2021-09-02 00:17:29

FAQ: How much does it cost to study at New York University?

FAQ: How much does it cost to study at New York University?

There are about 2618 accredited private and public institutions in New York City offering a four-year undergraduate program. At the same time, the prices for studying are very diverse.


What does affect the cost?

  • Prestige of higher education institution. Its place in the world rankings, the number of successful graduates, the technical equipment of the university, the weight in the scientific community
  • Location. The cost of studying in large cities may be higher than in others (or than in the region, state, suburbs)
  • Financing. In private universities, it is more expensive, since they support themselves or on private donations.
  • Specialty. The price changes due to the expected number of specialists, salary expectations.

Additional costs

In addition to the actual tuition fees, there are other expenses:

  • Embassy consular fee = 160$
  • Flights
  • Meeting at the airport = 75-95$
  • Invitation delivery = 55-65$
  • Meals = 6000-7000$/year
  • Insurance = 1500$
  • Dormitory = 7000-8000$/year minimum
  • Books and textbooks = $1000-2000.

Preparatory courses

There are several preparatory courses for international students. Two of them are aimed at improving the level of English and knowledge in general (Pathway, University Transfer Program). Another is the Foundation Program. These kinds of programs last a year. Prices for courses start from $ 18,000 and reach up to $ 40,000.

Three levels of education

  1. Undergraduate ( bachelor's degree).  Academic year costs from 16 000 dollars, education goes about 3-4 years
  2. Graduate (master's degree). Academic year costs from $ 20,000, education takes about 1-2 years
  3. Postgraduate (doctoral and other postgraduate programs). Academic year costs from $ 30,000, education takes about 4-6 years.

How to save expences?

You can save thanks to scholarship payments that many good universities offer - Harvard, Stanford and others. To receive payments, your average score must be at least 4.0, TOEFL at least 79. The size of the scholarship varies depending on the fund that finances the university - on average from $ 3500 to $ 35,000 per year. It is quite difficult to achieve a grant - there are few of them, American applicants are a priority, the competition is off the scale.

There are TOP-5 universities in the USA that provide free education for foreign students, if you have very high academic results.

  • Cooper Union
  • Macaulay Honors College
  • Yale School of Music
  • Ozarks College
  • Beria College.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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