
Higher education in USA for international students

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Education information

Nowadays, the USA is the leading country among foreign students wishing to get high quality and advanced education. SMAPSE offers more than 100 of the best US universities that provide a great deal of courses and studying programs available for international students. The opportunity to obtain higher education in America is provided to everyone who is ready to invest in their own future - universities are open to students from all over the world.

Higher education, like secondary education in the United States, has several distinctive features that attract international students:

  • Top-quality US education:

    • 75% of modern Nobel laureates, practicing scientists and businessmen teach in US universities;

    • 78 American universities are among the world's TOP (***is there a number missing here?).

  • Social, legal protection of foreign students;

  • High-quality medical care;

  • Comfortable accommodation conditions. 

One of the main advantages of the system of higher education in the USA, which is noted by all applicants, is a variety of opportunities: in addition to academic preparation, students get optimal conditions for creative and physical development, campuses have everything necessary for effective studies and pleasant rest. In addition, studying in the USA allows foreign students:

  • Adapt to life in the country;

  • Get acquainted with the local culture and traditions;

  • Optimal conditions for creative, physical development;

  • Campuses have all the necessary infrastructure.

Actually, a foreign student will need help in planning for admission to a US university. It's important to examine transitional studying programs. It's recommended to pay much attention to the choice of the preparatory pre-university programs, since American universities have different requirements for the admission of foreign students.

Types of Preparatory Programs in the USA

In the United States, preparatory programs for higher education are offered in two main categories:

  • University-Provided Programs: Developed by university faculty, these programs are tailored to meet the specific requirements of higher education in America. This presents an excellent opportunity for prospective students to familiarize themselves with the university structure and gain essential knowledge before official admission.

  • National Pre-University Centers: These programs are versatile and offer flexibility in choosing any higher education institutions in the USA after completion.

Both types offer the following mandatory components:

  • SAT exam preparation

  • English language courses

  • Cultural adaptation programs

Valentina Nikitina
Senior Marketing and Recruitment Manager at Kaplan Pathways with a focus on students from Russia and the CIS.

What advice do you have for those students who want to enter the top universities in the United States and have 3-4 years to prepare?

Oh, this is a great time to competently assess your capabilities and consider the available options! There is much that can be done, but there are two main factors: assessments and English. Yes, some universities here will not be particularly demanding, but understand that good English will improve your mastery of the material in principle, and high marks will help you win a scholarship or go to college with honors.


What Do Preparatory Programs Offer?

The preparatory programs serve multiple purposes, such as:

  • Campus Accommodation: International students typically have the option of staying on campus.

  • Extracurricular Activities: Programs often include a variety of student activities for a more enriching experience.

  • Cultural Orientation: Knowledge about American traditions and student life is also shared to help international students adapt.

Advantages of National Pre-University Centers

National centers are particularly advantageous because they actively assist students in logistical aspects. Their services often include legal advice for visa issues, housing support, and help in selecting the most suitable universities in the USA.

Universities of America

Preparing for the SAT

The SAT is an essential part of higher education admissions in the USA. Many students begin their preparation years in advance. A high SAT score usually requires excellent knowledge in:

  • Mathematics

  • Three specialized subjects

  • English grammar and vocabulary

Cultural Adaptation Program

This part of the program helps students acclimate to the American cultural environment and fosters skills for independent organization and motivation for self-study.

University Preparation in the USA

The preparatory programs serve multiple purposes, such as:

  • Campus Accommodation: International students typically have the option of staying on campus.

  • Extracurricular Activities: Programs often include a variety of student activities for a more enriching experience.

  • Cultural Orientation: Knowledge about American traditions and student life is also shared to help international students adapt.

Overview of Higher Education Institutions in the USA

There are over 4,000 higher education institutions in the USA, including both colleges and universities. These institutions provide top-quality education, modern laboratories, and extensive sports facilities. Depending on your educational goals, you can opt for a Bachelor's, Master's, or even a Ph.D. program.

Categories of Higher Education Institutions in the USA

  • Public Universities: These are generally larger and offer lower tuition fees. Notable examples include the University of Michigan and the University of California at Berkeley.

  • Private Universities: These are often smaller but boast a more developed infrastructure and greater opportunities for research. Ivy League schools like Princeton and Harvard fall under this category.

Cost of Higher Education in the USA

The cost varies widely between public and private institutions. Public universities often offer lower tuition fees, especially for residents of the home state. On the other hand, tuition at private universities can range from $30,000 to $60,000 per academic year, not including accommodation and additional expenses.

How to get Higher Education in the USA

Foreign students can enter U.S. universities in several ways:

  • Complete a pre-university program after high school

  • Transfer from a university in their home country

  • Enroll in a Master's or Doctoral program after completing higher education in their home country

Each pathway comes with its own set of courses, requirements, rules, and documentation. Therefore, selecting the appropriate program can save both time and money for prospective international students.

By understanding these various aspects, you can better navigate the landscape of higher education in the USA, whether you're looking at preparatory programs or diving straight into a degree.

Preparing to enter America

Higher Education Programs in the USA for International Students

International Baccalaureate (IB): A Global Educational Passport

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a two-year program that offers intensive coursework across six subjects. Completion of the IB program not only opens doors to universities in the USA but also to other elite institutions worldwide. Designed specifically for international students, the application process requires:

  • A secondary school graduation certificate with strong academic performance

  • An IELTS score of at least 5.5, or a TOEFL score of 40-45 points

Pre-Masters or Pre-MBA Program: Stepping Stones to Advanced Degrees

For those who aim to pursue a Master's or Doctorate program in the USA, the Pre-Masters and Pre-MBA courses serve as excellent preparatory steps. Admittance prerequisites include:

  • A Bachelor's degree

  • An IELTS score of 6.0 or a TOEFL score of 550 PBT / 213 CBT / 81 IBT

These programs last between 6 to 9 months, depending on the student's English proficiency. Note that at least two years of managerial work experience is necessary for Pre-MBA program admission.

Why Choose US Higher Education?

Universities in the USA are renowned for their commitment to high-quality education, supported by top-tier faculty and cutting-edge technology. The cost of US higher education can be substantial, but the investment often yields high returns such as:

  • A prestigious degree recognized worldwide

  • Acquiring sought-after skills and professions

  • Building a strong foundation for a rewarding career

Making Informed Choices About Higher Education Institutions in the USA

While it's tempting to aim for household names like Harvard or Yale, these schools require significant preparation and may not be the most practical choice. Many other high-quality educational institutions in the USA offer excellent education at a more affordable cost.

Entrance exams are usually not needed for admission to higher education programs in the USA; a satisfactory SAT score is generally sufficient. A Bachelor's degree can typically be earned after four years of study, with each subject course lasting one semester.

University entrance in America

Flexibility and Specialization in American Higher Education

One of the unique features of higher education in America is the flexibility it offers. Students can tailor their educational journey according to their interests and career goals, combining subjects as varied as engineering and theater or finance and journalism. Those seeking a second degree or specialized focus will find a wide array of options.

Pursuing Business Education in the USA

MBA programs are particularly popular among international students due to the career opportunities they provide. Despite the high fees associated with these programs, the investment is often justified by a substantial salary increase, which can range from 10-30% for graduates from top business schools.

By understanding the various academic pathways and the cost of higher education in the USA, prospective students can make more informed decisions to fulfill their educational and career aspirations.

Navigating the Landscape of Higher Education in America

Categories of Higher Education Institutions in the USA

US higher education offers international students an array of specializations across various academic disciplines. Broadly speaking, the American system comprises four types of educational establishments:

  • Universities in the USA: These large institutions are made up of several colleges or faculties that offer undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees.

  • Four-year Colleges: Primarily designed for Bachelor's degree programs, these institutions also cater to international students and provide a four-year educational track similar to universities.

  • Technical Schools: These offer a wide array of programs lasting anywhere from six months to four years, focusing on specific vocational or technical skills.

  • Community Colleges: Offering two-year programs, these institutions prepare students for the workforce or for transfer to a four-year college to complete a Bachelor's degree.

Most Competitive and High-Paying Fields

Certain fields of study attract more attention and competition due to their prestige and earning potential. These include:

  • Law

  • Information Technology

  • Medicine

  • Music Education

  • Business and Finance

Academic Year and Assessment

Like most countries, the academic year in the USA typically begins in late August or early September and concludes in late May or early June. However, the structure can vary, with some institutions following trimesters or even quarters.

Assessment in higher education institutions in the USA is unique. Students must accumulate a specified number of educational points, known as credits, to complete their course or earn their degree. It's important to note that each university sets its own credit standards. Grading is usually done on a letter scale, which is then converted into a Grade Point Average (GPA). This GPA becomes a crucial indicator for employers and graduate school admissions.

Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in the USA

Higher education in the USA allows international students to pursue multiple academic degrees in a structured manner.

  • Bachelor's Degree: Typically taking four years to complete, a Bachelor's program includes around 30 subjects aligned with the student's chosen specialization. Graduates earn either a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree, making them fully qualified for various professional roles.

  • Master's Degree: This advanced academic level lasts generally for two years and involves:

    • Specialization

    • In-depth study of selected subjects

The program culminates in the defense of a master's thesis. Students can focus either on professional roles or on academic research and postgraduate studies.

The Path to a PhD

For those interested in even higher levels of academic achievement, a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the pinnacle. This degree involves comprehensive research and can take 4 to 6 years to complete. It's worth noting that the term "Philosophy" here is historically rooted and can apply to any academic specialization.

Education in the USA

Flexibility in Curriculum Choices

Many Bachelor's programs allow students to explore a wide range of subjects in their first two years, only specifying their major (primary field of study) and minor (secondary field of study) in the third year. This allows for a diverse educational experience, letting students dabble in:

  • Arts

  • Journalism

  • Computer Science

  • Business Management, etc.

By considering the various academic paths and understanding the cost of higher education in the USA, international students can make well-informed decisions that align with their academic and career goals.

Admissions Process for Higher Education in the USA

Required Documents for Admission to Universities in the USA

Applying to higher education institutions in the USA involves submitting several essential documents, especially for international students. Here's what you'll generally need:

  • Application Form: Submitted either online or through email to the university’s Graduate Admissions Office.

  • Statement of Purpose: A detailed essay answering the question, "Why am I worthy to study at this university?"

  • Payment Receipt: Proof of payment for the non-refundable registration fee, typically ranging from $90 to $150 USD.

  • Academic Records: School certificate or transcripts, especially if you've partially completed higher education in your home country.

  • Language Proficiency Certificate: Usually a TOEFL or IELTS score is required.

  • Standardized Test Scores: Some universities may require SAT or ACT scores.

  • Previous Degrees: If applying for a Master's program, a Bachelor’s degree and associated transcripts are mandatory.

  • Letters of Recommendation: These can come from teachers, employers, or other notable references.

  • Translation: All documents must be translated into English and notarized.

Special Considerations for Transfer and Master's Students

International students who are transferring or enrolling in a postgraduate course may have to undergo a "diploma nostrification" process. The Graduate Admissions Office will evaluate your prior academic performance to decide which credits can be transferred. It's not uncommon for the number of academic years to be adjusted during this process due to differences between higher education in the USA and other countries.

Personal Essay and Questionnaire

Most universities in the USA place a significant emphasis on the personal qualities of applicants. When applying to higher education programs in the USA, you'll often be required to complete a questionnaire featuring essay-style questions, such as:

  • "Why did you choose our university?"

  • "Why do you want to pursue this profession?"

  • "What are your future plans?"

  • "Why do you seek higher education in the USA?"

The quality of your answers is assessed not only for content but also for language proficiency, logical structure, and clarity.

Preparatory Courses and Recommendations

If you're uncertain about the admissions process, taking preparatory courses can be beneficial. These courses can help you understand the nuances of application requirements and provide you with valuable recommendations from teachers.

Higher Education in the USA: FAQs

Both colleges and universities offer quality education in the USA, but they differ in terms of program duration and the type of degree awarded. Attending a two-year college will result in an Associate's Degree, but it also allows for a smooth transition to a Bachelor's program. A four-year college or university will lead to a Bachelor of Science or Arts degree.

International students can further their education by pursuing Master’s or even Doctorate degrees. Starting at a university for your initial stage of higher education can make future transitions easier, saving you time in adapting to new academic and linguistic environments.

The Cost of Higher Education in the USA

Higher education in the USA fees can vary significantly depending on the institution. It's crucial to research and plan your finances well in advance to navigate the cost of higher education in the USA effectively.

By understanding the application process, fees, and other particulars, international students can make informed decisions about pursuing higher education in the USA.

Tuition Fees for Higher Education in the USA

Factors Influencing Tuition Fees in U.S. Universities

The cost of pursuing higher education in the USA can be influenced by several elements:

  • Field of Study: Some specializations are more costly than others.

  • University Ranking: Prestigious universities often have higher fees.

  • Research Requirements: Programs requiring extensive research may entail additional costs.

On average, international students can expect to pay a hefty sum for higher education in the USA. Fees at top-tier universities start at around $30,000 USD per year. However, it's worth mentioning that graduates from American universities have a competitive edge in the job market, with 98% securing well-paying jobs within six months of graduation.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

The United States has a vast and well-established scholarship system. Students excelling in academics, creative fields, or sports can apply for scholarships that may cover up to 100% of their higher education costs.

Community Colleges as a Cost-Effective Option

International students can also significantly reduce the cost of higher education in the USA by opting for community colleges. On average, a year at these institutions costs between $7,000 to $10,000 USD. Community colleges generally have more lenient admission requirements and offer two-year programs that culminate in an Associate's Degree. Afterward, students can transfer to a four-year university to complete their Bachelor's degree.

Top U.S. Universities

The Ivy League: Elite Higher Education in the USA

When discussing elite higher education institutions in the USA, the Ivy League universities often come to mind. These include:

  • Harvard

  • Princeton

  • Yale (part of the prestigious "Big Three")

  • Brown University

  • Columbia University

  • Cornell University (boasting over 43 Nobel laureates)

  • Dartmouth College

  • University of Pennsylvania

Degrees from these institutions are highly sought after and open doors to opportunities in leading international companies.

Other Noteworthy Universities in the USA

Several other U.S. universities offer educational quality comparable to the Ivy League:

  • Northwestern University: Known for its impressive budget exceeding $9 billion and its Nemmers Award for Achievement in Mathematics.

  • Duke University: Highly ranked, particularly for its Medical and Business Schools. About 50% of international students receive grants or scholarships.

  • University of Notre Dame: Home to one of the best business schools in the USA, with a student body of 10,000.

  • Bard College: A private liberal arts college offering top-quality education.

  • U.S. Naval Academy: An elite military education institution with stringent admission requirements.

  • University of Oregon: A leading institution for business and engineering, drawing 20,000 students from over 100 countries annually.

By understanding the various factors that influence tuition and other fees, international students can make well-informed decisions about pursuing higher education in the USA.

What is higher education in the United States?

Which type of higher education should I choose: college or university?

What is the cost of tuition at universities in the United States?

What are "credit hours" in the U.S. education system?

What are the requirements for a language exam (e.g. TOEFL or IELTS) for international students?

What career opportunities does higher education in the United States offer?

What are the opportunities for research and scholarship in the United States?

What is the role of student councils (Student Government) in American universities?

What opportunities are there for international students to obtain a work visa after graduation?

How does the grading system work in the United States?

General statistics on education in the USA - ratings, specialties, universities

Times Higher Education’s top 50 best universities in USA 2024

Rank Name
No. of FTE Students No. of students per staff International Students Female:Male Ratio
2 Stanford University 14,517 6.4 23% 47 : 53
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 11,085 8.0 33% 41 : 59
4 Harvard University 20,050 9.0 25% 51 : 49
6 Princeton University 7,753 7.3 23% 47 : 53
7 California Institute of Technology 2,240 6.1 33% 37 : 63
9 University of California, Berkeley 39,991 17.9 22% 52 : 48
10 Yale University 11,924 5.2 21% 51 : 49
13 The University of Chicago 15,792 6.2 36% 47 : 53
15 Johns Hopkins University 15,772 4.1 28% 56 : 44
16 University of Pennsylvania 21,312 6.2 22% 54 : 46
17 Columbia University 25,914 5.2 35% n/a
18 University of California, Los Angeles 42,634 9.6 15% 56 : 44
20 Cornell University 23,620 10.0 24% 51 : 49
23 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 45,783 8.1 16% 51 : 49
24 Carnegie Mellon University 13,562 11.9 44% 44 : 56
25 University of Washington 49,486 10.1 16% 56 : 44
26 Duke University 15,527 3.9 18% 52 : 48
27 New York University 48,461 11.8 42% 58 : 42
28 Northwestern University 18,894 13.1 18% 52 : 48
34 University of California, San Diego 40,596 12.0 19% 45 : 55
36 Georgia Institute of Technology 32,079 28.0 29% 34 : 66
42 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 50,250 19.6 23% 51 : 49
52 University of Texas at Austin 48,558 16.4 8% 55 : 45
59 University of California, Davis 37,926 13.3 18% 60 : 40
63 University of Wisconsin-Madison 41,209 9.9 13% n/a
=64 Brown University 9,781 10.3 19% n/a
68 Washington University in St Louis 13,825 7.3 22% 52 : 48
69 University of California, Santa Barbara 25,540 27.5 18% 54 : 46
72 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 30,782 7.7 8% 60 : 40
74 University of Southern California 44,083 14.2 24% 49 : 51
78 Boston University 26,677 10.8 29% 58 : 42
85 University of Minnesota 59,556 11.8 9% 55 : 45
86 Purdue University West Lafayette 42,633 18.3 17% 44 : 56
=92 University of California, Irvine 35,675 16.2 26% 53 : 47
=92 Vanderbilt University 12,971 3.9 17% 55 : 45
=99 Ohio State University (Main campus) 55,538 11.4 11% 51 : 49
=106 Emory University 13,127 4.0 19% 61 : 39
114 University of Maryland, College Park 33,988 17.0 9% 49 : 51
=116 Michigan State University 44,514 16.1 11% 52 : 48
118 Texas A&M University 64,427 20.5 6% 47 : 53
=119 Rice University 7,318 9.8 26% 42 : 58
122 Penn State (Main campus) 45,875 14.2 15% 48 : 52
=123 University of Massachusetts 63,500 13.3 14% 50 : 50
132 University of Florida 48,114 16.7 9% 56 : 44
133 University of Rochester 9,855 7.3 34% 50 : 50
=138 University of Colorado Boulder 35,844 16.5 8% 45 : 55
=145 University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus 26,305 5.4 10% 56 : 44
=155 University of Arizona 45,517 19.9 7% 56 : 44
=161 Dartmouth College 6,226 7.4 16% 49 : 51
=164 Case Western Reserve University 10,294 8.8 25% 51 : 49

Best universities in USA by state rankings 2024

Alabama University of Alabama, Auburn University
Alaska -
Arizona Arizona State University, The University of Arizona
Arkansas University of Arkansas
California Stanford University, Caltech, UCB, UCLA, UCSD, University of California Davis, University of Southern California, UCSB, University of California Irvine, University of California Santa Cruz, University of California Riverside, San Diego State University, University of San Diego, University of San Francisco, University of the Pacific
Colorado University of Colorado Boulder, University of Colorado Denver, Colorado State University, University of Denver
Connecticut Yale University, University of Connecticut
Delaware University of Delaware
Florida University of Florida, University of Miami, Florida State University, University of South Florida, University of Central Florida, Florida International University, Miami University
Georgia Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University, The University of Georgia, Georgia State University
Hawaii University of Hawai'i at Mañoa
Idaho -
Illinois University of Chicago, Northwestern University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UIC, Illinois Institute of Technology, Loyola University Chicago
Indiana Purdue University, University of Notre Dame, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianopolis
Iowa University of Iowa, Iowa State University
Kansas University of Kansas, Kansas State University
Kentucky University of Kentucky
Louisiana Tulane University, Louisiana State University
Maine -
Maryland Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland College Park, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Massachusetts MIT, Harvard University, Boston University, Tufts University, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Northeastern University, Boston College, Brandeis University, Clark University, University of Massachusetts Boston, Smith College, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Michigan University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Wayne State University, Michigan Technological University
Minnesota University of Minnesota
Mississippi University of Mississippi
Missouri Washington University in St. Louis, University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Montana University of Montana Missoula
Nebraska University of Nebraska
Nevada -
New Hampshire Dartmouth College, University of New Hampshire
New Jersey Princeton University, Rutgers University - New Brunswick, Rutgers University - Newark, Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Mexico University of New Mexico
New York Cornell University, Columbia University, NYU, University of Rochester, University at Buffalo SUNY, Stony Brook University, The Katz School at Yeshiva University, Rensselaer Polytechnic University, New School University, Syracuse University, City University of New York, Clarkson University, University at Albany SUNY, Binghamton University SUNY, Fordham University
North Carolina Duke University, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University, Wake Forest University
North Dakota -
Ohio Ohio State University, Case Western Reserve University, University of Cincinnati, Kent State University, Ohio University
Oklahoma University of Oklahoma, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma State University
Oregon Oregon State University, University of Oregon
Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania State University, University of Pittsburgh, Lehigh University, Drexel University, Temple University
Rhode Island Brown University
South Carolina University of South Carolina at Columbia, Clemson University
South Dakota -
Tennessee Vanderbilt University, The University of Tennessee
Texas University of Texas at Austin, Rice University, Texas A&M University, University of Texas Dallas, University of Houston, Southern Methodist University, Baylor University, Texas Tech University
Utah University of Utah, Brigham Young University, Utah State University
Vermont University of Vermont
Virginia University of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, College of William & Mary, Virginia Commonwealth University, George Mason University
Washington University of Washington, Washington State University
Washington D.C. Georgetown University, George Washington University, Howard University, American University
West Virginia -
Wisconsin University of Wisconsin-Madison, Marquette University
Wyoming University of Wyoming

Learning programs-summary information

Name Meaning Equivalent Min. age Duration,
Next stage Cost
GCSE General certificate of secondary education secondary education (non-accomplished) 14 1–2 A-Levels 15,000 USD+
A-Levels Advanced level secondary education (accomplished) 16 2 University 15,000 USD+
BTEC Business and Technology Education Board secondary special education 14 2–3 University/ work 15,000 USD+
Oxbridge Preparation Preparing for Oxford and Cambridge secondary education (accomplished) 17 1 University 15,000 USD+
International Baccalaureate International baccalaureate secondary education (accomplished) 16 2 University 18,000 USD+
Foundation/ Pathway Year Preparatory year admission to the 1st year of university 17 1 University 14,000 USD+
NCUK The Northern consortium 2 year university 17,5 1 2 year University of NCUK 13,000 USD+
Special Preparation (Medics/Math/Business) Specialized training - 14 optional optional 4,000 USD+
Academic English Academic English Language school 8 + 6–12 months School or University 8,000 USD+

Cost of living in United States

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 396 531
Food 260 454
Transportation 60 166
Communications and utilities 99 113
Clothing 19 71
Sports and leisure 24 91
Total 859 1,425
Accommodation in United States USD/Month.
Shared room outside of centre 400
Shared room in city centre 536
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 730
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 973

Statistics - Universities

Universities in top 100 37
Universities in top 200 59
Universities in top 500 109
Universities in top 1000 195
Universities in top 5000 1142
Dinislom Shamilovich Turniyazov
Hello I want to get an education in America!
Manager SMAPSE
Good afternoon, if you are interested in receiving send your request to our e-mail
Good day! Is it possible, after receiving a bachelor's degree in Finland, to apply for a master's degree in the USA?
Yes, through the pre-master program. I wrote to you in more detail by mail.
Good evening! This year I’m going to medical university. Is it possible to transfer to the second year in America after the first year of study?
Smapse Manager
Most likely, due to the difference in the education system, you will be able to do this only after the second year. An academic transcript will be required
I'm from Novosibirsk . In a year I will finish my studies at the Medical University. Then I want to study in the United States. With medical education there is too difficult ... Tell me, please, how does all this happen? Will I need to relearn there or can I enroll in their residency right away, or what?
Smapse LTD
Julia, good afternoon! The recognition of a Russian medical degree abroad is a long and difficult process. To enter the residency after our university is impossible. Unfortunately, we will not be able to help with enrollment in educational institutions to continue your education in the medical specialty. Best regards, SMAPS
Decided to enroll in the Master of Marketing program in the United States. I am a Bachelor of Management. In 2016 he graduated from SPEU. Year is in the USA language schools. The level has reached C1.2 which universities with this programs offer quality training. i am from Baku
Manager Smaps
Tarlan, hello! Please consider the following options. We skip to you the links: University of Northeastern, JMU University, Jhonson & Wales Providence University -and-wales-university-denver /, Jhonson & Wales Denver University If you need help with the FREE submission of documents to these schools, please write!
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Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

Sam is the Regional Director of Student Admissions at INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia). Sam has nearly 20 years' experience in international education. Also, he has experience in student recruitment for institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and is a qualified EFL teacher with many years of experience teaching abroad. He understands the challenges faced by international students and is aware of all these difficulties and have vast experience in helping foreign students.

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