
Study in San Francisco, California 2024

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Education information

Today, California attracts a wide range of foreign students from all over the world with high-quality educational services and golden beaches. Many international students choose studying in San Francisco, California as it's a great opportunity to combine effective courses with exciting rest. SMAPSE offers TOP-20 prestigious schools, colleges and universities located in San Francisco where international students can get high-quality and balanced primary, secondary and higher education. 

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts as they are always ready to answer all your questions. 

Leading schools in San Francisco for international students

For foreign students, studying in San Francisco will be a great start to building an international career. The benefits of studying in California include:

  • Good reputation. US schools, colleges and universities are known worldwide. Studying in the USA will be the first step for working in many large foreign companies. Many educational institutions in San Francisco have a high rating on the international stage and are among TOP schools or universities in the world.
  • High level of education. Education in the United States is aimed at students. It allows students to pay more attention to their favourite subjects and disciplines - so the learning process becomes interesting and exciting for students of all ages. Educational institutions pay great attention to the selection of teachers, which allows them to be confident in their professionalism, and to develop the infrastructure and campus of the school or institute, which opens up new horizons for children and adolescents interested in science, sports or creativity.
  • Security. Highly ranked academic institutions and schools in the United States pay great attention to the security system, which allows parents not to worry about the safety of their child.
  • Location in San Francisco. Students can find white beaches, historic streets and squares, beautiful parks, large-scale exhibitions and concerts, world-famous sights (Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Lombard Street, Chinatown) and much more.
  • Environment. San Francisco is a home to a large number of foreign students from around the world, making the city truly multicultural. This helps students from all over the world quickly get used to an unfamiliar environment and get rid of language barriers. 

Myths and reality about getting education abroad

Despite the huge number of undeniable advantages, many parents still doubt its necessity. The main fear of most children, adolescents and their families remains that the child will remain “alone in a foreign country” - however, this statement has not been true for many years. In foreign educational institutions, children and adolescents are monitored around the clock, educators are always ready to help - answer questions or help with any difficulties.

The second fear stopping studying abroad is the lack of knowledge of the language at a sufficient level. Vacation programs under the patronage of the best language schools and TOP universities are an ideal solution. Language courses are of particular interest to students during the summer holidays and are suitable even for children and teenagers with insufficient language proficiency. During such programs, they will be able to get acquainted with the country during numerous excursions and create unforgettable memories as part of leisure activities.

The third open question for students remains the choice of educational institution and the cost of education. In California, there are a huge number of schools, colleges and universities. On the page you will find a description of international programs, their tuition fees, rankings and reviews for each course. SMAPSE specialists in international education will help you choose the most suitable program for study.

Svetlana  Iakovleva
Director of International Enrollment Management

What advice would you give to future applicants before applying to US schools and why?

School rankings should be a small part of your decision process. Please watch the school videos, read more about the place when the school is located, read about the teachers, explore AP and Honors courses and learn about clubs and other activities offered by a school. Do not forget about ESL if you dream big and plan to apply to top-100 US universities.


Tuition fees for studying at best schools in San Francisco for international students

Education prices depend on the chosen program and the rating of the US school . The average cost of summer language courses in San Francisco for schoolchildren and students ranges from $ 1,500 to $ 2,000 per week, and annual programs (undergraduate or graduate) - from $ 33,000 to $ 39,000 per year per student.

Additional items of expenditures usually fall on air tickets, transfers, visa and health insurance expenses, bank expenses, translation and certification of documents, leisure activities and sightseeing trips not included in the program, and pocket expenses. 

Check out similar information about Los Angeles too!

General statistics on education in San Francisco

General information about San Francisco

Country United States
Region California
Region 2 City and County of San Francisco
Population 805,235
Visitors 3,520,500/year
Time Zone America/Los_Angeles

Cost of living in San Francisco

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 1,244 1,696
Food 391 644
Transportation 56 171
Communications and utilities 93 98
Clothing 27 96
Sports and leisure 36 117
Total 1,847 2,822

Accommodation options in San Francisco per month

Shared room outside of centre 1,257$
Shared room in city centre 1,713$
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 2,083$
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 2,682$

Coordinates of San Francisco

Time Zone America/Los_Angeles
GMT -8
DST -7
Latitude 37.774930000
Longitude -122.419420000
Elevation 16 m.
Elevation (STRM3) 28 m.

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Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

Sam is the Regional Director of Student Admissions at INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia). Sam has nearly 20 years' experience in international education. Also, he has experience in student recruitment for institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and is a qualified EFL teacher with many years of experience teaching abroad. He understands the challenges faced by international students and is aware of all these difficulties and have vast experience in helping foreign students.

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