
Study business in USA - 83 institutions

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Education information

It is possible for students from abroad to get a promising and prestigious business education in the United States in more than 1000 educational institutions:

  • Colleges
  • Institutes
  • Universities
  • Business schools (independent and university-based).

Among the best ranking universities with a focus on popular business education in the United States for foreign students are institutions that are in the TOP-10 according to the U.S. News Education ranking in the country:

  • Universities: Harvard, Yale, Columbia, etc.
  • Institutes: California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

A large selection of programs focused on advanced high-quality business education in the United States allows all applicants, including foreigners, to choose the right course at the bachelor's, master's and MBA levels. Diplomas of graduates of American universities help to easily build a successful career, working in large companies around the world.

U.S. Business Studies at Prestigious Universities for International Students

There are more than 10 areas representing elite business education in the United States for students from abroad, among the best and most popular courses:

  • International business
  • Marketing and finance
  • Economics, accounting
  • Management in the arts and entertainment
  • Business administration
  • Information business, etc.

To receive prestigious business education in the USA, foreign applicants must undergo 4-year studying - successful graduates receive a BS (Bachelor of Sciences) or BA (Bachelor of Arts) diploma. For admission, you must provide an IELTS language certificate of 5.5, a certificate of graduation from A-level / IB / High School (which makes it possible to immediately enter the first year of university) or a certificate of secondary school education, which allows to enter the Foundation course - preparatory course for 9 months - 1year. Many universities require GPA testing (determining the level of logical and analytical thinking). The cost of 1 year of study is from 17000USD, some universities offer discounts and scholarships for international students.

In addition to the above universities with a focus on the best business education in America in the areas of economics, commerce and entrepreneurship, other educational institutions from the TOP-100 ranking of the best business programs of US News & World Report offer high-quality preparation in academic and innovative programs:

Higher education institution

Business Line Programs

Auburn University

Aviation Management

Business analytics

Supply chain management

Florida International University

Real Estate Business Administration

Accounting and Finance

Louisiana State University

HR & Leadership Development

Professional sales

University of Central Florida

Restaurant Management

Integrated business

University of Dayton

International Business MNGMT

Business Administration & Cyber Security

The University of Illinois at Chicago

Family Business

Information & Decision Sciences.

Best Business Education in America with Graduate Programs for International Students

Students with undergraduate degrees from abroad in the direction of “Prestigious Business Education in the USA” who wish to continue their studies with a focus on scientific activity, or those who plan to work in their specialty, but do not yet have practical experience, can enter Magistracy. It is important not to miss the moment of submitting applications - it is better to start the procedure in April-May (taking into account the beginning of the school year in September). If this period coincides with the student’s education in the last year of undergraduate studies, then the certificate that you need to take at the dean’s office will confirm. Among the mandatory requirements for admission to magistracy:

The term of study at universities for programs with a focus on business education in America is 1-2 years, the cost of training is 33.000-56.000USD. Some graduate programs implemented by universities in areas representing the best business education in the United States:

  • Master of Science in Informational Systems
  • Master of International Business
  • Master of Accounting
  • Master of Science in Marketing, etc.

Elite business education in the USA with MBA programs for international TOP managers

Business education in America in TOP universities is available to all foreign students with a higher education diploma and work experience. Business schools offer a choice of full-time, part-time, part-time studying, as well as management courses:

  • Full-time MBA programs involve a tight schedule of office classes for 2 academic courses. The methodical plan includes active team practice, work in well-known companies, participation in conferences, speeches to the audience
  • Partial (part-time) studying makes it possible to combine work: the duration of the program is 3 years with 2-3 study evenings per week, including weekends. However, such a schedule does not provide a deep immersion in managerial processes during practice.
  • Management (Executive or EMBA) MBA includes participation in business courses, the study of several special disciplines. The programs are intended for top managers, business owners, entrepreneurs and executives who already have a successful career, but want documentary evidence of their level of knowledge and achievements. Course duration - 1-2 years, part-time classes.

Tuition fees for MBA programs in America is 30.000-70.000USD.

Depending on business schools offering top-level business education in America for international students, programs may vary in specialization and focus. Among the popular:

  • International MBA. A unique one-year international program for which admission is not required - a sufficiently high level of English proficiency, higher education and recommendations.
  • Corporate MBA. Various specializations, an intensive schedule for candidates with solid experience of at least 4 years. Duration of courses - from 4 to 12 months.
  • Professional MBA Weekend. Weekend courses convenient for working in America. The term of study is 12-16 months.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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