
Study in Malaga 2024

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Education information

If you want to give your child an unforgettable experience of studying abroad, studying in Malaga for schoolchildren and students will be the ideal solution to this issue. Every year, students from all over the world come to the city, located on the Mediterranean coast: this popularity is due to the high quality of education and affordable prices among European countries. Now Malaga is one of the most popular destinations for learning Spanish: the city is famous for its prestigious language schools, colleges, and leading higher education institutions offer foreigners education in more than 60 areas from bachelor's to doctoral studies.

On the site you can get acquainted with the top educational institutions in Malaga, read reviews, and our study abroad specialist will help you make the right choice based on individual preferences and goals. Free professional advice, participation in the preparation of documents and when enrolling in elite educational institutions (we remind you that places are limited).

Studying in Malaga, Spain: the benefits of curriculum for foreign students

Studying in Malaga for students is a very profitable investment in the future, regardless of the chosen program of a prestigious educational institution - a huge plus for students will be a quick increase in their foreign language proficiency. Particularly impressive results can be achieved with the Intensive language course, and completing studies at higher educational institutions will help to further develop and improve not only academic, but also language proficiency.

Education in Malaga has several advantages:

  • Affordable tuition fees compared to other European countries as Great Britain , the the USA - this is a great opportunity to get a quality affordable education for foreign students 
  • A unique chance to learn / raise to a new level one or two foreign languages during the study period
  • The opportunity to get a diploma recognized in most European countries, which will give status when applying for a job, having sufficient advantage in the labour market
  • The most comfortable learning conditions have been created for students: well-equipped classes are provided, classes are held according to modern methods under the guidance of highly qualified teaching staff.

Educational system in Spain, Malaga for foreign students: main directions, choice of programs

Leading educational institutions in Spain offer quality education in Malaga for international students - the city provides great opportunities and a wide selection of programs in various professional fields. Paying attention to the dynamics of foreign students entering universities, schools, colleges, prestigious higher educational institutions, the following areas can be called the most popular areas in the region:

  • Music
  • Graphic design
  • Business
  • Spanish language and literature.

When planning to study in Malaga for students, you should know that Spain has a three-stage higher education system:


Grado - Bachelor




Máster - Master



Doctorado - Doctorate


The first stage of higher education, the period of study at the top educational institution is 4 years.



The second stage of higher education, for the passage of the program the student must have a bachelor's degree.

Duration of study is 1-2 years depending on the chosen course.

The third stage of education: after obtaining a master’s qualification, the student has the right to apply for further studies to obtain this degree (the period of study will be from 3 to 5 years).

Tuition fees in Malaga for foreign students

For foreign students wishing to study in Malaga, the cost of studying will depend on the chosen curriculum and educational institution: for example, the average price of linguistic courses is from 880 € to 1195 € for 2 weeks. Those who are interested in higher education should focus on 1250-2500 € / year for the Grado program (bachelor's degree), obtaining a master's degree (master) will cost 2500-3000 € / year, a doctoral degree - Doctorado - will cost from 700 € /year.

General statistics on education in Malaga

General information about Malaga

Country Spain
Region Andalusia
Language Spanish, Basque
Currency Euro
Population 568,305
Time Zone Europe/Madrid

Cost of living in Malaga

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 186 256
Food 152 310
Transportation 40 124
Communications and utilities 77 94
Clothing 23 86
Sports and leisure 23 82
Total 502 953

Accommodation options in Malaga per month

Shared room outside of centre 180 $
Shared room in city centre 266 $
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 300 $
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 404 $
Good afternoon! Please tell me if there are schools and higher educational institutions in Malaga that teach in English. Children 14 and 16, Spanish was never taught. Thank you
SMAPS Manager
Good afternoon Margarita! Thank you for your inquiry. In Malaga, there are several language centers that teach students foreign languages.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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