
Study in Washington 2024

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Education information

Studying abroad is an excellent environment for the development and education of young people. Getting acquainted with the traditions and culture of other countries, we gain a huge experience, expand the boundaries of consciousness, make new friends and gain new knowledge. The most popular among Russians are the countries of Europe and the United States. The level of education in these countries (USA, Great Britain, Switzerland and Canada) is high, and certificates and diplomas of leading schools and universities are very prestigious. Some of the best educational institutions are located in the United States, the most famous among which are Ivy League universities - Harvard, Massachusetts Technology, Stanford, etc. The US training system is quite peculiar and has no analogues - with all its advantages and bonuses, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it in advance.

In the capital of the United States, Washington, there are many high-quality and prestigious educational institutions, 129 public and about 85 private schools. SMAPSE is the official representative of the leading educational institutions of Washington, the site contains a list of the best schools, language centers and universities in the capital of America. Here you will find detailed information, ratings, prices, admission conditions.

Studying in Washington for foreign students: facts and prospects

Washington, DC - an independent city that is not included in any state, is located on the Potomac River. This is the main business and political center: the White House, the US Congress, the Supreme Court building, international organizations, and trademarks are located here. This city never sleeps and represents various areas of art; it is a place of contrasts. A few facts about education in the city:

1. A wide range of language courses, academic programs

Many students from all over the world dream of getting an education in Washington, and such a demand favorably affects the level and variety of programs for foreigners: here you will find a variety of language courses in Washington. Foreign students can get secondary and higher education in highly effective areas in comfortable private boarding schools and universities.

2. Education financing

The level of secondary education in the capital is higher than other cities: $ 28,400 is allocated per student per year (the average level in the country is $ 12300). Leading educational institutions are technically well equipped, qualified teachers work here.

3. Learning Outcome

This is an ideal place to get a quality education. Short-term courses allow you to practice and learn about American culture. Secondary education in Washington will give you advantages for living abroad and for entering TOP universities, higher education will provide an excellent start in your career, especially in the field of public administration, law, journalism.

4. The level of culture

Washington is the record holder among American cities for the number of green spaces, parks, free / paid museums, galleries. All this attracts a huge number of tourists of various ages.

5. Living conditions

The US Boston Washington Railroad will allow you to reach New York in three hours. Not far from the city are the Appalachian Mountains and the Chesapeake Beach. As for climatic conditions, it is humid subtropical here with cool winters and warm summers.

Simon Kizhner
Regional Admissions representative, EMEA

When is the best time for application? What should applicants prepare for?

Typically, applicants start at the beginning of the academic year prior to the one in which you intend to begin your studies. September-October is suitable for drawing up a list of priority institutions, visiting their territories personally, communicating with admissions committees. At the end of the year, it is time to draw up and send applications, prepare documents (do not forget that foreign students need translation and notarization!), Including certificates and report cards, to do compulsory vaccinations and insurance, etc.


Secondary Education in Washington: private boarding schools for international students

The lack of a unified educational system has led to the fact that each state has its own training system. In Washington, school education is divided into three levels - Elementary school, Middle school, High school.

Every year, changes take place in the schools - a teacher, composition of the class changes because of academic performance, behaviour. In high school, children will face serious testing from two levels - SAT I and SAT II - in mathematical / optional disciplines. The two main types of schools are public / private, while Washington's private boarding schools are considered a more suitable option for foreigners. The cost of studying in them is quite high: children live in comfortable conditions in beautiful residences, and the training itself is classified as elite.

Washington's private boarding schools - popular programs:


Age of a student 


Estimated value in US dollars $

Elementary classes


In elementary school, children learn the basics of arithmetic, reading, writing. They spend a lot of time outdoors, and the form of training is a game.

From 45 - 58000 $ per year

Middle classes


They include compulsory disciplines, subjects for the choice of students. At this age, the guys are faced with the issue of career guidance. They attach great importance to physical development, visiting additional sections.

Advanced placement


In-depth direction for preparing for entering a university in the United States: students select priority subjects from the list and study them at the first year level of the university for two years. A diploma in this direction is very much appreciated, it gives high chances of entering prestigious institutions.



This is an international version of an intensive program. The balanced direction includes in-depth study of subjects, personal development.

Higher Education in Washington: facts and prospects

Universities in Washington are included in various rankings and tops. They are included in TOP-100 educational institutions in the world. Each University of Washington is a separate educational institution with its own traditions, a set of rules. US universities have good funding, which positively affects the qualifications of the teaching staff, equipment. Many universities provide the opportunity to live in a hostel. Large research centers are located in the territories, and the higher educational institutions themselves have an excellent location near squares, parks and gardens. Despite the fact that political directions and jurisprudence are the hallmark of the city in the field of education, in the multidisciplinary universities of the city you will find many strong areas: art, humanities, sociology, and management.

The cost of studying in the capital cannot be called low: the price is formed on the basis of many factors - reputation, prestige of the institution, location, features of programs, etc.

The nuances of admission can be very different due to the fact that each university and state has the right to set its own requirements - there is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet, so it’s easy to follow a false trail. Therefore, SMAPSE experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with the conditions for admission on the official websites of universities, as well as contact SMAPSE managers, whose consultations are free, will greatly simplify the admission process and increase the chances of a successful result.

Language Courses for international students in Washington

Consider the main types of programs for learning English:

Course name

Required Language Proficiency

Cost, dollars $

Standard courses, 15-20 lessons



Intensive, 28-30 lessons


Super Intensive, 35-40 lessons


Exam preparation



Specialized courses



Professional courses



English for business


Individual courses


Home Language International




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Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

Sam is the Regional Director of Student Admissions at INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia). Sam has nearly 20 years' experience in international education. Also, he has experience in student recruitment for institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and is a qualified EFL teacher with many years of experience teaching abroad. He understands the challenges faced by international students and is aware of all these difficulties and have vast experience in helping foreign students.

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