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2022-06-13 15:54:18

Bad habits that prevent you from studying and working effectively

Bad habits that prevent you from studying and working effectively

When performing the necessary tasks, we often encounter a problem when we do not have time to complete them on time, although we can work throughout the day. This is due to the fact that during work we can be distracted by momentary, at first glance, affairs that take much more time.

Recently, the University of California conducted an investigation that determined how long it takes an office worker, on average, to return to work after viewing an email, answering a work call, or taking a short break to scroll through a news feed. Average statistical indicators report that it takes a person about 23 minutes (!) to start performing the task again.

Our lives are filled with daily habits that, at first glance, take a couple of minutes, but in fact greatly reduce the efficiency in work and concentration on tasks. To improve productivity and eliminate the loss of attention and concentration at work, these habits must be eliminated.

Open too many tabs in the browser

While working at the computer, many of us like to open more than a dozen Internet tabs, turning the browser into a real "dump" of information, which then it is not possible to get rid of due to the fact that it is terrible to lose.

The American Carnegie Mellon Institute conducted a survey on the topic of an overabundance of tabs in the search engine, and more than half of the respondents admitted that they could not close the extra tabs, because they are afraid of losing the stored information itself, but forget to save the link. 30% of respondents have a fear of permanently losing the data contained on dozens of open websites. The creator of tabs in the browser, Adam Styles, explains this by human psychology, which does not allow us to miss out on valuable (or supposedly valuable) knowledge.

To get rid of the problem of accumulating unnecessary tabs, many Internet users use utilities that automatically close pages that a person has not visited for a long time. To sort open tabs, you can use the One Tab organizer, which turns all open sites into a list that does not distract attention. If we are talking about the workplace, then for non-working tabs it is recommended to have a separate browser.

Wasting time on unnecessary meetings

Surveyed office workers and freelancers often agree that in their workflow there are too many calls and conferences, the essence of which could be conveyed in one short email or even a message in the messenger. A live conversation always takes longer, makes other parts of the brain work and distracts from the main working process.

To save precious time at work in a company where superiors often resort to one-hour conferences to check the employment of employees, you can offer to change the format of the check to absentee. If the call is necessary and its agenda is clearly indicated, the employee has the right to clarify how much time it will take to talk, whether the conference will be useful for him, what issues are going to be raised at it concerning a particular employee.

Check your smartphone regularly

The phone has long been an integral part of the lives of most people on the planet. It performs the function of a working tool, a source of necessary information, a way of communication and entertainment. Smartphones are so entrenched in our lives that they haunt us everywhere, even at work.

A study of the Internet resource, which conducted a survey among US residents, showed that about 66% of respondents check their phone more than 150 times a day, and 75% of respondents admitted their dependence on gadgets.

A key mistake many workers make is that before they start working, they put their mobile device in front of them and look into it at the first opportunity – when starting the computer, downloading a file or opening a browser. Most often, the momentary check of time and weather turns into a waste of 10-20 minutes of working time.

To reduce distractibility on mobile devices, before starting work, you need to turn off notifications from instant messengers and social networks, go there only during organized pauses and breaks. If the temptation does not work, you can try to completely turn off the phone or put it away in the out-of-reach zone: in a bag, in another room or in a box - places where our eye will not see the desired device.

Solve all new tasks instantly and by yourself

When working in a team, the receipt of new assignments or tasks is a common practice. Some employees who see a new message in the conference immediately begin to perform the task, forgetting about the main task. Choosing a way to "quickly and independently" deal with the assignment, we often overlook much more effective ways to solve the issue.

Before paying attention to a new task, it is necessary to understand whether it is accurately included in the area of responsibility of the employee, whether it is possible to connect other colleagues to its implementation to increase efficiency, whether it is necessary to ask the authorities questions that will simplify the upcoming work. Working in a team can save time and effort for each of the employees, and having a different opinion on the same situation will help you choose the most appropriate way to resolve it.

Perform a lot of "momentary" things

Each of us is familiar with procrastination, the unconscious performance of small tasks during the main work. When we are distracted during the task by swiping dust from the monitor, scheduling cleaning the house, laying out the stationery in the right order, we may not notice that we spent an hour or more on it. "Instant" tasks go one after another and eventually develop into a problem of acute lack of time for important activities.

To solve this complexity, you should make a strict list of things that need to be done in a day. If this number includes "momentary" cases, it is also better to allocate a certain time on them that does not intersect with the worker. If you can delegate any of the tasks to a colleague, it is better to use this opportunity, because it will save time and energy greatly.

Regularly check work chats and mail

When working with a team, you do not need to look at work conferences every minute and take on every task, because this can interfere with the implementation of a key task. Colleagues who see that one of the employees is constantly one of the first to respond to messages, will more often contact him directly and delegate more and more small tasks.

To reduce the workload and stress at work, you should limit the number of mail checks to 3 times a day and turn off notifications about new messages. It is also necessary to inform colleagues in advance when the employee will be able to respond to messages, and at what hours he should not be distracted from work.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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