Here are the headquarters of organizations such as the UN and the Red Cross, and in the neighborhood with them - dozens of elite boarding schools.

Why choose a school in Geneva

  • Geneva is an ideal place for simultaneous study of several European languages and cultures. At once four languages - French, Roman, German and Italian - are recognized as state languages;
  • Most of the curricula in Swiss schools involve bilingual education;
  • Swiss education is recognized by elite universities around the world;
  • In the Swiss school, senior students can freely choose subjects for study, which allows them to prepare purposefully for admission to a particular university;
  • Knowledge of foreign languages is not an obligatory criterion for admission to Swiss schools. For foreign students, educational institutions offer special programs that allow you to quickly learn in a new language environment;
  • Swiss academic programs are open to the most progressive and innovative methods;
  • It was in Switzerland that the International Baccalaureate - IB system was developed, that's why the best programs for preparing it are organized here;
  • Due to the soft immigration policy in Switzerland, it is easy to obtain a study visa, and later - a residence permit.

Types of academic programs in Geneva schools

In Geneva schools one can choose one of the foreign academic programs:

  • The Swiss program implies tuition from the 7th to the 12th grade, which ends with the Schweizer Maturität certificate. Students in this area receive knowledge in German, French or English (or several at a time).
  • The British program is conducted in English and ends with the receipt of the certificate GCSE and A-Level.
  • Another English-language study program - American - allows you to obtain American diplomas High School Diploma and Advanced Placement.
  • The French program becomes available to foreign students after the 8th grade. Students of this program receive a French equivalent of a certificate of maturity - French Baccalaureate.
  • The German program Das Deutsche Abitur allows those who have completed the 11th grade to complete 2 more years of education provided by German schools. Education is conducted in German.
  • The Italian program leads to the state examination of Esame di Stato and the receipt of an appropriate certificate. The students of this department undergo an academic course in Italian.

Pensions in Geneva

Switzerland's pensions in the rankings of the most prestigious schools in Europe are not inferior to the British and even bypass them. The Swiss tradition involves teaching students in a comfortable, family environment. However, the schools of Geneva are famous for strict discipline and great respect for traditions.

In the guesthouses of Geneva, all conditions for foreign students are created. Since Switzerland lacks the main nation, students and students from all over the world do not feel themselves as strangers here.

In the Geneva boarding schools, they pay great attention to physical development and offer students a wide range of activities: from tennis to skiing.

In the mild climate of Switzerland, on the shores of lake Geneva, even children who are often ill stop getting colds.

The cost of studying and living in boarding schools in Geneva is an average of 17,000 to 50,000 â‚£ per semester.

Which school in Geneva to choose

One of the most prestigious boarding schools in Switzerland is the College Du Leman in Geneva. It is located on several hectares on the shores of Lake Geneva. Particular attention is paid here to the observance of traditions and academic standards, while constantly introducing modern techniques. The education is conducted in French and German. Studying at the College Du Leman will cost the schoolchild's parents from 41,500 â‚£ per semester.

Geneva offers worthy educational institutions and at a more modest price. From 17,000 â‚£ for a semester will cost education in the Lyceum named after Rodolf Töpfer. As the main curriculum, the French baccalaureate is accepted here, but many additional language programs are also offered. Particular attention is paid to the personal development of students, their motivation for high achievements and self-development.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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