2018-07-30 11:56:47

Why England's schools are the best in the world?

Why England's schools are the best in the world?

This article is based on an extensive interview given by former director of the international college Sherborne International, Dr. Christopher Greenfeld. The article will help you understand the distinctive features and advantages of British schools and boarding houses that make British educationThe best in the world!

1) There are many English-speaking countries in the world - why do you recommend learning English in the UK?

- Studying "British English" ", its historically correct version , You will be able to fully understand native speakers around the world, not only on the language level, but also on the cultural level. Our education system has the goal not only to lay quality knowledge, but also to teach students to think and reason at any age and in any class.Schools make a strong emphasis on the formation of a personal point of view, on a deep understanding of the subject, and not on the memorization of paragraphs by heart. Students learn to conduct discussions and debates, defend and argue their opinions, take constructive criticism, form their own ideas.

British educational methods are centuries of experience, they developed in parallel with the English language, had the goal of forming a full and versatile personality. In every possible way creativity is encouraged in any of its manifestations, new ideas and originality. Much attention is also paid to sports, physical development, moral improvement: education of a sense of tolerance, responsibility, leadership qualities. A harmoniously developed personality is a complex of good manners and good education, self-discipline and responsibility, the ability to work in a team and take on the role of leader.

2) How were British hostels formed?

- They began to open during the Middle Ages and were intended for the education of boys from rich and noble families: their task was to educate the new leaders of society - because Britain was the largest colonial empire, and talented educated Managers were required around the world. Girls were given the opportunity to go to school in the 19th century, at the same time not only the children of wealthy and famous local nobles appeared in boarding schools, but also children of governors and rulers of various provinces and colonies of the British Empire - even those that were located overseas. Many traditions of British boarding houses are still alive: schools are a tool for forming a strong and responsible, educated modern leader, a real gift for single-minded and ambitious children and adolescents.

3) What is the reason for such coziness, comfort in British boarding houses? Even foreign children feel fine here, practically at home.

- The tradition of making schools second homes also goes from the depths of centuries, since the reign of the British Empire. Then the children of representatives of the administrative staff of the colonies studied here, as well as children from noble families of colonial and local leaders - in Britain there were many children from Africa and India. Traditions of hospitality have developed here for many years: Great Britain has a really rich experience of working with foreign students, so it can offer them the most comfortable conditions for life and study.

4) How does the British boarding school address the issue of campus security? Their territories are huge, and there are a lot of students - how to follow everyone?

- Most boarding schools, especially the largest, famous and prestigious, are located in rural areas, far from big noisy cities, in ecologically safe places. It implements any suitable modern methods for ensuring the safety of students: locks and locked doors, warning systems (security, fire safety), guards, input and output signals. Boarding schools in Britain are always fully responsible for the safety of each student and take it as seriously as possible: government bodies constantly check the security level of each school. Parents around the world can be absolutely calm for their children!

5) Why in the British schools do students from all over the world so strive to get in?

- In the English boarding school, as a result of training, children can receive valuable qualifications that will help them later In any country in the world. These are international quality standards, in other countries taken as a model: thus, the results of the nationalthe A-level examinations by the majority of the world universities are accepted as entrance exams, students no longer undergo additional tests.

Honesty and impartiality of the awarded qualifications are not subject to doubt: corruption in this sphere is impossible, since the student's knowledge level can be easily checked, and educational institutions do not risk their reputation. The course of each exam is monitored by governmental and state bodies: common dates are established, personal licenses are given to the venue, the examination content is even corrected directly, and the schools receive examination sheets only before the test begins. All results are sent confidentially to a unified unbiased check - students are not presented by their teachers, but by completely third-party people, so the probability of forgery or "blockage" is excluded. All these factors emphasize the quality and reliability of the qualifications awarded by the British educational institutions, their legal force throughout the world.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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