
Study in Philippines. 21 best institutions in Philippines

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Education information

If you are considering a popular educational route for learning with reasonable prices, the possibility of full language immersion and with quality programs, then the Philippines is definitely worth your attention. In this country, the system of education is based on the American educational module, and English has been elevated to the status of the official language - all this provides excellent conditions for improving the language. In addition, the Philippines is famous for its exoticism, golden sandy beaches, extreme sports and hospitable locals. We will talk about all the nuances of studying in the Philippines in more detail.

Main features of studying in the Philippines for foreign students

The English language here has official status, local residents speak it well: it is the language of the media, books, magazines. All this made the Philippines a very popular destination for children on vacation, as well as for adults who dream of paradise enjoyment on the impeccable beaches. After all, learning English is much more comfortable under the warm sun: each lesson will sparkle with completely different colors than at the school desk, when you know that after lessons you are expected to travel to the jungle, rainforests, explore volcanoes, visit caves with underwater rivers, and entertaining events in the territory schools and more.

  • Developed English language studying system

A large number of language schools have been opened in the country - most of the centers are located in Cebu, Mactan, Panglao, Palawan and Luzon. Only in Manila there are about 20 institutions! Students will find a wide selection of courses, and in terms of quality, language centers are not lagging behind European ones.

  • Cost

Tuition fees in the Philippines are three to four times lower than in the USA, Canada and Europe. 

Advantages of getting higher education in the Philippines for foreign students

The higher education system in the Philippines is one of the best in the southeast world: five of the country's institutions are included in the QS World University Rankings due to the quality of student preparation and popularity among foreigners. In many ways, the American standards, which formed the basis of education, ensured such success in the local system of university education.

The school year begins in June and lasts until the end of March. Applicants pass the entrance exam - National Secondary Achievement Test: this is an analogue of the American tests that American high school graduates pass. Universities of the Philippines are multidisciplinary institutions where you can find the most popular specialties: management and business, architecture, humanities, natural sciences, pharmaceuticals, law, education, culinary arts and hotel management. Scientific degrees correspond to international gradations: at the University of the Philippines you can get education in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs.

The cost of studying is much lower than in Europe, and the cost of living and meals will be about $ 200 per month. The average cost of education at a university is $ 2,400. Students from abroad can apply for financial assistance, and at the end of high school a good recommendation from the institute. Leading universities in the Philippines have good connections with companies and organizations in the country, and students can get practice at the enterprises and subsequently find work. The country has many universities with a century of history - the oldest university was opened in 1611.

Leading language schools for foreign students in the Philippines

The main educational area of the Philippines is English language courses (due to the fact that English is widely spread in the country). Many tourists are attracted by local resorts and exotic nature: in such an environment, even with intensive preparation, you can fully relax. Another advantage of local programs is the price: the cost of a month of stay and study starts at $ 1,000. Highly-qualified employees work in schools, they are always ready to provide all kinds of assistance to students - if necessary, he will conduct several individual lessons that will help to adapt.

Students will find a wide range of areas that take into account age-related characteristics, level of language proficiency and goals.

English courses in the Philippines for international students: programs and prices

Course name

Hours per week

Number of students

Required Language Proficiency

Cost, Philippine Pesos (per week)


Standard Courses, Standard English


Up to 15

Suitable with any level of language proficiency


The classic direction, the goals depend on the level of complexity: to give basic knowledge or improve existing. During lessons, students learn four basic skills: literate writing, reading, correct and easy perception of listening language and fluent spoken language.

Intensive Course


To 10


A richer and more concise program will suit purposeful students with a desire to work hard

Summer School, Summer Camp




Children's camps for schoolchildren are a great option to spend summer time with benefit.

Exam Preparation IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC


To 10

Intermediate, or Intermediate


The main goal of the direction: to improve the IELTS score, etc. Students train in trial versions of testing and study its structure.

Combined courses



Upper-Intermediate, Above Average

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The direction combines several types of activities: English + sports / soccer / fitness / yoga / dancing / creativity / music / cooking and much more.

Professional English for business


To 10

Upper-Intermediate, Above Average

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It is aimed at students who plan to work, live or study abroad. It is recommended that you choose courses lasting at least four weeks.

Academic English

From 25

To 10

Intermediate, or Intermediate


The course is suitable for students who are going to enter a university abroad. It involves studying of the scientific style and features of writing written works in English.

Philippines summer school for foreign students

Summer schools for children in the Philippines create interesting vacation programs that include active beach vacations, fun activities at school, excursions and learning English.

As a rule, students do not have language requirements, but parents will need to collect a package of documents:

  • Photocopy of a passport, ID card
  • Completed application form and school application
  • Photocopy of birth certificate certified by a notary
  • Notarized parental consent
  • Medical certificate.

Organizers of children's vacations strive to create comfortable living conditions in the school camp: a room for 1-3 people with a cozy design, the necessary equipment, air conditioning, a balcony, a safe, a recreation area. The campsite has a good sports and recreational infrastructure: several swimming pools, a cafeteria, sports grounds, gyms, etc.

The cost of summer courses for children includes accommodation on the school grounds, board-type meals, an entertainment program, activities outside the camp (excursions, trips and walks), electives and sections. Additional costs are usually the following: air travel and transfer, consular fees and visa processing, medical insurance, training materials, express mail for receiving an invitation letter from the language center. During the first week of their stay in the country, foreigners need to get permission to study at the immigration service - as a rule, the representative of the school takes on this task. The cost of the procedure will be six thousand Philippine pesos.

To go to the Philippines to study at a language school or summer camp, you need to prepare documents, choose the school and course that suits you, fill out the form and pay the registration fees. After everything is paid, and the documents are submitted, it remains to wait for an invitation from the school. A visa for short-term courses is not required: you can stay in the country for one month without a visa, a passport is enough.

SMAPSE is the official representative of the language schools of the Philippines, not an intermediary, which allows us to place the prices of the educational institutions themselves, without extra charges. Our managers provide free consultations regarding the selection of the center and program that suits you. 

Please, don't hesitate to ask us questions, as SMAPSE experts are always ready to answer! 

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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