2020-05-12 00:00:32

Dublin Castle - the government residence and the main attraction of the city

Dublin Castle - the government residence and the main attraction of the city

Plunging into the medieval atmosphere of palace coups and royal life is quite simple: you need to come to Dublin and visit the famous castle. Today it is the main government complex in which tourists have not stopped letting go except for days of important negotiations and public holidays. The castle, the construction of which lasted more than 25 years, amazes with its grandeur and power, which is why for a long time it was the main outpost of Britain in Ireland. If you are planning to visit this attraction, take enough time: you can roam the corridors, halls and passages all day.

History reference

The castle was built in 1204 by order of King John the Landless, who came to power after the conquest of Ireland by his father Henry II. The original destination is a fortress on the southeastern border of Dublin. In order for the fortress function to be performed 100%, the castle was designed taking into account all the requirements and features:

  • Watchtowers
  • Deep moat
  • Thick and powerful walls.

However, in the entire history of the fortress, it has never been subjected to assaults or sieges. The only enemy of Dublin Castle was a fire that occurred in the late 17th century. Everything, except the Accounting Tower, burned down, so it can be argued that in its original form only it reached us. Due to the complete reconstruction, the castle is considered an eighteenth-century building.

For 700 years, the castle was the residence of the ruling persons, where were located:

  • Court and other authorities
  • Parliament
  • Royal chapel
  • Chester Beatty Museum
  • Halls for the knighting ceremony.

Dublin Castle Architecture

The object is especially appreciated by tourists for the opportunity in one place to trace the changes in Irish architecture over several centuries. The outer walls of the fortress and the Accounting Tower are buildings of the 13th century. Since everything else was wooden and damaged in fires, at the beginning of the 18th century it was decided to build stone buildings.

Today, the castle can be accessed from different sides. If you go through the gates of Fortitude and Justice, the tourist will immediately go to the Upper Courtyard to the Bedford Tower. On the left is the Record Tower and the Royal Chapel, built in the Gothic style. The chapel is famous for its stucco facades and an abundance of oak carvings.

Tourist info

On the territory of the Dublin Castle, you should definitely visit:

  • Chester Beatty's free library of Islamic, Christian, Buddhist manuscripts and early printed books
  • Museum of taxes and fees in the crypt of the Royal Chapel, which displays seals, stamps, samples of smuggling
  • A lawn with specially cut lawns and fancy shrubs
  • Arts Center
  • Castle dungeons that are used for concerts.

Interesting Facts

  • St. Patrick's Hall in Dublin Castle used to host inaugurations of Irish presidents.
  • The castle hosts civil funeral services.
  • For a long time, the building was perceived by the Irish exclusively as a symbol of the dependence of their native country on Britain. When Ireland gained freedom, the castle became the political center of the country.

The object belongs to castles.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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