2018-07-30 11:56:40

Benefits of British Summer Schools

Modern children received a huge advantage that their parents did not have: the opportunity to learn English at the summer school in England , to plunge into the language environment, to communicate with peers from around the world. If one of the parents doubts about this, then it is not worth it, because this is a simple and affordable way of obtaining a quality language education. In addition, staying in England, getting to know her culture is another strong argument in favor of the summer school. The effect of such exercises with native speakers is many times greater than academic studies in schools and home institutions.

Quality English - an additional plus for admission to the university

Good knowledge of English is highly valued in any university, both domestic and foreign - after all this language has long been recognized as international. It will be useful for any chosen specialty. This argument must be conveyed to the child's consciousness if he does not have a particular desire to learn during thesummer holidays .

Studying the language in the summer school, the child will be able to appreciate all the advantages of fluency in English speech. As his knowledge expands, self-confidence and purposefulness increase. A reasonable child will understand that fluency in English is a good chance to find a good job in any country.

Independent life in another country is an invaluable experience

Immersion in the language environment is not at all what cramming verbal forms in academic studies. In the summer school the child interacts daily with native speakers of spoken language. He has to communicate with people, read inscriptions, order food and much more. The child's mind absorbs knowledge as a sponge, and progress is guaranteed here.

Not all parents will be able to provide such a level of education, even with the best teachers in their homeland. In the language school, the child will receive a structured learning program that will develop his basic knowledge of the language.

In addition, the child will learn to communicate in an unfamiliar environment, build relationships, control oneself - after all, parents are far away. And this is a very valuable life experience.

In the UK there are many schools designed for different ages and levels of training. Each school organizes the everyday life of students, moves around the country, offers a variety of cultural programs: excursions to museums, art galleries and much more. Children receive a portion of knowledge and experience to the maximum.

Ensure the child benefits in the labor market

The globalization of the economy has made the business international, and English is still the language of business communication. The employer will always make a choice in favor of a candidate who is fluent in English.

A child who has lived in a language environment, who has studied the language in a natural setting and has acquired the skills of international communication, acquires self-confidence. This quality will help him in the future when hiring and interviewing.

Not only language proficiency, but also communicative and everyday skills acquired in summer schools, will increase the chances of the future successful career of young people. They will be able to get work abroad or at home in a large company to take their place among top managers. Good knowledge of English is a pass to the world of big business.

Knowledge of foreign helps to improve mother tongue

This is confirmed by official scientific research. It is noted that children who speak foreign languages:

  • have a broader vocabulary;
  • have a higher level of literacy;
  • better understand the structural features of the native language and apply them in practice.

Learning a language in a summer school is an excellent method of education

All parents want to develop independence in the child. Summer language school is an effective way to help a child get rid of hyperopics and develop useful skills:

  • communicative - the ability to find a common language with any environment;
  • adaptive - the ability to adapt to the new environment and cope with emerging problems;
  • leadership - the ability to make decisions in difficult situations;
  • creative - the ability to think creatively and generate ideas;
  • cognitive - ability to intellectual training.

All these qualities can play a decisive role in the professional and personal development of the young man.

Knowledge of a foreign language is the key to knowledge of world culture

No dubbing or translation is able to convey the charm of English. Much of it does not lend itself to an adequate translation. Enjoying cultural values in the original is an incomparable pleasure. Allow your child to enrich his life - he will get acquainted with the world culture and re-evaluate the culture of his people in a new way. This will develop critical thinking in him, give his thoughts and judgments depth and maturity, which can not be ignored by those who will depend on his career.

Give the child a chance to gain experience on travel

Now you can travel the world without knowing a single language other than your native language. But this is not the way that a well-rounded and cultured person chooses. In addition, a non-standard situation may arise abroad, where knowledge of English can be a real salvation.

Traveling with parents, the child will clearly see that knowledge of the language will allow him to feel free in any country, including:

  • making orders in restaurants;
  • understand the travel routes;
  • seek help;
  • Easily ride a taxi and public transport;
  • communicate with the local population.

Friends all over the world

Summer language school is a brilliant opportunity for new acquaintances and the emergence of global friendships. Such communications, thanks to modern means of communication, can survive from childhood and bring not only pleasure, but also benefit in the future. Friends around the world are new opportunities for travel, and then - a real chance to get a job abroad.

The Importance of Knowledge of a Foreign Language for Personal Development

A person who owns one or more foreign languages is imbued with the mentality and culture of other nationalities. And this process begins in the summer language school. A harmoniously developed personality, capable of understanding and accepting the specifics of other cultures, will not initiate intercultural conflicts and misunderstandings - it is higher than this.

Preparing for admission to an educational institution in Britain

Schooling in England in summer is a great way to improve academic and language skills for those students who plan to link their further school bench with the UK.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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