2018-07-30 11:56:40

Benefits of British schools

Every parent wants his child to attend the best school. It should give a qualitative education. But an important factor in the development of the individual is not only academic preparation. This is well understood in prestigious British schools. Here the learning process is interesting and multilevel. Other features of private schools are discussed below.

British schools is an impeccable quality of teaching.

The statement is absolutely true. In the prestigious, prestigious schools of Great Britain only highly qualified teachers work. They ensure the success of students in the study of various subjects. The main feature of British schools is the so-called "professional teaching". Here, subjects are not just teachers, but practitioners in a particular area of knowledge and activity. Chemistry at school is taught to children by professional chemists, music by composers, etc. To work in prestigious educational institutions, professionals are accepted who can take on the role of educators.

Another feature of the British school is the attitude of teachers towards students. Here the interaction of teachers and students does not end with a call from the last lesson. Teachers are interested in the extra-curricular life of children, spend a lot of time with them. Teachers take care of the acquisition of important social skills by students. In a British school, a child does not just gain knowledge of the subjects, he becomes ready for an independent adult life. And this is the merit of the pedagogical staff.

Advantages of British private education

Private boarding schools countries are very different from the usual educational institutions of the secondary education stage. They comprehensively develop the child. This is largely due to the numerous extracurricular activities. Each school has sections, clubs, interest clubs, creative laboratories and studios.

In addition, in private pensions in Britain, children are taught to be independent, responsible, they are taught the skills of critical assessment of situations and events. Students of British schools are not afraid to openly express their thoughts, defend the point of view. They adequately refer to criticism as a constructive development element. British teachers believe that the acquisition of social skills is as important as obtaining academic knowledge.

Another advantage of British education is the opportunity to study in a comfortable environment. Classes in boarding schools are not overcrowded with children. Classes here are held in groups of 10 - 15 people. This allows you to fully implement the communicative method of teaching. In the British school-boarding school, each student receives the attention of teachers necessary for effective academic development.

Training in Britain is mostly interactive. Along with the classical lessons in schools, lessons are taught, discussions are conducted on group work on projects. The subjects of the classes are often taken from the appropriate disciplinary practice. This allows you to involve children in real life. In the classroom, students can try themselves in the role of businessmen, scientists, etc. Depending on the area of interest.

The British system is flexible and dynamic. It combines centuries-old traditions and innovations. Today, most private boarding schools and universities have made a bid to expand the opportunities for students and students, the development of their abilities. This general trend is positive. Individual approach to students in schools and universities eventually gives the country socially adapted highly qualified specialists, aimed at further academic and personal development.

There are also negative trends in the British education system. One of the main ones by some experts is the close attention to all sorts of ratings. In pursuit of a place in the next "list of the best", the most important thing is lost: the ultimate goal of training. Also, often the enthusiasm for ratings reduces the attention of the school to the individual needs and characteristics of students.

A-level as the main program of a British high school

In prestigious British schools, the national program A-level is offered to high school students. It allows two years of active preparation for entering the university for the chosen specialization. A-level students study a set of subjects, the knowledge of which they plan to deepen in the university.

It is worth noting that training in a private boarding school is more than A-level. The program is usually supplemented by optional and extracurricular activities. Students can improve in sports, master crafts, study computer technologies, other interesting subjects (in particular, art history, cooking, gastronomy, design, etc.). When choosing a school for training in the A-level program, experts recommend paying attention to the additional components. They enrich the school course, make the student's life more intense, more interesting.

Quality of academic training in British schools

This question cares every parent who chooses a school for his child. In the desire to give him a really high-quality, competitive education, many stop at the educational institutions of the TOP-200. And they act rationally. Prestigious schools in Britain are forced to keep the brand. They provide the best conditions for their students to stay and study. The staff of schools carefully monitors the quality of students' knowledge. The result of training is worth the money spent. Graduates of prestigious schools have a high level of knowledge in core subjects, they have special skills (presentations, public appearances, etc.). It is appreciateduniversities with a worldwide reputation .

There are no uninteresting items

Students from British boarding schools, like any other children, have their favorite subjects. In the program GCSE special attention is paid to literature. This subject is directly related to many others. Thanks to him, students get acquainted with the culture, the history of Great Britain, the history of the emergence of various sciences. The study of literature also instills in schoolchildren love for the theater. Some works in schools are viewed through theatrical productions.

Subjects on the A-level are chosen by students most often for practical reasons. Those wishing to enroll in Oxbridge and receive a classical education are paying much attention to the study of history. This subject is recognized as one of the most difficult in the school curriculum. It involves a large amount of discussion, reading, writing. For foreign students, history is also complex because it requires an understanding of impeccable tenurein English . But with the task of learning the subject most children cope at a decent level.

School education and choice of future profession

Every prestigious British boarding school has career counselors. These specialists assist children in choosing the next direction of activity. Students are given the opportunity to see the priority sphere from within. Schools cooperate with business. Students can practice at one of the companies or attend an orientation tour.

The days of education and career are arranged on the territory of the school. The first involve meetings with representatives of universities. The second - with the experts-practitioners from different fields of activity. Presentations at events are often held by school leavers who achieved high professional results.

School preparation for the university Each school-board pays special attention to the preparation of students for admission to the university. It's not just about the academic direction. School advisors help students prepare for an introductory interview (it is compulsory for Oxbridge applicants), necessary exams.

In addition, adolescents are advised to work with the UCAS system. It is widely used by applicants from British universities. The centralized system, on the one hand, simplified the process of entering universities without exams. On the other hand, every entrant now faces the task of getting the university interested in its persona within the framework of the UCAS format. The main role in this is the motivation letter. The school advisors will prompt everyone who wants to make it effective.

British boarding schools are similar to teaching methods, specific to the educational process. They differ in their ratings, status, priorities in out-of-class work, sports, etc. Which school will be best for your child? The one that will allow him to maximize his potential and abilities. Experts recommendchoose the school not only by rating. Take into account the wishes of the child, his preferences, priorities. Only comfortable and interesting studies will give a high academic and social result.

List of private British schools

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Your comment / review / question
Yes, I definitely agree with the author that he studies in British schools, this is very good and prestigious for today. My child also studies at the British school ILA Aspect. There's a very complicated program there, everything comes with an emphasis on English. But for the child it is pleasant and he is happy.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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