2022-06-23 22:02:12

4 most advanced education systems in the world for 2022


Many consider the approach of Finns to education almost flawless. Local teachers do not require the student to have a perfect knowledge of his subject, do not force him to memorize the material through force and spend several hours a day on homework. Teachers treat each student as a full-fledged person, respect opinions, interests and inclinations. If the student does not keep up with classmates, he will never be given a bad mark, but will help to catch up with the material to the average level in a convenient pace and format for the child.

Many hours in the finnish school curriculum are devoted to the development of foreign languages. Finnish children learn English from primary school several times a week. From the sixth grade, Swedish is added to the compulsory program, and as additional classes, the student can choose an elective in Chinese, French or German.

6 years ago, Finland developed a system that abolishes the traditional school curriculum. The younger generation in some schools no longer goes to the lessons of computer science, history, literature or geography, and in general classes they touch upon and study topics that help to get acquainted with each of the sciences in a balanced amount. However, the desire to give each of the students an average knowledge is also a minus, since Finnish schoolchildren may lack sufficient mental load. To study the material that in schools of other countries students study in grades 5-6, Finns approach only in 8-9.

Finnish lyceums and universities began to be in demand among students, since there you can choose a program of study in English, and admission to the budget is quite possible. Local educational institutions motivate the student with scholarships, the size of which can even exceed (!) the annual cost of training. Residents of St. Petersburg are happy to send their children to study in Finland, because there they are guaranteed to receive high-quality higher education.


Danish law has enshrined a system in which local education should not only give pupils and students basic knowledge of subjects and specialties, but also develop students as individuals. Teachers from the first days of training tell children that their interests, curiosity and desire to explore the world are much more important than the results of tests and tests. The danish school curriculum is designed so that everyone can master it without difficulty.

Memorization and memorization of material for the sake of obtaining a grade in local schools is not encouraged - teachers believe that each student should participate in the dialogue and independently obtain the necessary information. The creativity and creative part of the learner is valued higher than how he learned the paragraph.

If, after graduating from school, a Dane could not decide which university to enroll in and which specialty to choose, he can go to "post-school" - a place where an applicant will be helped in determining his own path for a year, helping him to find something to his liking in the field of sports, creativity, science or manual labor.

Denmark is consistently ranked in the top 3 countries in terms of education, although its education system seems too soft to many. The reason for such achievements is a healthy emotional state, which is carefully guarded by teachers throughout the curriculum.

The Danes themselves do not chase huge salaries, because the standard of living throughout the country is considered one of the best in the world. Higher education is free for them, and scholarships allow them to live, maintaining a good level of nutrition, maintenance and satisfaction of other needs.


Children in the Netherlands in 2013 were recognized as the happiest on the planet, because their school education is aimed at ensuring that they do not experience stress during training and passing the program.

Children in Holland are sent to school from the age of 4, sometimes even in the middle of the school year. Until the age of 10, students are not given homework, and until 12 they are not forced to take various exams and take tests. Thanks to this approach, children are not afraid to go to classes and do not arrange competitions in the number of good grades that can hurt a lagging student.

Dutch parents and teachers report that local children never use the services of a tutor, because forcing them to study the material against their will has a bad effect on the mental health of the student.

When a student turns 12 in the Netherlands, he is sent to one of three levels of learning difficulty - depending on his abilities. The level can be changed if the student shows brilliant or, conversely, unsatisfactory results. Depending on the level passed, the student will be able to get a working qualification, higher basic education or go to build a career as an academician. There is no contempt for the representatives of the proletariat – on the contrary: they quickly find work and settle in life.


Throughout primary school in German schools, pupils do not receive homework. Wearing a single school uniform is not mandatory, children can wear arbitrary clothes. The grading system works mirror ours, where five is the worst score, and two is considered an excellent mark. There is no home education in Germany, going to school is mandatory for every child.

Further admission of a child to the university depends on which group of education he will fall into in secondary school. If the student's exams showed low results, he will be determined in the Hauptschule, if the indicators are average, he will get into the Realschule. The strongest of the students get into the Gymnasium. Students in the second group with achievements in their studies can get into the upper class, which will allow them to enter the university. They study at the gymnasium for 13 years.

School education is free for both Germans and foreign children. If the child does not know German, he will be given the opportunity to enter a special school, where during the training he will be taught the local language.

In German schools, much attention is paid to socialization, and the school curriculum provides many subjects that are unusual for schools. For example, in the classrooms of schools in Germany, sex education, the ability to make friends, sort garbage, ride a bicycle are taught.


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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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