2018-07-30 11:56:41

Study in Korea

Study in Korea

Territory ≈ 100 thousand square meters. Km
Population ≈ 50 million people
Language - Korean
Capital - Seoul (10.5 million inhabitants)
Money - Korean Won (KRW)

Education in South Korea Provides for the study of the latest innovations in technical thought, schools have access to broadband Internet, and textbooks are used electronically and distributed by the Ministry of Education for free. Korea, likeUSA , its educational programs focuses on foreign students, offering international scholarships and special training programs. UNESCO experts recognized the high efficiency of the country's educational system.

Features of the system of higher education

South Korean universities are not equal in terms of duration and depth of education and make up a clear hierarchy of popularity among applicants. The Republic of Korea was created by an agreement between the USSR and the United States in 1945. From this moment the system of higher education and the technological direction of science began to develop actively. In the middle of the last century in the country there were only 2 thousand people with a higher education for 30 million inhabitants.

An entrant can not enter a Korean university immediately after school - it is necessary to finish one course at a higher educational institution, take an examinationIELTS (TOEFL ) and provide a list of subjects passed at the university. Some prestigious higher institutions in Korea require additional documents.

You can become a bachelor in Korea for 4 years, and a master in two years. Getting a profession of a dentist or a doctor will require more effort: 6 years are spent on medical bachelors in medical universities.

Higher educational institutions

For nearly 50 million people in Korea, 419 universities are designed, which are prepared by 3.5 million students. In addition to the five main types of higher education institutions (university, open and correspondence university, pedagogical institute, college) in Korea, one can enter a military and religious college. All universities of the country are accountable to the Ministry of Education.

The most popular among local applicants is the Seoul State University, formed in the late 40's. 20 century from the Imperial University. A little less prestigious are KoreaUniversity (Kore), EwhaWomansUniversity (Ehwa) (non-state women's high school) and Yonsei University (Ense), located in the capital. The institutions of elite education are also sometimes referred to as the Pohang Polytechnic Institute and some major Seoul universities. In the rating of prestige the next stage is occupied by private institutes in the capital and state universities in the province.

Annually the Ministry of Education makes a rating of high schools, using such criteria: a parity "student-teacher", material base, the budget, quantity of innovative scientific works. Leaders of the rating receive financial assistance from the state budget.

Large educational institutions include up to 20 faculties, while provincial ones can refuse to divide in faculties and consist directly from departments. A feature of most Korean universities is an extensive student exchange program. Seoul State University concluded international exchange agreements with two educational institutions - the Moscow State University and the St. Petersburg State University.

The main areas of scientific thought in Korea are robotics, aerospace research and automotive industry. Most universities provide for several training programs in these areas, supplementing all specialties with in-depth study of information technologies.

Tuition and accommodation costs

Training on bachelor's programs for foreign students will cost about 1,5 - 7,5 thousand dollars for the academic year, and a master in Korea can become for $ 9 thousand per year. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention that often training in prestigious universities is cheaper because of the system of state subsidies. Seoul University also allocates scholarships to successful students.

The cost of accommodation and meals depends on the chosen city. On average, for 1 month students pay 0.5-1 thousand dollars, located on the basis of student campuses at the university. In the hostel of Seoul University, a student can live for 17 - 30 thousand rubles a month (400 - 700 thousand won).

Obtaining scholarships for foreigners

In Korea, for a doctorate or master's degree program, the state and research fund provide two types of scholarships: government scholarships for long-term studies and short-term internships (6-12 months) and scholarships for engineering specialties.

The Ministry of Education of Korea is responsible for the distribution of scholarships from the Korean Government Scholarship, which provide full compensation for the cost of study, accommodation, insurance, air travel. Each year, about 200 students receive the opportunity to study under the state program for free.

Scholarships from the Korea Research Foundation are aimed at supporting specialists in the technical field. They only partially compensate for the cost of tuition and living and reach 850,000 won (35,000 rubles) a month.

In addition to standard scholarships, state universities provide scholarships to successful students, allowing them not to pay up to 70% of the cost of training.

Work while studying

After obtaining a visa, students must be trained on the first semester before they are entitled to work on the campus for no more than 20 hours a week. During the holidays, the work time is not limited by laws.

Reception of the visa

Registration of student visa in Korea must begin with applying to the university service for work with applicants. It is there that they provide a list of necessary documents. For the registration of a long-term D-2 visa (for study at a university), you will need:

- confirmation from the university that the student is enrolled in a higher institution;

- a copy of the certificate of maturity, certified by a notary officer (or a copy of the diploma);

- Documents confirming financial possibilities to pay for tuition and accommodation (up to $ 10 thousand per month).

D-2 is provided for 1 year, after which it must be renewed, providing a certificate from the university, that the training has not yet been completed and the student continues to attend the school.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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