
Study finance in Spain - 8 institutions

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Education information

Financial education in Spain , a country with a dynamic economy, developed educational and tourism sectors, is now available to Russian and foreign students. The country's universities offer quality education in business and finance in Spanish, English, as well as bilingual programs. Educational institutions of the country provide different forms of education: daytime, evening, mixed. Studying finance at universities in Spain will be cheaper than in many other universities in Europe, and diplomas from Spanish universities have a good reputation in the global labor market. The average cost of studying at universities in Spain is from 2000 to 5000 € / year. Graduates of financial departments of Spanish universities and business schools quickly find work in prestigious companies abroad, in Russia. The high percentage of employment is explained by deep theoretical knowledge, well-thought-out internship programs in the field of business, finance, economics, consulting, management.

Our experts will assist you in choosing a training program, an educational institution, prompt the conditions for enrollment, a list of documents, and specify when to apply.

Studying Finance in Spanish schools

Studying finance in Spanish schools begins at the basic school level, in the third year of bachilerato (an analogue of the senior classes of basic education in a comprehensive school), students choose a specialization in the humanities, exact sciences, including the study of finance. The final exams of bachilerato are the entrance to the university. For foreign students graduation from the high school level of the Spanish school is one of the ways to enter the higher educational institution of Spain.

The second option is to enter an international preparatory program for preparing for the university: International Baccalaureate, Foundation, etc. Studying at them helps to increase the level of knowledge in specialized, general subjects, English or Spanish (depends on what language the study is planned in), increases the chances applicants for successful admission. A popular option is that a foreign student is transferred to a Spanish university after a 1-2 year of studying in another university, after receiving a bachelor's degree in his homeland.

Financial education at universities in Spain for foreign students

Financial education in Spain can be obtained at universities, institutes, there are more than 50 of in the country. Higher education in Spain is integrated into the European educational system, a large number of foreign students who come to study abroad are admitted annually. Spanish best universities are included in prestigious rankings, and Spanish universities have a long tradition. Higher education in Spain is paid for Spanish, foreign students. 

Universidad de Barcelona, one of the country's leading universities, was opened in 1450, more than five hundred years ago. The university offers a master's program in European financial advisers. The course provides preparation for financial consultants as it develops knowledge in the field of markets, financial products, their taxation, valuation, and money management.

The university also offers courses for certification of financial agents, European financial advisers, financial advisers, conducted by the European Financial Planning Association (EFPA). The university invites specialists from financial institutions, enterprises, other specialists, students interested in gaining new knowledge in the field of financial markets and products.

Universidad Pompeu Fabra, a modern elite university, was opened in 1990. The Faculty of Economics and Business helps future financial professionals to learn the principles of trade policy, marketing, management, the basics of the legal framework. The university offers a master's degree in several financial specializations:

  • financial markets
  • finance, banking;
  • financial management, company audit;
  • financial, managerial accounting of the company;
  • economics, finance;
  • innovation, entrepreneurship;
  • financial, managerial accounting at the enterprise (with specialization in corporate finance);
  • research in the field of economics, finance, business;
  • banking, finance.

Complutense de Madrid , one of the top universities in Spain, has been studying economics and business since 1971. The university teaches students to work in the financial departments of private, state-owned enterprises of Spanish, international, private, public institutions. The master's program in banking, finance meets the requirements of the modern labor market. A complex interdisciplinary program includes the study of quantitative methods necessary for analysis, informed financial decision making. The main goal of the master's program is to train specialists who are able to carry out work on assessment, management, consultations in the field of finance, various options for the distribution of resources, asset valuation, risk management, and their combination in the framework of the general economy.

Politécnica de Valencia offers preparation that is in demand in the business world: tax, accounting and insurance professionals. Innovations in financial products, regulatory changes, for example, in accounting, taxation, require the use of increasingly complex professional judgments. All this requires a high level of education, which offers the Polytechnic Institute of Valencia.

The Graduate School of Business at Carlos III de Madrid University offers a Masters in Finance, Insurance (HCVS). The learning process includes lecture, seminar hours, an internship in Madrid, writing a study. The program covers the entire spectrum of necessary disciplines, providing students with a solid conceptual knowledge base, the necessary skills for understanding the financial sector, as well as practical skills. These skills can be applied in insurance, creating professionals with a comprehensive education.

Studying finance at academic programs in Spain

Some universities offer short-term academic programs for graduates, professionals working in banking, investment, accounting. The objectives of such programs are advanced training, the development of additional knowledge in the related field, obtaining certificates of international financial associations

Toulouse Business School offers a CPA testing preparation program for obtaining an international certificate in finance. It will allow to claim TOP positions in international companies. The intensive course takes two weeks, requires full dedication and a lot of independent work on the part of the applicant. Courses are focused on masters with work experience of 2 years or more. The purpose of studying is the acquisition of strategic, managerial skills, the exchange of experience, the formation of skills for the analysis of complex situations, decision making, the ability to implement them.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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