2019-10-07 00:17:15

Daily routine in a boarding school in England UK

Private boarding schools in England today are just as popular as they were centuries ago, only now the mores have become softer, the amenities are better, and the contingent is more diverse. The prestige of British education is determined by the quality of teaching and the reputation of Oxbridge, the high level of academic preparation of students. Graduates of boarding schools are distinguished by the complex nature of preparation, the ability to study independently, good knowledge of the language, familiarity with British educational standards and cultural traditions. How do private schools manage to achieve this effect? Thanks to immersion in a different environment as part of the boarding programs: many foreign students spend weekends, short vacations and weekdays in the hostel, subject to the adopted daily routine, take part in excursions, trips and events organized by the school.

Residence in an English boarding school

Pupils in British private schools live in residences located on campus. Rooms for boys and girls (if it is an educational institution with a mixed type of education) are located in different buildings or on different floors. Students are provided with accommodation on the basis of 2-4 people per room. A larger number of students are accommodated only in the lower and middle classes. Foreign students are accommodated with a local resident or student from abroad, but from another country: this is done so that students can communicate with each other in English and work out everyday language formulations.

Children are supervised by teachers from the pastoral care team. Attention to students outside school hours is part of working with students who live “away from home”. Pupils can contact non-school appointed adults: talk, share problems regarding study or relationships with teachers and children. The quality of work with students outside the classroom is monitored by state commissions - this is an important part of the British educational system.

Modern boarding schools in England have comfortable rooms with furniture, technical equipment. Each child has a bed, table, chair, wardrobe or other place for storing clothes, bookshelves, a cupboard for storing educational materials. The rooms are equipped with air conditioning, washbasins. A bathroom and showers are traditionally located on the floor, one for several rooms. The residences have kitchens where students can prepare drinks or snacks for themselves. Schools offer full three or four meals a day, taking into account the dietary, religious and medical needs of children. On Sundays and holidays, students eat in a festive atmosphere, they prepare dishes from the festive menu, one or two in the tradition of English cooking. On weekdays and holidays, teachers eat with students, the menu is general.

UK Private School Schedule

What does the traditional schedule of an English schoolboy living in a boarding school include?

  • The rise in boarding houses is usually carried out at 7 in the morning, after the morning toilet, students go for breakfast. Those who wish to attend morning service in the church or take part in other religious events can do this, but you should talk to the administration in advance about special needs.
  • At 8.30-9.00 lessons begin and continue with one big lunch break until 13.00.
  • After a long lunch break, lasting up to 2 hours, students go on another 2 lessons or attend developmental and additional studying classes.
  • After classes, students will have a tea break at 17.00, and then the time for independent work. Younger students do their classes in groups under the supervision of a teacher, high school students do it independently, study in their rooms or prepare joint projects with other children.
  • After completing the education (around 19.00), free time begins: students can take part in evening activities on campus or go about their business.
  • At 21.00, preparation for bed begins, an evening toilet and hang up at 22.00.
  • After lights out, teachers regularly check students: make sure everyone is in their beds, not reading, and not sitting in front of a computer.

An example of a weekly menu at an English boarding school:










Tomato Soup with Mushrooms

Nutmeg Pumpkin Soup


Leek soup

Potato soup

Winter Vegetable Soup

Pumpkin Soup with Cheese

Meat dishes

Fried bacon

Oven-baked sausages

Ham and Vegetable Pie


Fried pork

Sweet and Sour Turkey

Fish with lemon and tartar sauce

Vegetarian food

Fried tomatoes

Beans baked with mushrooms

Vegetable Fritatta

Vegetable Lasagna

Lentil and Herb Puree

Vegetable paste

Brown Rice with Baked Mini Vegetables

Side dishes

Green beans

Jacket potato

Sweet corn

Boiled rice

Green pea

Fried vegetables

Savoy cabbage with cheese

Yogurts, smoothies, fruits, vegetables

Daily students are offered fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, yoghurts and smoothies to choose from


Raspberry jelly

Cherry and apple pie with cream

Berry Compote Rice Pudding

Chocolate Mousse with Chocolate

Chocolate mousse

Banoffee Cake

Lemon Cheesecake

Daily children are served bread and snacks, there is a selection of hot and cold drinks. Teachers control that students attend the cafeteria and receive good nutrition. Children of different age groups sometimes eat separately.

Twice a week after lunch (on a weekday and on Saturdays), all students go in for sports: attend scheduled classes, clubs and sections, sporting events as participants in teams or spectators. Sports education is an integral part of English education. The list of sports disciplines in private pensions is very wide - the traditional ones include:

  • Football
  • Athletics
  • Squash
  • Lacrosse
  • Rowing
  • Swimming
  • Boxing
  • Fencing
  • Archery, crossbow.

Features of life in an English boarding school

An interesting feature of life in a British boarding school is the separation of students in homes. Home is a community of students with their own symbols, motto, rules of participation: they help students become part of a cohesive group, find like-minded people, senior and junior participants interact in them. Throughout their studies, there is an informal rivalry of houses, students gather, organize events, gatherings, joint celebrations.

English private schools maintain a strong commitment to school uniforms. Educational institutions offer students a whole list of clothes that allows you to make a wardrobe for all occasions:

  • Dress suit
  • Casual wear
  • Sport Kit
  • Top dress
  • Lingerie
  • Footwear.

Educational institutions with a long history cooperate with the same shops and tailors. Many institutions have the practice of buying used school uniforms or textbooks, and second-hand shops or school fairs work.

Modern private schools in England are prestigious educational institutions, the main task of which is to prepare students for admission to the best universities, to give a quality education. Living at full board in an English school will be a bright event in the life of a student, help you feel like part of a great tradition, get to know Britain from the inside, learn how to interact with students from different countries. Today's boarding schools are not a boarding house from Jane Air: they take care of children and provide comfortable living conditions, but this is still an unusual and very interesting world with its ceremonies and rules, and the opportunity to join it will become an unforgettable experience for a student.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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