2021-08-24 15:40:34

FAQ: Main steps to get education in the USA

FAQ: Main steps to get education in the USA

You can enter US educational institutions in different ways - from direct admission to obtaining a school certificate in American boarding schools. We tell 4 ways to study in the United States to schoolchildren after grades 8-11 and students - from free to expensive.


Study in a community college

Community colleges are vocational educational institutions that train junior and middle staff. The duration of most programs is 2 years, during which time students receive practical knowledge necessary to work in the chosen specialty.

The advantage of colleges is a simplified admission procedure and relatively affordable tuition fees (from two thousand dollars). Many community colleges are focused on foreigners, they have an international atmosphere, so it is much easier to adapt to them. Popular communitycolleges in the United States:Community College of Philadelphia and Moraine Valley Community College.

Get a full scholarship

In the United States, there are a number of universities where you can get such scholarships and study for free. However, it is very difficult to get a scholarship that will cover the costs 100%.

The publication USNEws identified the following universities that provide the greatest financial assistance to students:

Obtaining scholarships for undergraduate programs is especially difficult: according to statistics, only 11% of students receive scholarships, and in master's programs, already 45% of students receive full funding from universities.

Graduate from Advanced Placement program

To confidently enter a US university, foreign students often decide to enroll in an American school for a high school program with in-depth Advanced Placement.  The advantage of this way is soft adaptation, excellent preparation for universities and a prestigious certificate. For admission to the program, students choose boarding schools to live in the school residence, or host families.

Enroll in the University Pathway program

Admission to the pre-university program is another way to get to study in the United States. Students undergo intensive courses in front of the university and receive benefits when applying for a bachelor's degree.

Admission to universities in America

Not all US universities accept students with a Russian certificate immediately after school, but there are such universities. You can enter immediately after school with good English in:

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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