2020-10-31 00:00:31

Best Moscow universities to get higher education

More than 250 higher education institutions offer higher education in Moscow . The level of education is quite high in all regions of Russia, but in Moscow there are more opportunities for recreation, an active lifestyle, and cultural development. Higher education at Moscow universities is popular among Russian and foreign students due to the extensive opportunities offered by Moscow universities: excellent funding, a wide range of specialties (higher technical education, economics, higher legal education, design, accounting). The best universities in Moscow offer to get a first or second higher education, take retraining courses, get a correspondence / distance education in Moscow.

Higher education in Moscow - one of the best student cities in the world

Many students, both Russian and foreign, wish to obtain a diploma of higher education in Moscow. The capital of Russia is included in the ranking of the best student cities by QS for 2020, ranking 34th. Higher education in Moscow is offered by 9 large universities included in the QS World University Rankings 2020, among them is the top Russian university of Moscow State University, which occupies the 74th position in the world ranking.

Moscow is among the top 50 best cities according to students' opinion with many positive comments from respondents.

Higher education in Moscow: learning structure

Higher education in Moscow is provided by state and non-state higher educational institutions (universities). Free higher education in Moscow is available to those who have received high scores in school final exams and / or won prizes at the All-Russian Olympiads. About half of the students at public universities pay for their studies: tuition prices range from 60 to 580 thousand rubles per year. Private universities charge tuition fees - the cost of higher education in them depends on the chosen specialty.

Higher education in Moscow is administered by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which is responsible for ensuring the quality of education. Higher educational institutions in Moscow provide 3 levels of education:

  • Incomplete higher education (minimum 2 years)
  • Bachelor's degree is a 4-year program, higher education recognized throughout the world.
  • Master's program lasting 1-2 years (ends with a master's degree).

Russian academic degrees include two levels: PhD (first level, equivalent to PhD), Doctor of Science (second, highest level).

The best universities in Moscow

Higher education in Moscow is offered by the best universities and institutes in the country. The rating of Moscow universities consists of famous educational institutions - Moscow University, MGIMO, Higher School of Economics.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) is one of the best universities in Russia, consistently included in the top 150 world educational rankings. Considered one of the most prestigious universities in Russia, it hosts over 47,000 students. Moscow State University includes 15 research institutes, 40 faculties, 300 departments, 6 branches, including 4 foreign (in the CIS countries). In addition to respected faculties of natural sciences, Moscow State University has a long tradition of teaching the humanities: the first three faculties opened at the founding of the university were medicine, law, and the faculty of philosophy. Later, the faculties of political science, economics, international relations, history, journalism, philosophy were founded, which became the leading centers of education and research in Europe. Among the graduates of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov - Nobel Prize winners, Fields medal holders, statesmen, diplomats, lawyers, famous writers and artists.

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)

MIPT (Phystech) is a leading Russian university specializing in physics, mathematics, and related disciplines. The Institute is located in the city of Dolgoprudny (5 km from the borders of Moscow), part of the buildings and departments are located in the capital of Russia, and part in the city of Zhukovsky (40 km from Moscow). The main feature of MIPT is the Phystech system, which provides training of high-level specialists in demand in international fundamental research. MIPT includes 6 physics and technology schools, the most popular area among applicants to MIPT is applied mathematics and physics.

The main areas of study:

  • System analysis, control
  • Informatics, computer technology
  • Computer security
  • Applied Mathematics, Computer Science
  • Applied mathematics, physics.

Moscow State Technical University

Moscow State Technical University N.E.Bauman is the citadel of engineering education in Russia. His scientific schools have contributed to the study of space technology, heat engineering, biophysics, aerodynamics, radiophysics, radio electronics, optics, laser technology, dynamics. The prestigious university recently received the status of a national research university for its contribution to innovative technologies. Interaction with foreign partners includes cooperation with 80+ universities in the world, student exchanges. There is a modern training center for students with disabilities and hearing impairments.

National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE)

The Higher School of Economics is a popular national research university located in Moscow with branches in St. Petersburg, Perm, and Nizhny Novgorod. HSE offers a wide range of educational programs from bachelor's and master's degrees to MBA, DBA, and vocational education. The fundamentality of HSE's education, the opportunity to participate in academic projects and research together with prominent scientists from Russia and around the world allow HSE graduates to achieve professional success from the first year of study. The Higher School of Economics became the first Russian state university to work with foreign teachers. Today, the university employs more than 100 teachers from 25 countries of the world, students regularly undergo internships in leading international companies. The Career Development Center provides advice and support on career issues + every year the business incubator holds a startup competition, one of the largest in Russia.

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

The history of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (MEPhI) began with the founding in 1942 of the Moscow Mechanical Institute of Ammunition. Later, the leading Russian nuclear university MEPhI was founded here, in the formation of which leading Soviet scientists took part, including the head of the Soviet atomic project Igor Kurchatov. Six Nobel Prize winners have worked at MEPhI throughout its history - Nikolai Basov, Andrei Sakharov, Nikolai Semenov, Igor Tamm, Ilya Frank, Pavel Cherenkov. Today MEPhI is the leading research university in Russia, which trains engineers and scientists in more than 200 areas. The most promising areas of study:

  • Nanomaterials, nanotechnology
  • Radiation, beam technologies
  • Medical physics, nuclear medicine
  • Superconductivity, controlled thermonuclear fusion
  • Ecology, biophysics
  • Information Security.

Friendship University of Russia

RUDN is a multidisciplinary university uniting more than 33 thousand students, postgraduates, residents, interns from 157 countries of the world. Multinationality is one of the main features of the university. The multi-level system of higher education (bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, residency, PhD program) at 5 faculties, 11 institutes and 1 academy provides students with opportunities to receive quality education. RUDN offers more than 150 educational programs with leading foreign universities, double degree programs, 56 courses within the CIS Network University, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization University, 46 bilateral cooperation programs with partner universities from the UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, China , France.

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

MGIMO is the best Russian university for students interested in studying international relations. The university offers modern, exciting and intellectual courses, a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs - from international law, political science, economics to journalism, business management and energy policy. MGIMO was the first in Russia to join the European Association of Universities and fully integrated into the Bologna Process, setting strict standards for European educational institutions. The University has been the Russian home for students from all over the world for almost 60 years: the university maintains close ties with the world's leading educational centers in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa.

National University of Science and Technology (MISiS)

National Research Technological University "MISiS" (NUST "MISiS") is a high-quality scientific and educational center that attracts the best Russian and foreign students, scientists and teachers. The university focuses on integrating science, education and innovation, creating a creative environment for unlocking the potential of each student. NUST MISIS is located in the very center of Moscow and has an excellent infrastructure: there are more than 30 world-class scientific laboratories, 3 engineering centers, and the world's leading scientists. NUST MISIS is strengthening its leadership in a number of areas:

  • Materials Science
  • Metallurgy, mining industry
  • Biomaterials
  • Nanotechnology
  • Quantum communications
  • Data science
  • Artificial Intelligence.

Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov

The oldest economic university in Russia was founded by leading Russian industrialists and entrepreneurs at the beginning of the 20th century. The university laid the foundations of the Russian national school of economic education - today it is the largest economic higher educational institution in Russia. More than 14 thousand students study on the Moscow campus of the university in 49 basic undergraduate courses and 57 graduate courses. The University includes 30 open branches located in Russia and abroad. Plekhanov University became the first university in the world in 2019 to receive five out of five stars in the QS Stars University Ranking.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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