2019-09-26 00:17:08

Gestown: A Unique Place in Downtown of Vancouver

Gestown: A Unique Place in Downtown of Vancouver

Big cities have their own zest and attractions: in Vancouver, the whole Gestown district is the zest. Tens of thousands of tourists annually visit the "city in the city", which has many amazing facts and stories. Initially, there was inexpensive real estate, which allowed many people to rent or buy an apartment, but over time, the area became popular, which made it one of the most expensive in Vancouver: today only successful and wealthy people can buy real estate here.

District History

Gestown is less than three centuries old - by American standards, this is an old district, one of the oldest in Canada . Unique sights, a special atmosphere and charm have been preserved here, attracting connoisseurs of beauty - in the heart of Vancouver, artists and writers have been staying for centuries in search of inspiration.

The architecture of the area creates the feeling that you are falling into the past: narrow streets, dozens of alleys and alleys - everything speaks of the times of Queen Victoria. Cafes and restaurants, shops and other institutions are hidden in the courtyards: many are not easy to find if you do not use a guide or the help of a local resident. Traveling to Gestown on your own and without preparation, you will miss a lot of interesting things - do not save on excursions, this area of Vancouver keeps a lot of secrets.

Major Attractions

Chatty jack

The first resident of Gestown was Jack Dayton, nicknamed "Gassie", which means "Chatterbox": He liked to talk, and the meeting with him turned into a long monologue, which did not bother Jack, but annoyed the locals. Jack's character trait made him famous, perpetuating the nickname "Chatterbox" by the name of the entire Vancouver area. Today, the Jack Monument is a popular attraction that stands in Gestown Park.

Steam clock

Gestown authorities wanted to demolish the area in the 70s of the last century. Residents were indignant at such a desire and set a steam clock in protest in accordance with the drawings of the 19th century: they move with the help of a steam generator located underground. Every 15 minutes, a chime rings, and an hourly cloud of steam breaks out. Attraction must be visited - you will not find such a building anywhere!

Museum of Police

Police service is associated with many negative features, and there is a whole museum in Gestown, which, frankly, is located in a not very comfortable place in the district. The museum consists of several departments:

  • Morgue
  • Autopsy center
  • Firearms
  • Counterfeit money
  • Material evidence of unsolved cases.

The Gestown Police Museum is a treasury of the amazing and the unusual that will not leave you indifferent.

Interesting facts about Gestown

Vancouver, like his heart, the Gestown area, has many faces: in addition to the endless streets, there are many other attractions, parks, souvenir shops. The area is known for a number of amazing facts:

  • The first building erected in Gestown from refractory materials was the Europe Hotel. Today it does not accept guests, but is an adornment of the area..
  • There are many boutiques with designer furniture that attract tourists.
  • In the summer in the area of "Chatter Jack" is a jazz festival.
  • Gestown Chinatown is the largest in the country.


The object belongs to the districts of the city.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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