
Business courses in USA for international students

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Education information

Nowadays, the United States is famous for its impressive financial assets, successful projects and multimillion-dollar deals. In the USA a great deal of world-famous corporations and enterprises are concentrated. America is the most attractive country for ambitious students that want their dreams come true.

Actually, the common key to American dream is excellent command of general and business English. SMAPSE can give you an opportunity to learn and improve the language in one of high-quality centers in America.

SMAPSE team has created a catalogue of TOP-30 business schools in the USA. The catalogue includes the best and most prestigious educational institutions of the country. On the pages of the catalogue you will find language courses in America in national language centers as well as international schools. Both options offer a wide range of profile programs, including refresher courses, business English programs and many others.

Types of Business English courses provided by 30 best American schools and colleges

SMAPSE catalogue of 30 best American schools and universities includes the most prestigious and popular language centers and schools in America. SMAPSE can help you study Business English in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami. Also, our specialists have selected studying courses in other cities with developed professional infrastructure.

Nowadays, the best business schools in America offer language programs of different directions and duration. In SMAPSE directory you can choose the following types of courses:

  • short-term language courses;
  • long-term language courses;
  • individual language courses.

Each programme has its own advantages. Short-term courses in specialized schools allow you to quickly master necessary skills, while long-term courses imply focus on some particular aspect of the language. By taking individual courses, you will be able to work through the problems you have with professional teacher, who will create an education plan according to your level of knowledge.

There are also refresher courses that offer specialized studies in various directions. They are aimed at professionals in various fields of activities. From pedagogy and medicine to energy and engineering. All types of courses can be booked as individual, group course and by corporate authorities.

Benefits of learning English in the United States in 30 best schools and colleges in the USA

SMAPSE catalogue of TOP-30 schools and colleges will help you choose the right course and educational institution. We recommend studying Business English in America for a number of reasons.

  • Firstly, the high level and status of local language schools
  • Secondly, the branches of the world's best learning centers are located in the United States
  • Thirdly, all schools in the catalogue have an ultramodern educational base. There is the huge number of teaching resources, which makes studying language not only effective, but also comfortable
  • Fourthly, Business English courses in the United States can be combined with an academic programme and tourism

How to choose Business English programme in the USA?

In SMAPSE catalogue that provide 30 best American schools and colleges you can find an educational institution and business English course in America basing on several parameters. There are several filters on the left panel of this webpage. SMAPSE experts would like to recommend you sorting the information either by type of the courses, language school or priority cities of studying.

Do you need individual selection? You can contact SMAPSE experts by:

  • Skype
  • Online chat
  • E-mail
  • Phone

Due to the list of TOP-30 schools in the USA that offer Business English courses for foreign students, you can find the most appropriate option. SMAPSE specialists will always help you make the right choice, offer several options in accordance with your requirements, wishes and financial possibilities.

What is the difference between MBA and other business courses?

How long does it take to get an MBA in the USA?

What specializations are available within the MBA?

What are the employment prospects after completing business courses?

What career opportunities do business courses provide?

Can I get my MBA online?

What subjects of study does the standard MBA program include?

What are the pros and cons of studying business courses in the USA?

What skills and knowledge will I gain after completing business courses?

What is EMBA (Executive MBA) and for whom is it suitable?

Top 30 best language schools in USA 2024

1 Kaplan New York Empire State
2 OISE Boston
3 English Language Center (ELC) UCLA Los Angeles
4 St. Giles International New York
5 EC New York
6 Kaplan Boston Harvard Square
7 English Language Center (ELC) Boston
8 LAL NESE Boston
9 Kaplan Washington
10 OHC School Miami
11 EC Boston School
12 Rennert International New York
13 Kaplan School Miami
14 LAL Fort Lauderdale
15 EC Miami
16 OHLA Orlando Florida
17 Kaplan San Diego
18 Kaplan San Francisco Berkeley
19 OHLA Miami
20 English Language Center (ELC) Santa Barbara
21 EC Los Angeles
22 EC San Diego
23 Kings College Los Angeles
24 Sprachcaffe Miami
25 CEL Language Centre LA
26 Talk English School Boston
27 Stafford House Boston
28 LSI New York
29 The Language Academy
30 Stafford House San Diego California

Statistics of English courses in England

Programs Intensity Group Language requirements The minimum cost of the week
General English 15-20 8-10 Starter £240+
Intensive English Course 28-30 6-12 Beginner £310+
Super Intensive English Course 35-40 6-10 Beginner £350+
Exam Preparation Courses 20-25 6-12 Intermediate £355+
Business English 20-25 7-10 Intermediate £355+
Intensive Business English 25-30 7-10 Intermediate £380+
Academic English 20-25 6-12 Beginner £280+
English plus 10-15 5-10 Intermediate £355+
English for Work 25-30 10-14 Beginner £355+
Vacation English 10-15 5-10 Beginner £270+
One-to-One lessons individual 1 Starter £50+ - 1 lesson

Cost of living in United States

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 396 531
Food 260 454
Transportation 60 166
Communications and utilities 99 113
Clothing 19 71
Sports and leisure 24 91
Total 859 1,425
Accommodation in United States USD/Month.
Shared room outside of centre 400
Shared room in city centre 536
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 730
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 973

Statistics of English courses in the USA

Programs Intensity Group Language requirements Cost of the week
General English 15-20 8-10 Beginner 375 USD+
Intensive English Course 28-30 6-12 Elementary 430 USD+
Super Intensive English Course 35-40 6-10 Intermediate 475 USD+
Exam Preparation Courses 20-25 6-12 Intermediate 525 USD+
Business English 20-25 7-10 Intermediate 525 USD+
English plus hobby 10-15 5-10 Intermediate 550 USD+
Study & Live in your Teacher's Home 25-30 2-3 Beginner 1,000 USD+
Vacation English 10-15 5-10 Beginner 415 USD+
One-to-One lessons individual 1 Beginner 70 USD+ - 1 lesson
Lena Gustafsson
Tell me where to go 34 years from Kiev
SMAPSE Manager
Lena, good afternoon. Our specialist will contact you for advice.
I need a long-term business English course, in San Francisco, and better in Reno. What can you offer me and what documents should I collect?
SMAPSE consulant
Good afternoon, Tatyana! Thank you for your inquiry. We can offer you several language centers for business English. Could you contact us by email: Thank you!
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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