
University preparation in USA for international students

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Education information

Nowadays, admission to TOP-50 universities in the United States is reasonably affordable. Students, both local and foreign, should be acquainted with the options for preparing for education in higher education institutions in the United States. According to the statistics, only 1 out of 3 students receive an invitation from the chosen educational institution. Actually, foreign students are faced with additional difficulties associated with the differences in educational systems, as well as in the requirements for English level.

Admission commissions pay attention not only to the points of SAT tests and excellent language skills, but also assesses psychological readiness to continue studies and build a career in a certain field. All applicants who have received their school education in the USA or in another country must write an introductory essay where it is necessary to give strong motivation and explain desire to study at a certain university, continue studies in the United States.

However, it is not enough for successful completion of higher education. One of the most important aspects is the ability to adapt to life in the United States, to understand how people live and become immersed in local traditions and culture. It is essential to choose the right pre-university preparation programme. Actually, in US universities there may be different requirements for enrolling of foreign students.

Admission to Top US Universities: A Guide for International Students

Navigating the U.S. higher education landscape can be daunting, especially for international students. However, SMAPSE is here to guide you through the complexities of preparing for university in the USA. There are multiple pathways to consider, each tailored to specific educational backgrounds and goals.

Requirements to University Preparation Courses

International students with diplomas from International Baccalaureate (IB) programs or A-level courses have comparable chances of gaining admission to U.S. universities as their American counterparts. Opting for such programs is a strategic way to acclimate yourself to the U.S. educational system before formally becoming a student.

Here are the most common university prep courses for international students:

  • High School Diploma Program: Study in a U.S. private school to obtain a U.S. high school diploma.

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) or A-levels: Complete either of these programs, often offered at boarding schools in the USA, at the end of your high school studies.

  • Pre-University Programs: Participate in any university preparation course after high school, available at many U.S. colleges and universities.

  • Transfer from a Home Country Institution: Transfer from a higher education institution in your home country to a U.S. university, typically into a lower-level course.

  • Postgraduate Programs: Pursue a Master's or Higher Doctorate program after obtaining a Bachelor's or Master's degree from a foreign university.

  • Year One Program: Enroll in a U.S. university immediately after graduating high school in your home country by completing a Year One program.

If you're anxious about how to transition from your home country's educational system to that of the U.S., consider specialized university prep courses. These can make your home country's secondary education certificates equivalent to an American one, greatly boosting your admission prospects.

US university preparation

Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

What advice do you have for potential applicants before applying to US universities?

Choose a university that really suits you - do not try to "adjust" yourself to a prestigious or ranked university. If you are not sure of your capabilities, do not dwell on the first top 10: believe me, many opportunities of less prestigious universities will be able to give you what you need to develop and become a specialist.

Pay special attention to additional opportunities besides academic ones. For example, if you decide to study science and technology, choose a university where you can participate in real research while still undergraduate (this is how George Mason University works, for example).

Consider geographic location. Where do you want to live, what kind of weather and climate will be comfortable for you. It is interesting to study in the center of a metropolis, but the convenience, safety, quality of services and cost can be inferior to the campus of a small university in a small city or area. But even a highly distant university in one of the outlying states can make you bored.

Understand what is more important for you: a huge university with a campus-city, where thousands of students study in giant amphitheater-classrooms, or a more intimate, calm atmosphere in a small college.

Of course, the specialty you want to study should be at the forefront. But do not forget about parallel opportunities - the same sport.

Remember timing, don't delay preparation! Research, selection, comparison of different factors - all this will take time.

Both career and education are gradual processes. You can get a bachelor's degree in one institution, and for a master's degree go to a completely different one. And the better your bachelor's results, the more prestigious options will be available to you in the future.

The US higher education system is the largest in the world: we have nearly 5,000 universities. Your personal interests, developments, options and opinions found on the same Internet, plus the advice of a professional consultant - this is the recipe for success. Feel free to take advice and listen to other opinions. Remember that even when you have made your choice, arrived in the USA and started studying, you can change your educational path - our education system is very flexible and gives everyone this opportunity.


University Prep Programs in US for International Students

University Pathway Program

This is one of the most popular programs for preparing for university in the USA. It involves 1-2 semesters of intensive studies in a U.S. college or university and can pave the way for admission into the first or second year of a U.S. degree program. Entry requirements include an excellent high school transcript and an IELTS score of 5.5 or higher (or a TOEFL score between 61-79).

University Transfer Program

An alternative to the British IDP, this program offers a one-year preparation course for a 2-year bachelor's degree. It allows you to save a year and acclimate to life in the U.S.

International Foundation Program

Focused more on language studies, this American version of the Foundation Program prepares students for language examinations over the course of one year.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

This two-year program focuses on six subjects and is geared towards international students with high school diplomas and IELTS scores of 5.5 or higher (or TOEFL scores between 40-45).

US university preparation

Pre-Masters or Pre-MBA Programs

These programs are aimed at students wishing to undertake a Master's or Higher Doctorate program and require at least a Bachelor's degree and an IELTS score of 6.0 (or equivalent TOEFL scores).

Community Colleges in US for International Students. Full guide

Community colleges offer part-time higher education programs and provide an Associate Degree after two years. Due to well-established transfer systems, students can often transition into the third year of a bachelor's degree program. Entry requirements include a high school diploma, proof of financial support, and language proficiency certificates.

Cost of Preparing for University in the USA

University preparation course fees can vary widely, but expect to budget between $22,000 and $28,000 per year for community colleges.

For more personalized guidance, SMAPSE experts are ready to assist you in choosing the best pathway to achieve your educational goals in the U.S.

Academic courses: Degrees and Timeframe

The U.S. educational journey typically consists of the following degrees:

  • Associate Degree: A 2-year program usually obtained at a community college.

  • Undergraduate/Bachelor’s Degree: A 4-year program at a college or university.

  • Master's Degree: A 2-year postgraduate program.

  • Ph.D. Degree: Typically takes 4 to 6 years after a master’s degree.

Types of U.S. Universities: State vs. Private

State Universities

  • Larger student populations

  • Lower university preparation course fees

  • Numerous programs to support academically gifted students

Private Universities

  • Smaller student populations

  • Better-developed infrastructure

  • Higher cost of preparing for university in the USA

The Ivy League and Other Top-Rated Schools

The crème de la crème of U.S. universities are often Ivy League schools, which include Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and others. These universities are renowned for their:

  • High levels of educational funding

  • Qualified educators

  • Robust educational support systems

Emerging Stars

Several newer universities are gaining prominence, including:

  • Northwestern University

  • Duke University

  • University of Notre Dame

US university preparation

Admission Requirements for International Students

Addressing English Proficiency

If an applicant's command of English is not up to the mark, there are two options:

  • Intensive language study at a partner school

  • Wait and apply again next year

After achieving adequate English proficiency, the student can transition to a standard academic program.

Paying for Your Education

Before you begin classes, you’ll go through an orientation course and choose your subjects. University preparation course fees can usually be paid on a semester or quarterly basis, depending on the institution.

Academic Options

U.S. colleges and universities offer a plethora of subjects, from veterinary technology to theater arts. For a comprehensive list, consult with academic advisors like those at SMAPSE.

When to Apply to US Universities

If you're still completing your studies, it's advisable to submit your application by late spring. This gives you ample time to prepare for the autumn semester and handle visa requirements. If you've already graduated, you can still apply, but you'll only be eligible to start in the winter term.

Navigating the U.S. higher education system can be challenging, but understanding the university prep courses in the USA and other essentials can make the process more manageable.

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Can I get a scholarship to study in the U.S.?

Can I work off campus as an international student?

How can I improve my chances of admission to an American university?

What is university accreditation and why is it important?

What Prep Programs are available for international students?

What organizations help international students adjust to life in the United States?

What are the requirements for admission to universities in the United States?

What is the academic calendar and how is it organized in American universities?

General statistics on education in the USA - ratings, specialties, universities

Top 35 best schools in the USA - 2024 Smapse rankings

1 North Broward Preparatory School
2 Phillips Academy Andover
3 The Storm King School New York
4 Red Bank Catholic High School
5 Windermere Preparatory School
6 Shattuck St Mary's School
7 Cheshire Academy
8 Cate School
9 Ross School
10 Deerfield Academy
11 The Village School
12 Amerigo Los Angeles – Bishop Montgomery High School
13 Webb Schools
14 Kent School USA
15 The Winchendon School
16 Darlington School
17 Marian Catholic High School Amerigo Education
18 Grier School
19 The MacDuffie School
20 CATS Academy Boston
21 The Cambridge School of Weston
22 Milton Academy
23 Amerigo Education Napa Valley
24 American Hebrew Academy
25 Northfield Mount Hermon School
26 Mater Dei Catholic High School San Diego Amerigo Education
27 American University Preparatory School Los Angeles
28 Webb Schools
29 Kent School USA
30 Groton School
31 Maine Central Institute
32 The Lawrenceville School
33 Grand River Academy Ohio
34 Saint John Paul II Academy
35 Chicago North Shore

Top 10 best boarding schools in USA according to The Best Schools portal

1 Phillips Exeter Academy
2 Phillips Academy Andover
3 The Putney School
4 Church Farm School
5 Episcopal High School
6 St. Paul's School
7 Asheville School
8 Shattuck-St. Mary's School
9 St. Andrew's School
10 The Thacher School

Top 10 best private high schools in USA according to Best Colleges

1 The Lawrenceville School
2 Phillips Exeter Academy
3 Lakeside School
4 The Latin School of Chicago
5 Albuquerque Academy
6 Detroit Country Day School
7 Harvard-Westlake School
8 The Harker School
9 The College Preparatory School
10 Polytechnic School

Learning programs-summary information

Name Meaning Equivalent Min. age Duration,
Next stage Cost
GCSE General certificate of secondary education secondary education (non-accomplished) 14 1–2 A-Levels 15,000 USD+
A-Levels Advanced level secondary education (accomplished) 16 2 University 15,000 USD+
BTEC Business and Technology Education Board secondary special education 14 2–3 University/ work 15,000 USD+
Oxbridge Preparation Preparing for Oxford and Cambridge secondary education (accomplished) 17 1 University 15,000 USD+
International Baccalaureate International baccalaureate secondary education (accomplished) 16 2 University 18,000 USD+
Foundation/ Pathway Year Preparatory year admission to the 1st year of university 17 1 University 14,000 USD+
NCUK The Northern consortium 2 year university 17,5 1 2 year University of NCUK 13,000 USD+
Special Preparation (Medics/Math/Business) Specialized training - 14 optional optional 4,000 USD+
Academic English Academic English Language school 8 + 6–12 months School or University 8,000 USD+

Top 21 boarding colleges in England 2024

1 Cardiff Sixth Form College
2 National Mathematics and Science College
3 Abbey College Cambridge
4 d'Overbroeck's College
5 MPW London
6 CATS Cambridge
7 Kensington Park
8 DLD London
9 King's College St Michael’s
10 Bellerbys Cambridge
11 Chelsea Independent College
12 MPW Cambridge
13 Bellerbys Brighton
14 CATS London
15 St Clare's Oxford
16 Bishopstrow College
17 CATS Canterbury
18 Bellerbys London
19 Ealing Independent College
20 Cambridge Tutors College
21 Abbey Manchester

Cost of living in United States

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 396 531
Food 260 454
Transportation 60 166
Communications and utilities 99 113
Clothing 19 71
Sports and leisure 24 91
Total 859 1,425
Accommodation in United States USD/Month.
Shared room outside of centre 400
Shared room in city centre 536
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 730
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 973
Hello, I finished the 10th grade and we are a family moving to California San Diego, I would like to start a program of preparation for admission there, could advise where it is better to go and where it is better to enter IT
Timothy, thanks for the request. Our manager has already contacted you by e-mail that you specified
Hello! I have got a question, I've been looking for a way to study in the US. but I couldn't find a clear guide on how to start. So what am I supposed to do? or where should I start? thanks.
Manager SMAPSE
Hi Ayat, our consultant will contact you on the issue.
Hello at the South Florida Institute, is it possible to study under the course (sorry, I just don’t know) this year I am finishing school
SMAPS Manager
Good afternoon, Dinara! There are several options for admission: taking English courses + university degree program + undergraduate or university degree program + undergraduate Which option is best for you? Leave your message to us at
Hello! I graduated from school in 2007, after which I immediately entered the institute. I graduated for 1 year and left the institute. I don’t have an extract from the institute. Do I have a chance to go to a US university or at least for a short course of study?
SMAPS Manager
Good afternoon and thanks for your inquiry! You have a minimal chance of admission, because it is likely that you will either refuse to enter a university or issue a student visa.
Hello. I had a small question about Pathway, University Transfer Program and Foundation. These programs are preparation for the university and can they be admitted to any university in America after they are passed? Is there funding for these programs and how do they get there?
Smapse LTD
Andrei, good afternoon! Yes, these programs are preparation for the university. Typically, each institution that conducts these programs has certain partner universities that are admitted to after the training program. No, schools are not involved in financing. Regarding the process of enrollment, please write to us at mail: Best regards, SMAPS
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Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

Sam is the Regional Director of Student Admissions at INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia). Sam has nearly 20 years' experience in international education. Also, he has experience in student recruitment for institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and is a qualified EFL teacher with many years of experience teaching abroad. He understands the challenges faced by international students and is aware of all these difficulties and have vast experience in helping foreign students.

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