2021-09-02 00:17:42

FAQ: How many colleges are owned by Oxford?

FAQ: How many colleges are owned by Oxford?

Oxford is a prestigious place for education, the best students from all over the world strive to enter it. Many people have heard about interesting bachelor's and master's programs that can be taken within the walls of the university, but the phrase "college in Oxford" is often confusing. In England, the word "college" has a different meaning than in the CIS countries.


There are 38 colleges in Oxford, 7 accept only those who are going to study in master's and postgraduate programs. These are interdisciplinary communities made up of professors, administration, and students. Oxford Colleges offer their students limitless resources to learn:

  • Library
  • e-books and devices
  • sports, collective and intellectual events and venues.

When you enter university, you can specify which college you would like to go to more (this is called a "first choice college")and a second fallback option(a "second choice college"). If the applicant does not pass to the desired colleges, the university redirects applications for admission to those colleges in Oxford where there are still places. Once you have confirmed a place at a particular college, you cannot choose another.

Examples of colleges in Oxford:

  • All Souls College
  • Balliol College
  • Brasenos College
  • Christ Church
  • Corpus Christi College.

Each college is unique – Christ Church College is considered the most beautiful, and the most luxurious is Magdalene College. Each college consists of a "canteen", a chapel, a library, rooms for 150-400 students and rooms of local chairmen. All the buildings of Oxford colleges are completely different - there are both "medieval" and modern, but many of them consist of courtyards that are connected to each other. On the territory there is a small building for a local employee who guards the territory and controls the entrance from the outside.

The most ancient tradition of the university is the friendly rivalry between universities. Often, 2 neighboring colleges will be rivals, and each will boast of athletic victories and achievements to the other. Examples of rival colleges:

  • Jesus and Exeter Colleges
  • Bracenous and Lincoln Colleges
  • Balliol College and Trinity College
  • Christ Church and Pembroke College
  • Table College and St. John's College.

These colleges and their good rivalry have a long history and customs.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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