
Study in Shanghai 2024

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Education information

The city of a hundred skyscrapers and green parks, the capital of the Chinese economy and fashion, the most populous city on Earth - all this is Shanghai. The largest modern metropolis in China is one of the fastest growing cities, where you can see the landscapes of New York, Tokyo and even Paris. This city attracts not only tourists, but also a large flow of foreign students who want to get acquainted with modern China and get a high-quality prestigious education in Shanghai.

Secondary education in Shanghai for foreign students

Shanghai is replete with a large number of secondary schools - both public and private. State institutions are mainly focused on local residents, so courses are held in Chinese. But some Shanghai schools still have the right to accept foreign sudents: as a rule, this option is an indicator of quality and welfare, since obtaining such a license is associated with large-scale inspections and financial costs. A newly-made student will spend the first year of study in Shanghai high school on language learning, and only after that will begin to master the state school curriculum. Classes in secondary schools number up to 40-50 people, the school day starts at 8 in the morning and lasts no more than 8 hours. An academic load is quite intense and is divided into 2 blocks - before lunch, students attend classes of the first category of importance (mathematics, language, biology, physics), and after the lunch break - time for the creative and humanities.

In addition to public schools, Shanghai is a leader in the number of private and international secondary schools in China. It can be both Shanghai day schools and private boarding schools, where students attend classes and live in one territory equipped with the necessary infrastructure.

Most of the curricula of these schools are based on a European or American basis, some are official branches of British or French colleges. Accordingly, the language of instruction in private schools mainly is English, and a certificate of completion of this institution will have the same significance as its European equivalent.

Higher Education in Shanghai for international students

Shanghai is home to more than 30 universities that are in TOP world rankings, which, of course, attracts students from abroad: the education here is very high-quality and prestigious, but at the same time inexpensive. Another feature of Shanghai universities is the widest list of specialties: starting from the humanities and applied sciences, foreign languages and ending with high technology, fashion and design. Shanghai universities have both traditional programs (undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate), and special programs in design, hospitality, management and art without assignment of degrees.

In addition to the quality of education, foreign students highlight a few points that tip the balance in favour of Shanghai universities :

  • The stylish look of the city: modern buildings and skyscrapers are harmoniously combined with green parks and historic buildings on small streets, which makes walks unusually picturesque.
  • Convenience of public transport: regardless of the chosen university, it will be easy for students to quickly get to it thanks to the developed network of public transport, metro. And the quality of the road surface and the abundance of interchanges will make the trip by car quick and enjoyable.
  • The highest library in the world: the Shanghai library, resembling a huge lighthouse, has 24 floors and millions of books useful to students - fortunately, students in Shanghai universities have access to the library.
  • Developed infrastructure: Shanghai is a city that does not sleep. After a hard and busy day, students and office workers move into cozy bars and the bustling streets of the night city, where you can have fun with new friends.
  • Favourable climate: Shanghai is located on the coast of the South China Sea, thanks to which the city always has a comfortable temperature and humidity.
  • Shanghai dialect: despite the fact that it is not a traditional dialect of China, it is it that will be useful to students planning employment in this metropolis. In addition, Shanghai speaks a traditional dialect.

The average cost of a semester of study at ranking universities in Shanghai:

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

3603 $

Fudan University

Fudan university

$ 3341

Tongji University

Tongji university

$ 5,000

East China Polytechnic University

East China University of Science and Technology

$ 3300

Shanghai University

Shanghai University

3051 $

Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology

Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology

$ 5,000

Language courses in Shanghai for international students

Shanghai is one of the best areas for learning languages: in this city the styles and cultures of East and West were mixed, Chinese traditions were transformed under European trends - and all this made the city ultramodern, without depriving it of authenticity.

A huge number of language schools in Shanghai can offer courses for pupils, students and adults, varying in duration and intensity. The most popular areas of study are:

  1. Intensive Chinese course - from 20 to 30 hours a week, classes are suitable for students and adults.
  2. A standard Chinese course - 15-20 lessons per week will combine effective studying with leisure and tourism in this incredible city.
  3. The Chinese business course is an incredibly popular area precisely in Shanghai as the center of international business and financial operations.
  4. Tour Study Program - a course aimed at learning the language and immersion in oriental culture, as well as establishing friendly relations between China and foreign countries.
  5. Summer Chinese + relaxation is a popular vacation program among Russian schoolchildren, during which the children learn the language using communicative technology in a fun way, and also enjoy summer holidays on the beach. In addition to training, the day is full of various activities, excursions and sports competitions.

Most of Shanghai's language schools offer students accommodation in host families or student residences, and the cost of living is relatively low - from $ 125 per week.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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