2021-09-02 00:17:18

FAQ: How much does it cost to study in New York?

FAQ: How much does it cost to study in New York?

Studying in New York is a paradise on Earth for lovers of megacities and noisy, fast life. This huge city is a place of attraction for many students. But how much does it all cost?


What does the cost depend on?

  • Location. Since New York is a large city, the prices for education, life, food and other things are higher there.
  • Prestige,the place of the educational institution in the world ranking.
  • Financing. In private universities, tuition is often more expensive than in public ones, as they finance themselves and accept private donations (but the conditions usually offer much better).
  • Profile. Different specialties require different equipment, which may vary and the cost of the course.

Bachelor's degree

The estimated cost of a bachelor's degree in a state university starts from $ 25,000 per semester. In private universities - from $ 34,700 per semester.

Master's degree

Education in a state university will cost about $ 25,000 / year, in a private - from $ 40,000 / year.

PhD Studies

In a state university, it costs from $ 30,000 per period, in a private one - from $ 35,000.

Elite universities

Here are some examples of prestigious US universities and their approximate cost:

The most promising areas at the moment are:

  • IT
  • Medicine
  • International relations
  • Right
  • Business
  • Management.

It is in these specialties that the cost of studying can be more expensive.

Best universities for foreign students

There are several universities that actively accept foreign citizens:

  • University of California, Berkeley. The main directions are biology, physics, chemistry, IT. A year of study will cost $ 33,000 minimum.
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee It is included in the top 20 universities in America, which ensures the demand for graduates among employers. From 25 000$/year
  • Vanderbilt University occupies the highest positions in world rankings and prepares specialists in the areas of medical, natural sciences and humanities. From 41 000 dollars/year
  • University of Arizona. The main task is research activities. A semester of study will cost $ 27,000.
  • The University of California Irvine is among the TOP-40 universities in the United States, and the teachers are highly qualified specialists, often from abroad. 11 000 dollars/year.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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