
Study in Valencia 2024

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Education information

If you want to study in Valencia, then know that this is an ideal place that is famous for its effective quality education and picturesque views of the Mediterranean coast. The third largest city in Spain with a population of more than 800,000 people, where students come from all over the world, provides a truly multicultural atmosphere. Valencia offers foreigners to study in the best programs in the leading educational institutions of the city, which are not inferior in terms of educational results to their colleagues - Madrid and Barcelona, and the availability of education makes this place very attractive for Russian children.

On our website you can find more information about popular educational institutions in Valencia, the best study programs for international students, read reviews, and our specialist in education abroad will help with individual choices, based on personal preferences and the goal pursued. This service is free of charge - we will help you prepare the necessary documents for the best educational institutions and accompany you at the enrollment stage (please note that the number of places is limited).

Studying in Valencia for foreign students: advantages of studying programs

Education in Valencia is popular among foreign students, and top-level educational institutions provide great opportunities and open prospects for their wards. What does attract students from all over the world and why do they want to get an education in Valencia?

  • Affordable prices. Compared to other countries in Europe, the the USA , and Great Britain, Spain is more accessible for foreign students due to the attractive cost of study programs, relatively inexpensive rents and moderate living expenses.
  • Simplified system of admission. The process of enrollment in elite educational institutions is quite simple. 
  • The quality of education. Valencia is famous for its effective training programs, offering a wide selection of courses in various fields and areas, so everyone can get a dream education here, choose the area in which he wants to develop and work in the future.
  • International diploma. It is recognized all over the world: this opens up additional opportunities for foreign students, gives the right to choose which country to work in, build a successful career and grow professionally.
  • An opportunity to stay in the country. After a three-year stay in Valencia on a study visa, a foreigner who has received a work contract can apply for a residence permit in accordance with immigration law.
  • The right to stay in Spain for close students. Parents and close relatives of a foreign student can apply for the right to stay in the country if their child receives an education.
Esther Diaz
Education specialist, career coach and consultant. She worked for Inspired Education Group and directed the admissions department at the International School san Patricio Toledo.

What sets Spanish schools apart from others around the world? Why do parents opt for primary and secondary education in Spain?

Several factors make Spanish schools stand out. These include complete immersion in the Spanish language and culture within a family-like environment, Spain's strategic location in Southern Europe, highly ranked educational institutions, and a rich historical and artistic heritage. Additionally, the warm and welcoming nature of the people, vibrant festivals, colorful cities, and unique traditions and folklore add to the appeal.


Studying in Valencia: educational system, curriculum, ranking

Leading educational institutions in Valencia have a high ranking, are proud of the strongest teaching staff and provide the necessary conditions for receiving a quality education and linguistic practice.

Linguistic education

Secondary education

Higher education

In Valencia, a large selection of language schools that offer the best standard / combined language programs, for example, "Spanish + Sport" for foreign students. In addition, language courses are an effective preparation for passing entrance exams in higher educational institutions and DELE / CCSE for those wishing to obtain Spanish citizenship.

TOP schools in the city offer a high-quality education that meets EU standards for schoolchildren - this is a great chance to start studying abroad and combine academic knowledge with linguistic practice, a unique opportunity to improve a foreign language - up to 2 languages for the period of study.

Leading universities in Valencia are proud of high-quality, effective preparation, and the education system in Spain is subject to international standards: graduates receive a prestigious diploma that increases the chances of getting a decent job in a foreign company.

The concept of higher education in Spain is composed of a three-level system:

  • Grado - Undergraduate
  • Master - Master
  • Doctorado - doctoral studies.

Foreign students can study in Valencia in public or private educational institutions, get education in the most relevant and sought-after areas in the world. Academic programs in such specialties as marketing, management and company management offer foreign students the opportunity to study in either Spanish or English.

Tuition fees for students in Valencia

Prestigious educational institutions offer foreign students to study in Valencia in the most relevant areas - the cost of study depends on the chosen academic / linguistic program.

  • Language programs are standard and combined (specialized), the price for foreigners varies from 380 € / 2 weeks of standard / business Spanish for the student's choice
  • Secondary education for foreign students will cost from 16842 € / year: most often it takes place in English, and Spanish is an additional discipline
  • Higher education, the price of study of which directly depends not only on the institution, but also on the degree to which the student is applying - for example, the average cost of undergraduate studies is from 2500 € / year.

General information about Valencia

Country Spain
region Valencia 60
region 2 Província de València V
region 3 Valencia 46250
Population 814,208
Time Zone Europe/Madrid
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Esther Diaz
Education specialist, career coach and consultant. She worked for Inspired Education Group and directed the admissions department at the International School san Patricio Toledo.
Esther worked as a Head of Admissions, Engagement and Outreach at San Patricio Toledo International School until 2021. She is an expert in primary and secondary education. Esther also has a great deal of experience in teaching, marketing, translating and coaching. She thinks that it is important to consider the environment, educational institutions rankings, historical and artistic heritage, nature of the people, and unique traditions and folklore when choosing a place to study.
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