
Study finance in USA - 67 institutions

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Education information

The scientific and practical study of finance, methods of working with financial flows and methods of managing funds began in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century. Today, it is the United States of Americathat offers the most sought-after and elite financial education at all levels: in schools, colleges, universities, academic camps. Prestigious universities in the United States with the study of finance occupy leading positions in world educational rankings. Graduates of financial departments of American universities are ready-made specialists of the highest level, who have a strong theoretical background and have been trained on trading floors and in the financial departments of companies in the United States. The percentage of employment among graduates of American universities with in-depth study of finance in the first 6 months after receiving a diploma is more than 90%.

Our consultants will advise you on choosing a training program, assist with enrollment: explain the requirements for admission, when to apply, what is the cost of training.

U.S. High School Finance Education

High schools in the United States of America teach the principles of financial literacy. An academic study of finance begins in the middle grades of the school, continues at the level of preparatory programs and subjects studied for choice in high school. A certificate of completion of preparatory courses for entering a university, a certificate of a prestigious American school is a significant advantage for foreign teenagers entering US universities specializing in finance.

The programs of preparation for entering universities with an in-depth study of finance offered by US schools:

  • High school Diploma (14-16 years) - the program focuses on the study of specialized disciplines: mathematics, including higher education, economics, statistics. Much attention is paid to studying English and general academic preparation.
  • The Diploma + Advanced Placement (16+) course is aimed at students with a high level of preparation. The program includes intensive courses in selected subjects, language courses.
  • International Baccalaureate (16+) is a high school curriculum that includes in-depth study of several subjects (mathematics, law, economics, business, statistics), extensive general education, creative, social and sports load. Middle Years Program (11-15 years) - a course in the middle classes according to the International Baccalaureate system.

Financial Education at Universities of America

Studying finance at American universities is an elite education that includes studying:

  • relevant financial disciplines;
  • their modern methodology;
  • work practices at the world's largest trading floors;
  • the work of experts in the financial industry.

Programs at the financial departments of American universities are diverse, divided into several specializations:

  • economics of finance;
  • financial planning;
  • financial mathematics;
  • accounting;
  • corporate finance;
  • international finance;
  • bank investments.

TOP US universities for studying finance

  • The University of California, Berkeley offers a bachelor's program in Global Management, which includes leadership, innovation and financial sector change. The course combines strict general and business education, prepares students for work in the field of financial services, management consulting. The four-year program begins in the summer with an 8-week course at UC Berkeley, including studies in London.
  • The Master of Finance program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology takes 12/18 months. The curriculum includes studying the fundamentals of the markets, modern financial theories, quantitative models and industry practices. The program has earned the best reviews, leading teachers are involved in it, innovative practical experience is being mastered. Studying at the popular MIT, Master of Finance certificate will be an excellent springboard for career growth in financial corporations, consulting firms, the public sector.
  • The financial master's program at the University of San Francisco takes 1.5 years. Students implement their own research projects and expand their level of academic disciplines. The course allow to master the necessary skills for conducting successful financial transactions. The University of San Francisco MBA degree in finance involves the development of managerial competencies, meetings with experts, career-oriented events, and collaboration with university graduates.
  • The Master of Finance at Hult International Business School is aimed at those who want to pursue a career in corporate finance and apply for the positions of leading multinational companies. The one-year master's program focuses on topics of corporate financial management, tactical skills necessary for competent money management, accounting.
  • The Master's Program in Finance Studies at Howard University aims to build a solid academic foundation for students to succeed in business and advance in finance. The intensive learning process includes analysis of complex investment problems, practical issues of corporate investments, stock market, investment management, financial engineering and strategy. The program is useful for students and practitioners preparing to receive professional CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) or CFP (Certified Financial Planner) certificates.
  • Harvard Business School offers the Finance for Top Management program, which provides the foundation for working in the field of corporate finance. The study of the movement of cash resources, capital markets and the financial management and control system can increase the level of profitability of the organization. Graduates of the program learn skills, methods of financial analysis, resource optimization, learn to make informed strategic decisions on the use of capital.

Studying Finance at US Camps

US-based academic programs in finance include a wide range of options. Short in duration, the programs offer intensive preparation in financial disciplines, work with leading experts and teachers from TOP universities. Elite seasonal programs for the study of finance are carried out on the basis of prestigious educational institutions.

Academic Programs in Finance in the USA for international students

  • Harvard Business School offers highly relevant and academically rich MBA courses, short-term business programs for managers, as well as programs focused on the preparation of studies, publications in leading scientific and practical journals related to finance. The main advantages of a Harvard University and its cademic programs: a strong applied component, access to business organizations, the use of case study methods.
  • University of California, Irvine, offers a 3-week full-time finance study program. The course is designed with the aim of teaching money management, the wise use of loans, negotiating and investing. Studying is aimed at the formation of specific skills used in the field of investment, credit relations, risk management.
  • The summer program of Stephen M. Ross School of Business (University of Michigan) is focused on non-financial leaders: HR, information technology, marketing, sales, manufacturing. Its objectives are to improve investment literacy, understanding the impact of strategic decisions on shareholder value, and the material consequences of business decisions.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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